所在版块:非常代购 发贴时间:2015-03-22 09:35

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【buda东京代购】2015年3月底人肉回坡!大感谢祭!!! Budabuda   (11405 bytes , 13811reads )
截单查款完毕,开始整理订单,稍后会公告赠品 Budabuda   (100 bytes , 120reads )
求代购 噢噢噢噢   (77 bytes , 94reads )
那我那盒妮维雅就不要了 zerokeeper   (12 bytes , 109reads )
楼主能帮忙带个kindle吗? scentcc   (42 bytes , 109reads )
楼主,我要的东西都有么 fiver   (57 bytes , 106reads )
蓝色退烧的我抢到了,转给你吧,你跟楼主说一下吧 lak47   (0 bytes , 103reads )
啊,那多谢了 fiver   (0 bytes , 92reads )
Freeplus mild soap kimgless   (38 bytes , 218reads )
有的,100g SGD 30 Budabuda   (26 bytes , 119reads )
miachung   (667 bytes , 111reads )
下单下单 圣托里尼的猫   (354 bytes , 117reads )
@Budabuda 没收到你的确认回复,再艾特一下 圣托里尼的猫   (5 bytes , 104reads )
亲,还在更新中,最后一起答复大家 Budabuda   (10 bytes , 83reads )
求更新雕像腮红 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 105reads )
========2015年3月10日上新结束,明天继续======= Budabuda   (42 bytes , 118reads )
========2015年3月9日上新到此结束,明天继续哈========= Budabuda   (32 bytes , 84reads )
=================转账区================== Budabuda   (43 bytes , 145reads )
Mm请告知何时转账及金额 @金城 Budabuda   (168 bytes , 87reads )
全款收到 @舒然99 @黄橙子 @Tiya @Sheepoo @我是猫猫 Budabuda   (12 bytes , 95reads )
全款收到 @melody21 @sunnysue @勾勾 @uiui @118425 @sue01234 @ Budabuda   (14 bytes , 96reads )
全款收到 @silvia08 @须须须芜 @lak47 @rain08 @youyou85 @lucaswei Budabuda   (14 bytes , 87reads )
全款收到 @素心 @勺子小姐 @夕微 @refreshing @d_doris @aaalei Budabuda   (16 bytes , 79reads )
已转账51新币 youyou85   (45 bytes , 112reads )
已转账 youyou85   (56 bytes , 121reads )
已转274 from posb silvia08   (109 bytes , 103reads )
已转72。谢谢 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 92reads )
已转 200, 请查收,转账时间08:39pm, 多谢团长 d_doris   (0 bytes , 97reads )
已转548到DBS 我是猫猫   (44 bytes , 117reads )
Ocbc已转63 lak47   (51 bytes , 103reads )
已转97 aaalei   (19 bytes , 119reads )
已转126 sue01234   (90 bytes , 140reads )
请在23号前转账 @Sheepoo Budabuda   (40 bytes , 126reads )
ibank 转了64 Sheepoo   (5 bytes , 127reads )
ok Sheepoo   (39 bytes , 103reads )
请在23号前转账 @勾勾 @uiui @118425 @sue01234 @舒然99 Budabuda   (68 bytes , 110reads )
已转292,ref no 1710 谢谢啦 勾勾   (8 bytes , 131reads )
已转149,请确认! uiui   (0 bytes , 107reads )
mm你账号是多少啊 勾勾   (0 bytes , 114reads )
转了 sue01234   (0 bytes , 132reads )
53刚才转的,请查收,from dbs ibanking 舒然99   (0 bytes , 93reads )
请在23号前转账 @lak47 @rain08 @youyou85 @lucaswei @melody21 @sunnysue Budabuda   (96 bytes , 109reads )
楼主,木有你的账号 melody21   (46 bytes , 120reads )
已经站短你啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 117reads )
收到啦~ melody21   (22 bytes , 112reads )
....好像是出了问题没转过去,我研究一下 lak47   (0 bytes , 106reads )
已经转了呀 lak47   (44 bytes , 108reads )
请在23号前转账 @勺子小姐 @夕微 @d_doris @aaalei @silvia08 @须须须芜 Budabuda   (98 bytes , 95reads )
已转 200, 请查收,转账时间08:39pm, 多谢团长哈~ d_doris   (0 bytes , 87reads )
已转388 夕微   (11 bytes , 123reads )
全款收到 @米妃妃 @Vergiss Budabuda   (4 bytes , 83reads )
全款收到 @amanda1991 @JUJUJU @wmtqx @flydolphin @suxiao @小细菌 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 84reads )
全款收到 @大壮壮 @圣托里尼的猫 @circlemia @fiver @zdwtt @tian47 Budabuda   (8 bytes , 89reads )
什么时候能拿货啊? 圣托里尼的猫   (5 bytes , 125reads )
刚发了散货贴,你来酒店自取吧 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 91reads )
报名tiong bahru那个可以吧? 圣托里尼的猫   (14 bytes , 132reads )
全款收到 @SigmaC @崦嵫客 @vert @kiterunner @麝微 @salomechen Budabuda   (24 bytes , 69reads )
已转$51 米妃妃   (27 bytes , 101reads )
已转327到DBS Vergiss   (33 bytes , 81reads )
已转100到dbs,请查收 salomechen   (0 bytes , 109reads )
已转127到paylah,请查收 tian47   (0 bytes , 117reads )
已转95到dbs哈 zdwtt   (10 bytes , 95reads )
Ocbc已转63 lak47   (51 bytes , 101reads )
已转全款 小细菌   (140 bytes , 110reads )
已转219 fromOCBC 加了备注 amanda1991   (163 bytes , 77reads )
已转42到DBS, REF 14311769365,谢谢! flydolphin   (0 bytes , 107reads )
已转174 JUJUJU   (201 bytes , 101reads )
全款$96已转至paylah 圣托里尼的猫   (22 bytes , 133reads )
已转 vert   (259 bytes , 117reads )
Buda请帮我算算我需要转多少 suxiao   (0 bytes , 125reads )
已转158 from DBS Reference Number#1432[…] 小霜儿   (68 bytes , 113reads )
全款收到,谢啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 93reads )
已转137到DBS Fsnowann   (0 bytes , 128reads )
全款收到啦,谢谢 Budabuda   (12 bytes , 89reads )
没关系 :) Fsnowann   (0 bytes , 129reads )
已转65到您的acc,谢谢! 头大   (0 bytes , 84reads )
全款收到啦,谢谢 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 89reads )
已转328到dbs 蚂蚁奶糖   (24 bytes , 127reads )
全款收到啦,谢谢你 Budabuda   (36 bytes , 83reads )
=================下单区================== Budabuda   (87 bytes , 147reads )
确认订单 金城   (60 bytes , 118reads )
下单,希望还来的及 我是猫猫   (622 bytes , 103reads )
Mm的一定带上 Budabuda   (36 bytes , 100reads )
对了,想问一下赠品区还有赠品吗? 我是猫猫   (19 bytes , 89reads )
=======截单啦======= Budabuda   (210 bytes , 102reads )
加单求带上 Sheepoo   (78 bytes , 158reads )
好滴记下啦 Budabuda   (28 bytes , 79reads )
加单 d_doris   (47 bytes , 118reads )
还跟的上吗? uiui   (93 bytes , 102reads )
下单 118425   (260 bytes , 108reads )
下单 d_doris   (192 bytes , 124reads )
偶滴单~又加了个腮红 amanda1991   (163 bytes , 84reads )
我的单 JUJUJU   (181 bytes , 115reads )
下单 melody21   (129 bytes , 107reads )
跟单 sue01234   (71 bytes , 97reads )
我要的都有货吗?buda有空确定哈子,就转账啦! sue01234   (5 bytes , 143reads )
跟单 舒然99   (102 bytes , 102reads )
麻烦LZ确认下 不知道能跟上不 多谢啦 舒然99   (0 bytes , 73reads )
下单 Vergiss   (634 bytes , 111reads )
订单记下 Budabuda   (74 bytes , 127reads )
Vergiss   (44 bytes , 104reads )
不好意思, est散粉换成Three #01 Vergiss   (353 bytes , 176reads )
补充下 Vergiss   (41 bytes , 164reads )
单子 米妃妃   (70 bytes , 143reads )
下单 lucaswei   (98 bytes , 129reads )
还有哪些妹纸LZ漏掉的,请自行在下单区发个总结帖 Budabuda   (26 bytes , 97reads )
迷你单主们如果没有什么其他可买的 Budabuda   (120 bytes , 89reads )
@毛毛虫小心 Budabuda   (31 bytes , 131reads )
迷你单主 @须须须芜 @Melodyleft @Vergiss @zerokeeper @Sglotus Budabuda   (202 bytes , 89reads )
价格是118但只有一件 Melodyleft   (104 bytes , 94reads )
楼主我和silvia08 拼单~ 须须须芜   (0 bytes , 90reads )
须须须芜的跟我一起结 silvia08   (0 bytes , 118reads )
迷你单主 @小细菌 @picaqiu @米妃妃 @heeeyakaru @melody21 @Stella小苏 @勾勾 Budabuda   (202 bytes , 113reads )
来迟了,好像晚了好多…… Stella小苏   (88 bytes , 123reads )
没事,以后还有机会 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 119reads )
下单 勾勾   (608 bytes , 100reads )
sorry no2 是和光堂婴儿天然桉树精油防蚊贴(60+6枚限定装)/1盒/sgd18 勾勾   (0 bytes , 86reads )
啊,我一直以为那个PC眼药水没有我的了。。。 melody21   (60 bytes , 100reads )
迷你单主 @bbaxx @_Liu94 @Sheepoo @lucaswei @sunnysue @coco158 Budabuda   (202 bytes , 99reads )
那取消掉我的单吧 _Liu94   (4 bytes , 92reads )
那我的排给楼下的mm吧 bbaxx   (32 bytes , 92reads )
一包防蚊,一个防晒 coco158   (54 bytes , 93reads )
@budabuda coco158   (22 bytes , 174reads )
对不起,没有,allie已经有人先要了 Budabuda   (6 bytes , 127reads )
我以为那个要2个的美眉只要一个,匀一个给我了,我没排到吗? coco158   (0 bytes , 93reads )
亲,除了华新,LZ还有站短微信whatsapp各位小主 Budabuda   (40 bytes , 93reads )
麻烦团长把我的订单合并在 sunnysue   (75 bytes , 80reads )
也就是最终单一定要超过50 _Liu94   (2 bytes , 100reads )
请确认订单 @suxiao Budabuda   (246 bytes , 130reads )
以转全款,252。 suxiao   (8 bytes , 111reads )
好滴,谢谢Buda suxiao   (62 bytes , 131reads )
请确认订单 @youyou85 Budabuda   (111 bytes , 78reads )
确认订单 youyou85   (51 bytes , 94reads )
请确认订单 @flydolphin Budabuda   (131 bytes , 71reads )
订单确认,等会转钱,谢谢! flydolphin   (0 bytes , 98reads )
请确认订单 @rain08 Budabuda   (118 bytes , 73reads )
全款收到 @DanlKun Budabuda   (114 bytes , 75reads )
NTU小分队 @solacui @amanda1991 @JUJUJU @wmtqx @淘气的泡泡 Budabuda   (572 bytes , 90reads )
求跟ntu小分队… 崦嵫客   (14 bytes , 97reads )
确认订单,求加入NTU小分队 小细菌   (115 bytes , 91reads )
谢谢buda,么么哒(*^3^) 淘气的泡泡   (0 bytes , 126reads )
已经转了118过去 wmtqx   (44 bytes , 100reads )
也求加入ntu小分队 小细菌   (42 bytes , 133reads )
请确认订单 @tian47 Budabuda   (119 bytes , 81reads )
团长,还能加个资生堂Dicila蒂思岚envert户外保护高倍防晒乳 吗? tian47   (0 bytes , 79reads )
请确认订单 @silvia08 Budabuda   (142 bytes , 75reads )
确认 silvia08   (30 bytes , 101reads )
请确认订单 @aaalei Budabuda   (195 bytes , 64reads )
可以私信一下账号和联系方式么 aaalei   (0 bytes , 84reads )
好的好的 aaalei   (44 bytes , 71reads )
请确认订单 @d_doris Budabuda   (153 bytes , 74reads )
请确认订单 @zdwtt Budabuda   (156 bytes , 68reads )
已转全款请查收哦 zdwtt   (46 bytes , 129reads )
确认哈 zdwtt   (76 bytes , 104reads )
请确认订单 @refreshing Budabuda   (248 bytes , 64reads )
已转全款,共243。 refreshing   (73 bytes , 112reads )
确认,还要加几样 refreshing   (33 bytes , 112reads )
请确认订单 @fiver Budabuda   (266 bytes , 66reads )
好的,多谢, fiver   (10 bytes , 117reads )
已经转全款了 fiver   (6 bytes , 101reads )
请确认订单 @circlemia Budabuda   (93 bytes , 122reads )
转了106到你DBS账户,请查收:) circlemia   (0 bytes , 110reads )
确认!回头就转账,谢啦! circlemia   (0 bytes , 74reads )
请确认订单 @圣托里尼的猫 Budabuda   (235 bytes , 71reads )
订单 @doudoucherry Budabuda   (127 bytes , 82reads )
请确认订单 @大壮壮 Budabuda   (85 bytes , 69reads )
请确认订单 @salomechen Budabuda   (236 bytes , 69reads )
确认! salomechen   (31 bytes , 125reads )
全款收到 @fannylu Budabuda   (113 bytes , 98reads )
全款收到 @WXL Budabuda   (97 bytes , 76reads )
好! WXL   (6 bytes , 87reads )
全款收到 @qwertpoi Budabuda   (182 bytes , 135reads )
全款收到 @茉香墨色 Budabuda   (102 bytes , 64reads )
全款收到 @开水白面包 Budabuda   (145 bytes , 81reads )
下单 lak47   (166 bytes , 93reads )
请确认订单并在23日前清款,谢啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 69reads )
已转全款 lak47   (29 bytes , 88reads )
订单收到,谢谢 Budabuda   (24 bytes , 75reads )
下单 miachung   (441 bytes , 128reads )
全款收到,谢谢 Budabuda   (199 bytes , 73reads )
眼镜是平光 miachung   (24 bytes , 81reads )
我的单: 勺子小姐   (155 bytes , 88reads )
请确认订单 Budabuda   (1935 bytes , 90reads )
确认订单 勺子小姐   (32 bytes , 118reads )
prefer nus取货或者clementi 勺子小姐   (5 bytes , 111reads )
总结下单 SigmaC   (259 bytes , 96reads )
谢mm总结单 Budabuda   (49 bytes , 74reads )
已转全款145POSB SigmaC   (0 bytes , 67reads )
NTU分货 崦嵫客   (76 bytes , 119reads )
订单收到 Budabuda   (50 bytes , 93reads )
已转129from ATM 崦嵫客   (9 bytes , 122reads )
总价129 崦嵫客   (47 bytes , 134reads )
下单 flydolphin   (127 bytes , 85reads )
下单 vert   (286 bytes , 93reads )
确认订单 Budabuda   (38 bytes , 78reads )
我的单 头大   (178 bytes , 99reads )
下单,谢谢! 麝微   (159 bytes , 97reads )
请确认订单 Budabuda   (44 bytes , 93reads )
确认以上订单+补单+已转账+参加NTU分赃,谢谢! 麝微   (260 bytes , 123reads )
下单 salomechen   (209 bytes , 121reads )
我的单~ eyes   (231 bytes , 85reads )
请确认订单 Budabuda   (1762 bytes , 78reads )
mm 我转全额104了。 eyes   (58 bytes , 94reads )
104收到 Budabuda   (60 bytes , 87reads )
确认。 eyes   (42 bytes , 87reads )
下单哈 已在微信下单 Fsnowann   (274 bytes , 92reads )
update一下 加个东西 Fsnowann   (258 bytes , 97reads )
我的单 蚂蚁奶糖   (216 bytes , 127reads )
跟单---------24K 美容棒 一支。总价 136对吧。[…] 小霜儿   (12 bytes , 96reads )
加多一瓶Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生控油毛孔收敛化妆水 所以是136+[…] 小霜儿   (53 bytes , 112reads )
跟单 金城   (29 bytes , 94reads )
更新 金城   (65 bytes , 122reads )
跟单 南瓜同学   (108 bytes , 122reads )
啊啊山田制药水木有啦 Budabuda   (10 bytes , 104reads )
我刚准备转,那我全部不要啦 南瓜同学   (106 bytes , 115reads )
OK,以为你不要啦,平常你抢的最快啊 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 86reads )
我不会跑单的啦 南瓜同学   (104 bytes , 161reads )
跟单 夕微   (89 bytes , 158reads )
订单收到,请在21日前确认 Budabuda   (34 bytes , 74reads )
记下啦,谢谢 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 115reads )
=================赠品区================== Budabuda   (102 bytes , 97reads )
城野医生VC100零毛孔透肌美白水纸膜 Budabuda   (259 bytes , 120reads )
=================新品区================== Budabuda   (32 bytes , 120reads )
APAGARD 特效微粒子除烟渍除牙垢美白牙膏 @refreshing Budabuda   (2662 bytes , 124reads )
TO BE WHITE美白去渍牙膏 @refreshing Budabuda   (2008 bytes , 107reads )
要一个红色的 refreshing   (0 bytes , 126reads )
Sunstar G.U.M. 全效牙膏 @refreshing Budabuda   (5586 bytes , 112reads )
要一个 refreshing   (4 bytes , 86reads )
Smile Cosmetique美白祛牙垢敏感牙膏 @refreshing Budabuda   (314 bytes , 96reads )
一个蓝色的 refreshing   (0 bytes , 99reads )
TAKAMI 软化角质美容液 Budabuda   (1339 bytes , 130reads )
CHICCA 新水润唇膏 @lucaswei Budabuda   (3796 bytes , 236reads )
资生堂Dicila蒂思岚SP系列日用乳液 Budabuda   (2018 bytes , 115reads )
资生堂Dicila蒂思岚SP系列夜用乳液 Budabuda   (1878 bytes , 121reads )
资生堂Dicila蒂思岚SP系列高保湿化妆水 Budabuda   (1747 bytes , 126reads )
资生堂Dicila蒂思岚perladia 双效干湿两用粉饼 @素心 Budabuda   (8149 bytes , 131reads )
Shiseido资生堂Dicila蒂思岚perladia 双效粉底液 @素心 Budabuda   (8403 bytes , 253reads )
资生堂Dicila蒂思岚envert高倍防晒美容液 @无尾熊太太 Budabuda   (920 bytes , 280reads )
资生堂Dicila蒂思岚envert户外保护高倍防晒乳 @无尾熊太太 Budabuda   (1169 bytes , 168reads )
Elegance雅莉格丝唇蜜 @素心 Budabuda   (600 bytes , 73reads )
Suqqu 粉扑 Budabuda   (626 bytes , 103reads )
求问cpb粉扑价格 1234shu   (5 bytes , 150reads )
Chicca Blissful Night and Day Lotion Budabuda   (342 bytes , 113reads )
Suqqu Moisture Lotion @素心 Budabuda   (332 bytes , 104reads )
IPSA PREMIER LINE Serum @素心 Budabuda   (580 bytes , 73reads )
IPSA Clean Up Lotion @素心 Budabuda   (617 bytes , 141reads )
Fasio UV Gel @Fsnowann Budabuda   (468 bytes , 114reads )
Fasio UV Milk @Fsnowann Budabuda   (514 bytes , 106reads )
=================限定区================= Budabuda   (32 bytes , 192reads )
【日航机上限定】MiMC天然矿物质彩妆100%矿物保湿遮瑕防晒粉底(孕妇可用) Budabuda   (1491 bytes , 158reads )
【日航机上限定】JILL STUART 花舞恋拇指公主魔镜唇膏 Budabuda   (1346 bytes , 1215reads )
【日航机上限定】JILL STUART甜心爱恋梦幻四色腮红日航限定色107 Budabuda   (1332 bytes , 176reads )
要一个这个 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 101reads )
要1个 sue01234   (5 bytes , 90reads )
要一个 fiver   (0 bytes , 115reads )
【补充】JILL STUART甜心爱恋梦幻四色腮红限额10套 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 114reads )
花王est媛色碳酸泡美白美容液 Budabuda   (707 bytes , 257reads )
【东京机场限定】花王est媛色美白保湿夜用乳液 Budabuda   (1617 bytes , 135reads )
【东京机场限定】花王est媛色美白保湿化妆水 Budabuda   (1494 bytes , 95reads )
【东京机场限定】花王est媛色速攻浸透弹力紧致美容液 Budabuda   (1207 bytes , 132reads )
【东京机场限定】花王est媛色美白防晒液 @无尾熊太太 Budabuda   (1605 bytes , 128reads )
【东京机场限定】花王est 媛色 2014年秋冬新款保湿美容液粉底霜 @素心 Budabuda   (3445 bytes , 151reads )
【东京机场限定】花王est媛色蜜粉 @素心 Budabuda   (1443 bytes , 182reads )
【东京机场限定】花王est媛色三层元气腮红 @素心 Budabuda   (1324 bytes , 135reads )
【东京机场限定】Est碳酸泡沫洁面 @circlemia @素心 Budabuda   (1543 bytes , 148reads )
花王est媛色碳酸泡沫洁面。额。满。啦! Budabuda   (66 bytes , 109reads )
要一个 refreshing   (30 bytes , 105reads )
艾玛,mm多保重,健康第一! Budabuda   (48 bytes , 98reads )
占一个位置 WXL   (14 bytes , 118reads )
谢谢!确定要这个:) circlemia   (0 bytes , 110reads )
这个要一个 fiver   (0 bytes , 109reads )
要一个哈 zdwtt   (38 bytes , 117reads )
【东京机场限定】Three Protecting Primer Budabuda   (465 bytes , 91reads )
是否另外charge代购费 猫咪妈咪   (90 bytes , 217reads )
代购价格即所有费用 Budabuda   (147 bytes , 101reads )
【东京机场限定】Three Scalp & Hair Balancing Conditioner Budabuda   (466 bytes , 94reads )
再来一瓶conditioner vert   (15 bytes , 114reads )
【东京机场限定】Three Scalp & Hair Balancing Shampoo Budabuda   (467 bytes , 111reads )
要一瓶 vert   (5 bytes , 106reads )
【东京机场限定】Three Scalp & Hair Conditioner AC Budabuda   (466 bytes , 97reads )
【东京机场限定】Three Scalp & Hair Shampoo AC @素心 Budabuda   (517 bytes , 85reads )
【东京机场限定】Three Concentrate Cream Budabuda   (466 bytes , 82reads )
【东京机场限定】Three Concentrate Emulsion Budabuda   (459 bytes , 91reads )
【东京机场限定】Three Concentrate Lotion Budabuda   (467 bytes , 80reads )
【东京机场限定】Three Balancing Cream Budabuda   (459 bytes , 83reads )
【东京机场限定】Three Balancing Emulsion Budabuda   (459 bytes , 94reads )
【东京机场限定】Three Balancing Lotion @refreshing Budabuda   (536 bytes , 129reads )
【东京机场限定】CPB肌肤之钥保湿露爽肤水 Budabuda   (1527 bytes , 114reads )
【东京机场限定】Shiseido资生堂新透白美肌集中祛斑焕颜美容液 Budabuda   (2554 bytes , 101reads )
【东京机场限定】CPB肌肤之钥焕活细胞肌底液精华液/细胞青春精质激活美容液 Budabuda   (1243 bytes , 98reads )
【东京机场限定】cpb 肌肤之钥星钻漾采四色眼影 @舒然99 Budabuda   (9363 bytes , 255reads )
【东京机场限定】Shiseido资生堂Ultimune红妍肌活露肌底精华液 Budabuda   (2214 bytes , 315reads )
【东京机场限定】Laduree拉杜丽浮雕肖像腮红 Budabuda   (2197 bytes , 657reads )
浮雕2号色也来一个 崦嵫客   (6 bytes , 138reads )
排一个浮雕腮红2号色,加盒子 d_doris   (0 bytes , 118reads )
【东京机场限定】Laduree 拉杜丽花瓣修容腮红 Budabuda   (2849 bytes , 109reads )
【东京机场限定】Laduree 拉杜丽2015年春季限定三色眼影 Budabuda   (1519 bytes , 134reads )
【东京机场限定】Laduree 拉杜丽2015年春季新品粉末腮红 Budabuda   (2986 bytes , 135reads )
2号色一个 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 159reads )
【东京机场限定】Laduree 拉杜丽2015年春季限定保湿唇膏 Budabuda   (2031 bytes , 85reads )
【东京机场限定】Laduree拉杜丽2015年限定迷你幸运玫瑰花瓣腮红 Budabuda   (2631 bytes , 206reads )
【东京机场限定】CPB肌肤之钥泡沫洗面奶 Budabuda   (364 bytes , 128reads )
【东京机场限定】Cpb 肌肤之钥细管唇膏 Budabuda   (2717 bytes , 146reads )
【东京机场限定】cpb 肌肤之钥唇膏 Budabuda   (3814 bytes , 118reads )
【东京机场直邮】CPB肌肤之钥水磨紧肤精华液 Budabuda   (5921 bytes , 147reads )
【东京机场限定】 cpb肌肤之钥修容高光粉 Budabuda   (2641 bytes , 178reads )
【东京机场限定】Primavista Long Keep Base防晒控油妆前乳 Budabuda   (1460 bytes , 138reads )
跟一个这个 salomechen   (5 bytes , 122reads )
【东京机场限定】Sofina美白淡斑精华美白棒 Budabuda   (512 bytes , 101reads )
【东京机场限定】Sofina Jenne Day Protector(白蕾丝) Budabuda   (640 bytes , 158reads )
【东京机场限定】Sofina UV乳液(小蓝花) Budabuda   (637 bytes , 153reads )
排! miachung   (28 bytes , 99reads )
想定一个清爽型的 d_doris   (0 bytes , 95reads )
【东京机场限定】Sofina朝的美白乳液 Budabuda   (1344 bytes , 216reads )
【东京机场限定】RMK防晒妆前修饰乳 Budabuda   (3020 bytes , 127reads )
【东京机场限定】RMK 绢丝隔离霜 Budabuda   (1343 bytes , 152reads )
【东京机场限定】RMK 玫瑰卸妆膏 Budabuda   (1881 bytes , 134reads )
可以问下这个打开后能放多久吗 melody21   (20 bytes , 114reads )
要一个RMK卸妆 Fsnowann   (37 bytes , 143reads )
好滴 Budabuda   (30 bytes , 118reads )
【东京机场限定】Three 遮瑕膏 Budabuda   (609 bytes , 107reads )
840刀!吓尿哈哈哈 崦嵫客   (0 bytes , 125reads )
哈哈别 Budabuda   (10 bytes , 113reads )
【东京机场限定】THREE自然有机植物单色腮红 Budabuda   (2321 bytes , 104reads )
【东京机场限定】THREE有机自然植物妆前乳隔离霜 Budabuda   (1611 bytes , 114reads )
【东京机场限定】 THREE 透明散粉蜜粉 Budabuda   (1863 bytes , 128reads )
【东京机场限定】 THREE 自然纯植物分时段粉饼 Budabuda   (2428 bytes , 110reads )
跟一个这个 101号色 夕微   (0 bytes , 128reads )
【东京机场限定】 THREE有机纯植物素肌陶瓷粉底液 Budabuda   (2425 bytes , 104reads )
【东京机场限定】THREE纯植物保湿舒缓平衡洁面乳 Budabuda   (1388 bytes , 149reads )
也收一个~ SigmaC   (0 bytes , 89reads )
要一个 refreshing   (8 bytes , 111reads )
收到记下 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 114reads )
【东京机场限定】THREE 舒缓平衡卸妆洁面护肤三件套 Budabuda   (4210 bytes , 149reads )
跟一个 谢谢 夕微   (0 bytes , 257reads )
来一套 蚂蚁奶糖   (18 bytes , 120reads )
好滴,这套超值,小三面膜很贵的说 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 88reads )
Chacott芭蕾舞台用完妝蜜粉(Nutcracker 限定版) Budabuda   (1672 bytes , 97reads )
美人ぬか纯米角质柔软水限定装 Budabuda   (1777 bytes , 120reads )
这个mm已经买到了吗 _Liu94   (2 bytes , 111reads )
嗯哪,这个买到了,最后三套,有你的一个 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 70reads )
店里扫货最后三套 @eyes @_Liu94 Budabuda   (40 bytes , 112reads )
太赞了! eyes   (8 bytes , 113reads )
这个,这个!还有吗? eyes   (8 bytes , 91reads )
_Liu94   (2 bytes , 97reads )
bbaxx   (0 bytes , 100reads )
OK订给你了 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 85reads )
=================特价区================ Budabuda   (18 bytes , 76reads )
Dr. Ci:Labo城野医生控油毛孔收敛化妆水 Budabuda   (2706 bytes , 240reads )
要一个,还有吗? sue01234   (5 bytes , 104reads )
要一个这个 lak47   (44 bytes , 108reads )
要一瓶这个。。谢谢了哦 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 95reads )
要一瓶~ Sheepoo   (0 bytes , 91reads )
这个要一瓶。。。。 小霜儿   (0 bytes , 83reads )
Natural Healthy Standard有机青汁酵素代餐 Budabuda   (2799 bytes , 163reads )
要一袋芒果口味的~ salomechen   (8 bytes , 160reads )
跟1袋芒果口味的 麝微   (10 bytes , 76reads )
要一袋芒果的吧 silvia08   (4 bytes , 104reads )
跟一包樱桃 aaalei   (0 bytes , 121reads )
酵素代餐还剩5袋 Budabuda   (64 bytes , 97reads )
Fancl 芳珂净化修护卸妆液(35周年定版,孕妇可用) Budabuda   (2221 bytes , 142reads )
跟一瓶~ salomechen   (5 bytes , 97reads )
排两个,常态版也行。 jiatong32   (0 bytes , 86reads )
取消跟单:) jiatong32   (0 bytes , 115reads )
有的话排2瓶,非周年版也可以 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 91reads )
八瓶订出 @tian47 @蚂蚁奶糖 @amanda1991 @fannylu @solacui Budabuda   (94 bytes , 94reads )
跟两瓶。。。 tian47   (0 bytes , 101reads )
跟两瓶 蚂蚁奶糖   (10 bytes , 88reads )
我也要一瓶 amanda1991   (22 bytes , 91reads )
再要两个这个吧。。。 fannylu   (0 bytes , 124reads )
哈哈记下,我看你直接给我坡币吧 Budabuda   (26 bytes , 70reads )
要一个接替我的ansage~ solacui   (12 bytes , 80reads )
哈哈被小催给催出来的啊 Budabuda   (36 bytes , 80reads )
啦啦啦啦啦啦… solacui   (14 bytes , 77reads )
Bifesta EYE Makeup Remover 曼丹眼唇卸妆液(无防腐剂) Budabuda   (996 bytes , 212reads )
要一个 silvia08   (0 bytes , 121reads )
不好意思这个取消 silvia08   (20 bytes , 93reads )
订出两个 @sunnysue @amanda1991 Budabuda   (30 bytes , 112reads )
要一个 amanda1991   (0 bytes , 84reads )
嗯哪,抢完最后要自己总结下哈 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 72reads )
哈哈哈看出来了 amanda1991   (25 bytes , 84reads )
要一个~ sunnysue   (2 bytes , 85reads )
好滴,最后自己做总结哦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 89reads )
嘉娜宝ALLIE 轻盈保湿防晒霜UV MOISTURE GEL Budabuda   (1288 bytes , 145reads )
要一个 coco158   (6 bytes , 90reads )
分一个给你好了 我就要一个好了~ fannylu   (0 bytes , 121reads )
好的,先谢谢啦 coco158   (0 bytes , 121reads )
allie两支已经被fanny订了 Budabuda   (6 bytes , 93reads )
我要一个好了 另外一个分给那个妹子吧~ fannylu   (0 bytes , 142reads )
再要两个这个好了 fannylu   (24 bytes , 132reads )
碧柔水活防晒保湿凝蜜 Budabuda   (2259 bytes , 131reads )
看到有妹子两个常态的不要了,我收啦 lak47   (0 bytes , 93reads )
排一个 zdwtt   (0 bytes , 83reads )
两个 bbaxx   (0 bytes , 82reads )
这个让给你两个~ fannylu   (0 bytes , 149reads )
好的 谢谢mm bbaxx   (0 bytes , 109reads )
要三个常态的吧。。。 fannylu   (18 bytes , 117reads )
碧柔常态三个都是你的啦 Budabuda   (10 bytes , 86reads )
既然不能给rmb的话不要意思我就要一个好了 另外两个给别的妹子吧 fannylu   (24 bytes , 190reads )
收清凉的 lak47   (0 bytes , 82reads )
好滴,清凉的订给你啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 82reads )
Chacott 芭蕾舞台用轻柔小蜜粉扑(马卡龙限定款) Budabuda   (1131 bytes , 102reads )
城野医生VC100零毛孔透肌美白水(28毫升中样) Budabuda   (2981 bytes , 141reads )
也要这个 refreshing   (0 bytes , 93reads )
记下啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 71reads )
豆腐の盛田屋豆乳面膜 Budabuda   (2572 bytes , 117reads )
pai miachung   (17 bytes , 118reads )
跟一罐 aaalei   (0 bytes , 91reads )
订一罐 @茉香墨色 Budabuda   (10 bytes , 73reads )
Minon 氨基酸高保湿面膜 @大壮壮 Budabuda   (1424 bytes , 124reads )
默默的问,还有吗? rain08   (0 bytes , 108reads )
订出九盒,最后两盒 @refreshing @大壮壮 @蚂蚁奶糖 @DanlKun @小细菌 Budabuda   (109 bytes , 96reads )
还有的话,收最后一盒 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 108reads )
收一盒 picaqiu   (5 bytes , 100reads )
排一盒 小细菌   (8 bytes , 141reads )
这个要一盒 DanlKun   (1 bytes , 114reads )
要两盒 蚂蚁奶糖   (12 bytes , 87reads )
只剩两盒了 @大壮壮 Budabuda   (26 bytes , 73reads )
收俩盒 refreshing   (0 bytes , 91reads )
Santen 参天PC眼药水 @大壮壮 Budabuda   (1211 bytes , 199reads )
想要两个。。 Ceceliaah   (10 bytes , 110reads )
排一个 aaalei   (0 bytes , 89reads )
发现没回到这个贴楼主就把我略过了。。。。 melody21   (20 bytes , 81reads )
要两只~~~ SigmaC   (0 bytes , 116reads )
这个还有的话来一只 Stella小苏   (32 bytes , 108reads )
参天PC眼药水 @lak47 @amanda1991 @大壮壮 @米妃妃 @DanlKun @蚂蚁奶糖 @flydolphin Budabuda   (166 bytes , 115reads )
要两个 suxiao   (28 bytes , 115reads )
OK Budabuda   (5 bytes , 101reads )
参天PC眼药水订到了 @youyou85 @heeeykaru @头大 Budabuda   (10 bytes , 100reads )
收一个 头大   (0 bytes , 100reads )
能收到就收一支! heeeykaru   (10 bytes , 97reads )
排一只 youyou85   (0 bytes , 112reads )
想要四个这个,不知道还有不? flydolphin   (0 bytes , 78reads )
要两个 蚂蚁奶糖   (24 bytes , 102reads )
这个要两个 DanlKun   (1 bytes , 101reads )
收一支 米妃妃   (0 bytes , 131reads )
PC眼药水给几位排上 @Danlkun @大壮壮 Budabuda   (42 bytes , 60reads )
如果有货我也要一只,先排着 melody21   (0 bytes , 82reads )
爱你哟!! 大壮壮   (84 bytes , 82reads )
我要剩下的 amanda1991   (0 bytes , 100reads )
数了下 amanda1991   (26 bytes , 90reads )
你两个有的 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 79reads )
收五个 lak47   (0 bytes , 97reads )
订给你五个 Budabuda   (30 bytes , 89reads )
等更新完一起总结啦 lak47   (66 bytes , 81reads )
参天Beautéye 玫瑰眼药水 Budabuda   (1192 bytes , 199reads )
再要这个两瓶 米妃妃   (21 bytes , 93reads )
跟一个 aaalei   (0 bytes , 115reads )
排一个 勾勾   (0 bytes , 96reads )
有的话要两个 JUJUJU   (12 bytes , 111reads )
这个还有么~ Stella小苏   (24 bytes , 124reads )
参天玫瑰眼药水订出六只 @头大 @youyou85 @小细菌 @圣托里尼的猫 @tian47 @蚂蚁奶糖 Budabuda   (30 bytes , 97reads )
谢谢buda,再跟一个kate骨干和一个fancl洗面粉I号 圣托里尼的猫   (62 bytes , 91reads )
嘿嘿 youyou85   (38 bytes , 123reads )
啊啊,点数点错啦 Budabuda   (20 bytes , 154reads )
我要4支 suxiao   (0 bytes , 105reads )
好滴记下啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 252reads )
要一个 头大   (0 bytes , 102reads )
还有不 youyou85   (8 bytes , 103reads )
跟一个 小细菌   (36 bytes , 120reads )
收一个这个 圣托里尼的猫   (44 bytes , 106reads )
跟一瓶。。。 tian47   (0 bytes , 90reads )
跟一瓶 蚂蚁奶糖   (10 bytes , 88reads )
城野医生VC100零毛孔透肌美白水 Budabuda   (5625 bytes , 159reads )
我要一瓶。谢谢 rain08   (0 bytes , 100reads )
还剩两瓶 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 102reads )
Albion奥尔滨健康水330毫升大瓶(只限10瓶) Budabuda   (1486 bytes , 194reads )
@Melodyleft @wmtqx @淘气的泡泡 @amanda1991 @ Vergiss Budabuda   (39 bytes , 74reads )
哦耶有我的 amanda1991   (0 bytes , 108reads )
太好惹~终于没迟到,buda辛苦啦 淘气的泡泡   (0 bytes , 112reads )
十瓶都订出了,满额,排队一位 @素心 @solacui @JUJUJU @silvia08 @须须须芜 @DanlKun Budabuda   (16 bytes , 90reads )
哦耶! JUJUJU   (10 bytes , 97reads )
排队一瓶 Vergiss   (27 bytes , 94reads )
我也要一瓶吧 amanda1991   (12 bytes , 87reads )
哎呀呀,来晚了~要一瓶。Buda辛苦啦~ 淘气的泡泡   (0 bytes , 98reads )
我想一瓶这个~ wmtqx   (16 bytes , 73reads )
这个还有吗 Melodyleft   (25 bytes , 87reads )
这个要一个 DanlKun   (1 bytes , 92reads )
我也想要一个...不过也不是熟客 须须须芜   (0 bytes , 88reads )
来来来 Budabuda   (32 bytes , 103reads )
一个介个 silvia08   (34 bytes , 88reads )
哈哈一回生二回熟 Budabuda   (10 bytes , 90reads )
收一瓶 JUJUJU   (56 bytes , 96reads )
好滴,不要先转订金,截单日转全款哈 Budabuda   (29 bytes , 103reads )
好的 JUJUJU   (6 bytes , 86reads )
我也要一个~ solacui   (34 bytes , 87reads )
带这个完全是赞妹纸人品哦 Budabuda   (26 bytes , 75reads )
捂脸…么么嗒~ solacui   (12 bytes , 93reads )
偶要一个,嘻嘻 素心   (0 bytes , 91reads )
VIP绝对优先权啊 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 87reads )
妮维雅润肤霜169克大盒限定版 Budabuda   (2073 bytes , 169reads )
排这个 JUJUJU   (26 bytes , 109reads )
我要这个两盒。 eyes   (10 bytes , 69reads )
妮维雅润肤霜限定版全部订出 @zdwtt @zerokeeper @refreshing @素心 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 64reads )
也要一盒这个好了,如果 素心   (56 bytes , 71reads )
要一盒 refreshing   (0 bytes , 90reads )
要一盒 zerokeeper   (0 bytes , 87reads )
好滴记下啦 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 89reads )
要两盒 zdwtt   (12 bytes , 117reads )
OK Budabuda   (62 bytes , 89reads )
ansage山田制药毛孔护理洁面乳 Budabuda   (1471 bytes , 119reads )
嘻嘻,南瓜mm不要了正好我要:) 素心   (0 bytes , 90reads )
ansage山田制药毛孔护理化妆水 Budabuda   (1601 bytes , 104reads )
两瓶都订出啦 @茉香墨色 @蚂蚁奶糖 Budabuda   (10 bytes , 99reads )
要一瓶 蚂蚁奶糖   (10 bytes , 94reads )
樓主,來瓶這個化妝水和豆乳面膜,再加個大件:810美容儀基本款 茉香墨色   (0 bytes , 94reads )
ansage化妆水订给mm一瓶,还剩下一瓶 Budabuda   (38 bytes , 78reads )
和光堂婴儿天然桉树精油防蚊贴(60+6枚限定装) Budabuda   (1537 bytes , 136reads )
要2盒 fiver   (0 bytes , 128reads )
如果还有的话,要两盒! Sglotus   (0 bytes , 97reads )
还有货,各位订上的 @头大 @flydolphin @蚂蚁奶糖 @coco158 @suxiao @lucaswei Budabuda   (68 bytes , 99reads )
要一盒 头大   (0 bytes , 105reads )
我想要一袋,排队,谢谢! flydolphin   (0 bytes , 68reads )
两袋 蚂蚁奶糖   (24 bytes , 92reads )
我要一包 coco158   (6 bytes , 97reads )
给妹纸排上 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 86reads )
这个我要6个。 suxiao   (0 bytes , 95reads )
你订上四袋了,我再去看看店里还有没有 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 64reads )
好咧 suxiao   (0 bytes , 88reads )
我要2包。。跟我自己的单寄回来吧。谢谢 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 99reads )
嗯哪,那个已经下单啦 Budabuda   (26 bytes , 83reads )
小林制药小儿退热贴(12+4增量版) Budabuda   (2528 bytes , 145reads )
要蓝色的一盒 fiver   (0 bytes , 106reads )
要1个蓝色的退烧贴 麝微   (16 bytes , 123reads )
要两盒 vert   (15 bytes , 79reads )
粉色 vert   (9 bytes , 103reads )
订粉色一盒蓝色一盒 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 103reads )
还能跟吗 头大   (17 bytes , 112reads )
晕,如果有的话各要4盒吧 头大   (0 bytes , 110reads )
粉丝四盒 蚂蚁奶糖   (24 bytes , 89reads )
好滴 @头大 Budabuda   (30 bytes , 106reads )
晕,那收2盒粉的先吧 头大   (16 bytes , 115reads )
蓝色一盒,粉色4盒 suxiao   (0 bytes , 108reads )
四盒粉的你排上了,蓝色的我再去看看 Budabuda   (16 bytes , 68reads )
蓝色一个 lak47   (0 bytes , 92reads )
蓝色一盒订给你 Budabuda   (5 bytes , 93reads )
看到啦 lak47   (10 bytes , 90reads )
粉色两盒 zdwtt   (4 bytes , 89reads )
粉色两盒订给你 Budabuda   (4 bytes , 85reads )
之前定了一个粉色,加一个,所以一共两盒:) 素心   (0 bytes , 78reads )
好滴好滴 Budabuda   (6 bytes , 93reads )
=================唠嗑区================ Budabuda   (176 bytes , 101reads )
求问可以另外预定“日本Elence 2001 twin scalp shampoo“洗发水吗? qqmeng719   (178 bytes , 153reads )
可以带calbee麦片和utena面膜吗 _Liu94   (2 bytes , 113reads )
沙发... 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 84reads )
修养了几日,可以刷华新啦 Budabuda   (106 bytes , 76reads )
想问有chicca唇膏吗?多少钱。 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 104reads )
请问管装的妮维雅霜可以代吗? 舒然99   (23 bytes , 80reads )
我也来询问一下机场Three AC的洗发护法是个啥价格:) 素心   (0 bytes , 100reads )
亲 询价~ 兔子在坡上   (27 bytes , 133reads )
buda我也来寻个价嘻嘻 舒然99   (67 bytes , 114reads )
=======紧急通知,今天(3月11日)暂停上新======== Budabuda   (36 bytes , 81reads )
团长辛苦 好好休息啊! heeeykaru   (0 bytes , 96reads )
保重啊! JUJUJU   (8 bytes , 117reads )
身体要紧 amanda1991   (17 bytes , 104reads )
好好休息啊亲~ solacui   (19 bytes , 90reads )
辛苦了,好好休息啊!~ 素心   (0 bytes , 82reads )
lz 好好休息! eyes   (12 bytes , 105reads )
Buda妹子,我e大饼套装香水顺便带回来吧?谢谢 bonbons   (0 bytes , 131reads )
请问楼主可以代购资生堂pk107么 sara513   (0 bytes , 172reads )
什么是PK107? Budabuda   (4 bytes , 114reads )
有吗?想跟一个。 sue01234   (5 bytes , 113reads )
资生堂的高光, sara513   (0 bytes , 111reads )
它家的高光 崦嵫客   (14 bytes , 104reads )
同求… 崦嵫客   (10 bytes , 107reads )
RMK东京机场货有要别的品种的 Budabuda   (20 bytes , 84reads )
东京机场THREE还有其他产品,太多了不一一列出 Budabuda   (22 bytes , 109reads )
来啦来啦,先上新,然后再回答问题数数 Budabuda   (133 bytes , 99reads )
可以带est碳酸洁面么? circlemia   (0 bytes , 99reads )
我看看机场又没卖,有卖应该能带上飞机 Budabuda   (12 bytes , 75reads )
好哒,多谢! circlemia   (0 bytes , 134reads )
有的话我也要:) 素心   (0 bytes , 112reads )
Buda你好,想问下可以帮带黛珂美容液和sofina防晒吗 d_doris   (0 bytes , 106reads )
Sofina上版了 Budabuda   (6 bytes , 126reads )
哈哈 马住~ 崦嵫客   (28 bytes , 94reads )