申请resale HDB first appointment, 发觉屋主妻子已经去世,怎么办?
所在版块:房产车市 发贴时间:2009-07-17 17:20

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My agent has submitted application for first appointment of Resale HDB.

I found out that only one person is on the seller's name list.
Agent said that owner's wife was deceased, but he was not willing to mention it for some reason previously.

On the OTP form, his wife's name is on the Seller's name. But when signing OTP, the seller
said his wife will sign a few days later when she was back to Singapore.
Another thing is that when signing OTP, we passed the owner a check for OTP fee plus deposit together, which is $5000.

As we feel we are treated and also not comfortable,
we wrote an email to ask HDB to invalidate this application and request the deposit returned to us.

Besides this, is there anything we can do? Need your inputs urgently.

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