所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2010-01-03 21:43

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Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.
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在chevolate cruze和Kia Forte之间纠结 clark   (123 bytes , 1655reads )
订了银色cruze 1.6A clark   (0 bytes , 372reads )
我也看中cruze了, LZ想买的话,就一起吧,或许能搞个团购的价格。 mitr_sg   (0 bytes , 415reads )
ho, 两辆车就可以团购? clark   (0 bytes , 308reads )
可以一起去看,然后唱黑白脸 flybird111   (0 bytes , 270reads )
Forte 长沙人   (98 bytes , 442reads )
不知道cruze是不是韩国大宇的技术,好像是在上海生产的 Volkswagen   (56 bytes , 394reads )
通用的小车现在大部分是opel的技术 zhaoyu45   (115 bytes , 456reads )
推cruze,韩国车还是算了吧 On   (0 bytes , 317reads )
Forte hanami   (29 bytes , 372reads )
这个好像说反了 clark   (21 bytes , 363reads )
我收回,还是cruze,之前我看成aveo了 hanami   (0 bytes , 267reads )
2者重量差不多吧,都比Altis重100kg hanami   (58 bytes , 344reads )
cruze吧 astro   (66 bytes , 391reads )
cruze吧 zhaoyu45   (18 bytes , 357reads )
北纬是不是倒了? 夏日麼麼Tea   (14 bytes , 318reads )
机房停电。。。 zhaoyu45   (0 bytes , 306reads )
cruze, 安全第一 大禹无奈   (0 bytes , 287reads )
Prefer conti cars. fyer   (53 bytes , 377reads )