所在版块:食全食美 发贴时间:2016-01-20 19:31

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Vegetables (3 in rotation)
Punjabi Dal tadka
Pigeon lentil cooked with onion, tomato and tempere
d with dry red chili and asafetida
Bagara Baingan
Eggplant with mustard seed, fresh curry leaves
Kumbh Methi Mutter
Button mushroom, green pea and fenugreek leaves tos
sed with onion tomato gravy
Paneer labbadar
Cottage cheese and capsicum simmered in a rich toma
to, butter flavored gravy accented
with dry
Bhindi do pyazza
Ladyfinger simmered in a Mango powder cooked with o
nion chili and tomato and asafetida
Methi Pakoda Kadhi
Yogurt curry with chickpea flour dumplings

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
跟印度素食者哪里聚餐好,头疼阿 obsjane   (174 bytes , 1202reads )
一一记下,每年可以换着吃了,谢谢楼上各位! obsjane   (0 bytes , 59reads )
感脚real food也挺好吃的 COM1挣扎者   (65 bytes , 33reads )
楼主可以去这家 On   (82 bytes , 50reads )
try these XuSing   (85 bytes , 51reads )
推荐几个素食餐厅 ipopo   (91 bytes , 49reads )
可以去Royal plaza 一楼的Carousel 餐厅吃海鲜自助 格布   (50 bytes , 62reads )
印度素菜单在这里 格布   (602 bytes , 51reads )
Mutu's Curry Fantasylx   (13 bytes , 47reads )
灵芝,素食餐馆 gltdaisy   (10 bytes , 47reads )
每次聚餐都得吃印度餐 一米阳光   (12 bytes , 41reads )
我也是 zarayu   (112 bytes , 47reads )
你带ta们去吃个火锅见见天朝的美食 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 43reads )
不可能啦 一米阳光   (16 bytes , 42reads )
去乌节路的灵芝啊 EricChan   (48 bytes , 76reads )
Ananda Bhavan在慕斯他发对面 zarayu   (26 bytes , 68reads )
也是印度餐馆?还是照顾大多数人口味吃华人餐吧 obsjane   (0 bytes , 49reads )
印度餐馆。。。 zarayu   (10 bytes , 44reads )
哈哈 直接去吃印度餐就好了嘛 hudasm   (0 bytes , 41reads )
小印度一带,很多不错的 西东南北风   (0 bytes , 40reads )
可惜我们吃不了印度餐 obsjane   (0 bytes , 54reads )
自助餐万能的,别换 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 53reads )
他们去吃自助餐实在太浪费阿,只有沙拉水果可以吃 obsjane   (0 bytes , 64reads )
这你就不用操心了吧 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 45reads )
串烧工坊 圣托里尼的猫   (34 bytes , 53reads )
哦,那里有素食阿,可以打电话问问,谢谢! obsjane   (0 bytes , 59reads )
就是烤蔬菜 圣托里尼的猫   (5 bytes , 36reads )