Very difficult to appeal. Ever tried, but failed...
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2010-02-05 08:38

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When the BTO in Qeueenstown was out, my hubby and I went to HDB to appeal. We were rejected immediately. The officer told me that we have exceeded more than S$100 per month.

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请教一下专家,享受HDB津贴的收入上限是sgd8000, dating   (313 bytes , 1518reads )
为买房子辞职? 米公公   (16 bytes , 480reads )
如果你们收入超过8千只是这两三个月的事情,可以去appeal~~ cheesycat   (90 bytes , 570reads )
1)submit resale transaction那天起的过去一年平均月薪不超过八千2) 丰衣足食   (182 bytes , 560reads )
submit resale transaction 是指hdb 收到申请,如果是网申,就是网申的当天 丰衣足食   (0 bytes , 275reads )
多谢多谢. dating   (0 bytes , 291reads )
非常感谢帮忙.收入超过8000有一段时间了. dating   (154 bytes , 425reads )
Very difficult to appeal. Ever tried, but failed... gbs_lv   (173 bytes , 385reads )
在问一下,有谁有跟政府申请BALANCED UNIT 的经验, dating   (94 bytes , 405reads )