所在版块:非常代购 发贴时间:2015-03-02 23:48  更多评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
DO NOT take if you have the following condition:
1. People are taking the oral medicine already containing tranexamic acid
2. Please consultyour doctor or pharmacist before taking (1) who are receiving treatment from a physician or dentist (2) The breast-feeding (3) people over the age of 55 (4) people with allergies (5), who have thrombosis (ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, etc.) (6) People who have previously suffered thrombosis,Families who caused the thrombosis, They have pointed out that the doctor congenital bleeding disorders,Oral contraceptive People are taking drugs that may cause thrombosis and hormone replacement therapy (7) who received a diagnosis of kidney disease
2,跟医生药剂师讨论 1,接受牙医或内科大夫治疗时候 2,哺乳期妇女 3,55岁以上妇女 4,过敏症患者 5,血栓患者(缺血性的中风,心脏梗塞,血栓静脉炎,肺部血栓,等)6,曾患过血栓症,或者家族有人得过血栓症,激素替代疗法和口服避孕药的人可能导致血栓的 7,有肾脏疾患的人。
3. Please consult your doctor if your spots are melasma before taking this suppletment.
4. Please do not take more than 2 months
5. If you discontinue, please take at least two months to resume before start taking again.

星星雨日代 之 奢侈品包包:http://bbs.huasing.net/sForum/bbs.php?B=151_13039722 每周现场直播更新中;
星星雨日代 之 MK, Samantha: http://bbs.huasing.net/sForum/bbs.php?B=151_13013566 持续盖楼中
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【小叶杂货铺日代第二团】这次走一团安奈晒+allie防晒+Tranino祛斑美白丸+酵素 小叶女贞   (471 bytes , 10141reads )
LZ,已经四月了 星空小太阳   (56 bytes , 81reads )
请查看新的分赃帖 小叶女贞   (52 bytes , 87reads )
好的,已跟团 星空小太阳   (8 bytes , 79reads )
MM 什么时候分货啊? 无名泡泡   (0 bytes , 100reads )
已经发了分赃帖麻烦去报名哈 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 84reads )
可以平邮吗 Joeykoo   (20 bytes , 82reads )
跟单,谢谢小叶! xiaozhu79   (87 bytes , 86reads )
mm你要的小兰花是哪个,细管spf30的还是spf50的? 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 103reads )
小叶,我才看到,等我自己去跟单区 xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 116reads )
mm你这东西太多了,我帮你帮运怕搬错,你去正确的跟单区重新回一下帖子吧,[…] 小叶女贞   (46 bytes , 77reads )
=======公告区======= 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 105reads )
=====账单已经查完,请勿继续跟单转账===== 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 100reads )
lz,我超久以前跟了2袋青汁,付款很久 星空小太阳   (87 bytes , 83reads )
你的账我查到了,你跟上了 小叶女贞   (89 bytes , 92reads )
下周一凌晨飞 苏沐eve   (35 bytes , 85reads )
你跟了什么你再告诉我下,到了的话我让你先拿 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 83reads )
K可以的,这周六中午会有clemneti分赃,我明后天开分赃帖 小叶女贞   (150 bytes , 72reads )
跟了一个蓝色安耐晒跟一个青汁 苏沐eve   (17 bytes , 131reads )
团长,我的跟上了没有啊? 小狗崽   (0 bytes , 100reads )
没at的都跟上了 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 79reads )
@无名泡泡 你的查到了,请不要担心 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 97reads )
@ursualr @冬雪 @无名泡泡 @中二王子 @Murama @Joeykoo @Howe @can 小叶女贞   (82 bytes , 95reads )
不好意思才看到。。不怎么登陆 中二王子   (61 bytes , 98reads )
没事,当时我在国内就没打电话 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 108reads )
我还以为没跟到呢 Murama   (18 bytes , 109reads )
不用转啦, 已经截团买好了。 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 100reads )
忘记转 Joeykoo   (18 bytes , 100reads )
已经开始买买买了,来不及了,不用转啦 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 96reads )
四号下午五点左右从internet banking ursualr   (0 bytes , 96reads )
ok对上了 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 100reads )
谢谢 没经验 应该多转一个小数点后面的 ursualr   (0 bytes , 96reads )
你有留id本来应该很好对的,是我看花眼了,不好意思。比较难对账的是ATM[…] 小叶女贞   (24 bytes , 91reads )
@candyj 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 90reads )
团长抱歉 candyj   (137 bytes , 85reads )
没转账的就没有带 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 102reads )
好的 谢谢团长 candyj   (0 bytes , 97reads )
=====截团,由于lz签证悲剧回坡延期,分赃相应顺延===== 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 132reads )
采购工人爬上来吐槽,sofina那堆买崩溃了都 星星雨   (106 bytes , 105reads )
对账工人表示对账眼睛快要对瞎…… 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 106reads )
于是两位工人从此过上了互相舔伤口的生活 星星雨   (0 bytes , 112reads )
后知后觉想买买买 Vergiss   (0 bytes , 85reads )
弱弱问楼主还能跟吗 Vergiss   (0 bytes , 94reads )
不能拉,截团了 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 93reads )
额要延期多久啊 苏沐eve   (52 bytes , 101reads )
3.15左右开始分吧 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 83reads )
======跟单转账都截止到明天3月5日晚上11pm,望周知===== 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 97reads )
===询价的请在本周六28日中午12点前跟帖,周末统一回复价格=== 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 88reads )
=这次就团这些,更新完啦,有询价的欢迎在打豆豆区跟帖= 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 103reads )
===VPN断了,晚上继续更新==== 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 95reads )
=======转账区======= 小叶女贞   (38 bytes , 153reads )
已转$80,ref 5561 天使爱美丽10   (0 bytes , 143reads )
请问你是几号用什么方式转的? 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 89reads )
3月4号,18:11,ATM 天使爱美丽10   (0 bytes , 93reads )
ok,对上了 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 96reads )
那就好,谢谢~~ 天使爱美丽10   (0 bytes , 89reads )
已转102 有翅膀的乌龟   (82 bytes , 84reads )
已转账 假装穿马甲   (16 bytes , 83reads )
已转32到帐 黄河水   (21 bytes , 73reads )
已转账 冬雪   (61 bytes , 76reads )
请问是什么时候用什么方式转的? 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 99reads )
3月5号晚上 冬雪   (31 bytes , 93reads )
是从其他银行转过来的么? 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 95reads )
从ocbc 冬雪   (0 bytes , 97reads )
那就好:-) 冬雪   (135 bytes , 116reads )
ok,对上了 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 103reads )
已转70 from posb savings silvia08   (72 bytes , 101reads )
ocbc已转账,请查收 sspinksuper   (121 bytes , 103reads )
已转 yyyyyy31   (39 bytes , 80reads )
转账40。ref:2015030503211955 Tania4576   (28 bytes , 105reads )
已转59 扯野棉花   (15 bytes , 97reads )
已转60 无小辜   (36 bytes , 84reads )
已转154 七七的七七   (21 bytes , 100reads )
补转30 honeywhq   (25 bytes , 81reads )
已转20 xiaoyun819   (35 bytes , 88reads )
已转40 曾小小   (24 bytes , 131reads )
62已转,ref no 14252529257 yukimura05   (0 bytes , 90reads )
已转120 From OCBC 麝微   (48 bytes , 83reads )
已转32到账 是桃子呀   (31 bytes , 84reads )
已转60~两个安耐晒金瓶 淘气的泡泡   (15 bytes , 86reads )
已转88,见内 ursualr   (127 bytes , 92reads )
已转30,一瓶安娜晒金瓶 小招xiaozhao   (17 bytes , 95reads )
已转, S$161.00 ,Transaction Reference:14248831394,小叶辛苦了! xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 70reads )
已转68 via DBS Stella小苏   (80 bytes , 84reads )
已转 40 小狗崽   (17 bytes , 81reads )
已转 bbaxx   (27 bytes , 88reads )
转啦 binnie051   (39 bytes , 83reads )
已转50,ref14237868900,thx thinkapple   (1 bytes , 93reads )
已转32 tracyfyy   (5 bytes , 88reads )
已转 sdf小猪   (101 bytes , 77reads )
美白丸一套 已转120 REF.6217 zeyv   (0 bytes , 106reads )
已转账 scorpiohost   (36 bytes , 121reads )
已转30 gzhwyt   (4 bytes , 119reads )
已转30. freeair   (45 bytes , 89reads )
已转60, 谢谢! zim   (11 bytes , 95reads )
已转 橙子沫   (20 bytes , 91reads )
已转60至DBS,谢谢 jigger   (36 bytes , 93reads )
已转39 vert   (62 bytes , 92reads )
转帐 fiver   (26 bytes , 91reads )
已转30 一个粉珠光 1234shu   (0 bytes , 116reads )
ref 14233128313 1234shu   (0 bytes , 104reads )
已转10 honeywhq   (39 bytes , 109reads )
已转137新 to DBS nannan2013   (74 bytes , 117reads )
ref: 14232227305 nannan2013   (6 bytes , 101reads )
POSB转s$160 蓝蘑菇蘑菇   (106 bytes , 102reads )
转了70.4 舒然99   (124 bytes , 93reads )
电话 把流酒肆无令一散 舒然99   (0 bytes , 67reads )
已转30 防晒珠光粉。 sue01234   (5 bytes , 87reads )
已转账60 请查收 babyfat258   (0 bytes , 108reads )
ocbc转账170 多动症儿童   (5 bytes , 101reads )
已转$97 疯华绝代   (98 bytes , 94reads )
已转Ref 9211 $120,美白丸一套 wr2002   (16 bytes , 102reads )
好了,Transaction Reference 1503010642212265 素心   (53 bytes , 96reads )
已转账107 DanlKun   (74 bytes , 95reads )
已转 wmtqx   (86 bytes , 72reads )
已转120 夕微   (31 bytes , 73reads )
Ocbc已转30.ref2015022804785756 lak47   (33 bytes , 105reads )
已转60 yang883   (22 bytes , 91reads )
已转20 melody21   (68 bytes , 96reads )
已转40 苏沐eve   (15 bytes , 89reads )
可以paylah吗? wr2002   (0 bytes , 116reads )
不好意思只收转账,paylah不好查账 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 96reads )
好的,谢谢,那只能等晚上老公回来转 wr2002   (0 bytes , 118reads )
求问小叶的OcBc账号 蓝蘑菇蘑菇   (5 bytes , 76reads )
ocbc转dbs也可以的,也是即时到账,你选fast即可 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 232reads )
要手续费吗? 蓝蘑菇蘑菇   (14 bytes , 97reads )
不需要手续费的 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 87reads )
ocbc转了48 小细菌   (6 bytes , 91reads )
转了38 ref14210096351 Stephanie_1101   (37 bytes , 87reads )
已转180 linist   (54 bytes , 78reads )
订单有些更改,小结一下 linist   (152 bytes , 78reads )
安耐晒金瓶已转30 linmeng   (22 bytes , 137reads )
请PM我正确的帐号~ dorisfong   (0 bytes , 88reads )
这就是正确账号…… 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 100reads )
已转好$20,请查收14208436762 dorisfong   (0 bytes , 94reads )
已转$10,ref:*********8820 jing1458   (8 bytes , 80reads )
已转四十 DanlKun   (8 bytes , 75reads )
转了130到你账户,请查收。 flydolphin   (41 bytes , 72reads )
小叶 雅妮开门   (54 bytes , 74reads )
我错了 雅妮开门   (8 bytes , 77reads )
=======跟单区======= 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 101reads )
跟一瓶安耐晒粉蓝 yyyyyy31   (43 bytes , 86reads )
=====Laduree花瓣腮红,带盒子144SGD,refill 93.5==== 小叶女贞   (44 bytes , 104reads )
解释一下这个是大蛋壳版的价钱,花瓣腮红出了个mini版,价钱一半不到 星星雨   (170 bytes , 117reads )
@nobody0215 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 87reads )
=====CPB高光 107SGD,refill 66.7===== 小叶女贞   (29 bytes , 206reads )
@橙子沫 11号一个带盒子 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 81reads )
跟一个 , 带盒子带刷子的正装 nannan2013   (16 bytes , 92reads )
请问下你要的是几号呀 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 98reads )
要一个CPB高光11号带盒子 DanlKun   (6 bytes , 119reads )
跟单请注明要不要盒 星星雨   (0 bytes , 92reads )
=====拉杜丽肖像腮红,sgd70.4,refill 50.4==== 小叶女贞   (70 bytes , 100reads )
这色太美了,抹上顿时就脚得春天里樱花开了~ 星星雨   (70 bytes , 118reads )
要一个2号,多谢了:)良心价啊 舒然99   (0 bytes , 104reads )
妹纸说明要不要盒子哦! 星星雨   (0 bytes , 98reads )
要的要的 舒然99   (24 bytes , 89reads )
=====e家大饼,Sgd199.5,refill 180.6===== 小叶女贞   (123 bytes , 176reads )
我要一个三号大饼带盒子的,顺便帮朋友要一个4号大饼带盒子的 素心   (10 bytes , 93reads )
===小饼133.5,refill 119.7=== 小叶女贞   (44 bytes , 92reads )
跟单请注明要不要盒,大号小号 星星雨   (0 bytes , 98reads )
再跟一个这个的1号 wmtqx   (5 bytes , 87reads )
所以是两个小饼1号带盒?还是一个带盒一个不带? 星星雨   (8 bytes , 92reads )
没说清楚 不好意思 wmtqx   (84 bytes , 101reads )
ok 收到! 星星雨   (0 bytes , 81reads )
跟一个1号,带盒子的 wmtqx   (5 bytes , 100reads )
=====Sofina小白花,SGD42===== 小叶女贞   (481 bytes , 132reads )
加一个SPF50的小白花(清爽版) linist   (0 bytes , 77reads )
小叶,我要小白花SPF50的清爽版 素心   (0 bytes , 93reads )
要这个,spf50+的款,清爽版! Stella小苏   (0 bytes , 83reads )
=====Sofina小兰花,SGD39===== 小叶女贞   (388 bytes , 161reads )
跟單 Sofina 小蘭花 清爽型 spf 50 謝謝喔 xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 107reads )
跟一个左边SPF50 清爽版 vert   (5 bytes , 100reads )
再跟一个小兰花 疯华绝代   (19 bytes , 96reads )
再一个小蓝花SPF50的清爽版 素心   (0 bytes , 127reads )
就素这个,要右边滋润版 扯野棉花   (26 bytes , 75reads )
忘记打了,要spf30+++哒 扯野棉花   (0 bytes , 100reads )
@扯野棉花 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 82reads )
=====Sofina白蕾丝,SGD26(蓝蕾丝没有)===== 小叶女贞   (235 bytes , 247reads )
跟一个右边SPF50的白蕾丝 linist   (0 bytes , 86reads )
跟一个SPF50的:) ursualr   (0 bytes , 88reads )
跟一个 疯华绝代   (19 bytes , 95reads )
跟一瓶白蕾丝防晒! Stella小苏   (0 bytes , 108reads )
SPF50对不? 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 82reads )
对的! Stella小苏   (28 bytes , 82reads )
后面的示意图是天朝网上截取的,天朝规定SPF不能标示超过30,其实白蕾丝是SPF50的 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 105reads )
=====Kate 骨干重塑18新币,Visee蕾丝眼影20新币,跟这里===== 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 93reads )
跟kate sdf小猪   (44 bytes , 80reads )
kate骨干br-3一盘 小细菌   (26 bytes , 96reads )
@Stephanie_1101 骨干BR2 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 96reads )
!!!神速!!! Stephanie_1101   (21 bytes , 84reads )
=======TRANSINO肝斑改善片(白盒)80新币+祛斑丸(蓝瓶)40新币====== 小叶女贞   (536 bytes , 885reads )
这个是不是木有多出来的 _Liu94   (2 bytes , 82reads )
木有多的,跟团的都不太容易凑齐 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 85reads )
跟一套 假装穿马甲   (38 bytes , 77reads )
====药剂师再三嘱咐,这里高亮一下,吃两个月要停一两个月==== 小叶女贞   (78 bytes , 87reads )
官方caution全文见内,大家一定来看看哈,药剂师每个地儿都会叮嘱一遍 星星雨   (1397 bytes , 187reads )
=====这个美白丸太难买,先截团====== 小叶女贞   (95 bytes , 90reads )
跟一套这个 麝微   (25 bytes , 87reads )
跟一套 多动症儿童   (5 bytes , 75reads )
要一套 wr2002   (0 bytes , 112reads )
跟一套试试~~ 蓝蘑菇蘑菇   (38 bytes , 84reads )
如果去雀斑也是吃这样一套吗? 夕微   (24 bytes , 103reads )
@夕微 一套 星星雨   (12 bytes , 111reads )
所以有跟到吗 夕微   (12 bytes , 80reads )
有的 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 83reads )
好的 夕微   (13 bytes , 86reads )
这个也跟一套 linist   (0 bytes , 90reads )
小叶,这个你们已经买了吗?要是没买我就不要了 linist   (48 bytes , 88reads )
ok,我还在艰难的一家家店凑数中 星星雨   (0 bytes , 103reads )
好的,那正好,那我就不要了 linist   (12 bytes , 89reads )
跟一套这个 夕微   (71 bytes , 83reads )
美白丸要一套 zeyv   (0 bytes , 82reads )
跟白盒一盒,蓝盒一瓶 南瓜同学   (31 bytes , 101reads )
这个来一套 fiver   (36 bytes , 118reads )
@fiver 你要白盒两盒对么? 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 121reads )
是啊 fiver   (23 bytes , 93reads )
还加上蓝盒的 fiver   (55 bytes , 78reads )
======Fancl热控片,120粒30日份,20元====== 小叶女贞   (177 bytes , 126reads )
跟两份 scorpiohost   (17 bytes , 87reads )
两袋,谢谢! 小狗崽   (0 bytes , 100reads )
电话 小狗崽   (8 bytes , 87reads )
这个也来一袋 fiver   (14 bytes , 86reads )
=====资生堂八分饱酵素习惯丸,30天份,40新币====== 小叶女贞   (217 bytes , 226reads )
跟单 scorpiohost   (24 bytes , 95reads )
====青汁跟这里,22条一小包,10块===== 小叶女贞   (463 bytes , 160reads )
还能跟嘛? 五木之主   (11 bytes , 88reads )
这团已经截了,下次吧 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 97reads )
跟單 青汁 3包 xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 95reads )
@sspinksuper 两包 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 89reads )
再跟一个这个! Tania4576   (5 bytes , 98reads )
@candyj 青汁一包, 可以NUS取货 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 85reads )
@bbaxx 青汁两包 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 87reads )
还可以跟的话跟两包这个 xiaoyun819   (0 bytes , 68reads )
加2包青汁 linist   (13 bytes , 97reads )
跟5包 thinkapple   (4 bytes , 68reads )
跟这个 sdf小猪   (7 bytes , 89reads )
跟一包 曾小小   (4 bytes , 117reads )
跟3包 , 谢谢 nannan2013   (0 bytes , 95reads )
跟一个这个 silvia08   (0 bytes , 99reads )
跟5包 多动症儿童   (5 bytes , 93reads )
跟一包 有翅膀的乌龟   (28 bytes , 91reads )
刚点错地方了。。。这个跟两包。。。 melody21   (0 bytes , 97reads )
跟一个青汁 蓝蘑菇蘑菇   (6 bytes , 75reads )
要两包青汁! Stephanie_1101   (48 bytes , 79reads )
跟3包青汁 linist   (26 bytes , 118reads )
青汁跟两包 谢谢 天使爱美丽10   (0 bytes , 98reads )
我的电话 天使爱美丽10   (13 bytes , 88reads )
要2包,谢谢 dorisfong   (28 bytes , 91reads )
跟2包 星空小太阳   (52 bytes , 83reads )
再跟这个 DanlKun   (4 bytes , 74reads )
跟一包 Joeykoo   (8 bytes , 71reads )
青汁跟一包 jing1458   (21 bytes , 86reads )
四包吧 3330222   (8 bytes , 102reads )
已付 3330222   (164 bytes , 88reads )
跟两个 扯野棉花   (0 bytes , 81reads )
跟青汁两包 冰镇荔枝   (44 bytes , 92reads )
已转账,ref:14201541004 冰镇荔枝   (102 bytes , 80reads )
加一个这个 苏沐eve   (12 bytes , 167reads )
跟一个 honeywhq   (10 bytes , 93reads )
跟一个 flydolphin   (0 bytes , 82reads )
=====Allie防晒,32每只,种类见内===== 小叶女贞   (533 bytes , 531reads )
跟單 Allie防晒 綠管 xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 93reads )
跟单,allie防晒+两包青汁,谢谢 sspinksuper   (120 bytes , 85reads )
忘记留电话了 sspinksuper   (32 bytes , 91reads )
绿管一个~~~~~ yukimura05   (0 bytes , 90reads )
@bbaxx 绿管一个 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 85reads )
美团我要一只绿色的,左起第三只 是桃子呀   (0 bytes , 71reads )
跟一个绿色 ursualr   (0 bytes , 71reads )
跟一个90g绿管 黄河水   (45 bytes , 73reads )
跟一个绿管 疯华绝代   (22 bytes , 96reads )
跟一个90g绿管 有翅膀的乌龟   (28 bytes , 92reads )
绿色allie防晒一支 中二王子   (13 bytes , 83reads )
跟一个玫红妆前 一个绿管 七七的七七   (0 bytes , 84reads )
@tracyfyy 绿管90g一个 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 123reads )
对的 tracyfyy   (5 bytes , 79reads )
======安耐晒跟这里,30每瓶,种类见内====== 小叶女贞   (816 bytes , 241reads )
跟單 xiaozhu79   (25 bytes , 108reads )
跟一个金色安耐晒 假装穿马甲   (0 bytes , 82reads )
跟单 冬雪   (47 bytes , 103reads )
来一个金瓶 honeywhq   (18 bytes , 92reads )
金瓶一个~~~~ yukimura05   (0 bytes , 97reads )
@bbaxx 金瓶一个 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 89reads )
跟两个金瓶~ 淘气的泡泡   (0 bytes , 73reads )
留个电话:就一88就医就起 淘气的泡泡   (0 bytes , 88reads )
跟一个粉珠光的 ursualr   (0 bytes , 68reads )
楼主 Samantha00   (95 bytes , 85reads )
已转$30 金瓶安耐晒*1 Samantha00   (43 bytes , 84reads )
90722895 Samantha00   (0 bytes , 103reads )
哪款是不防水的啊?daily用的话不想要防水功能的,难洗 竹樱小桃   (0 bytes , 74reads )
跟一个金瓶安那晒 小招xiaozhao   (4 bytes , 87reads )
sdf小猪   (12 bytes , 96reads )
一瓶安耐晒金色 无名泡泡   (48 bytes , 89reads )
跟2个 binnie051   (27 bytes , 86reads )
跟一个 安耐晒 粉珠光 曾小小   (23 bytes , 99reads )
跟一瓶金瓶 freeair   (5 bytes , 100reads )
电话90525829 freeair   (5 bytes , 84reads )
跟一个粉珠光 1234shu   (0 bytes , 129reads )
跟一瓶金瓶~ gzhwyt   (14 bytes , 100reads )
电话 gzhwyt   (8 bytes , 89reads )
跟一蓝瓶 yyyyyy31   (20 bytes , 86reads )
跟一个金瓶 一个粉珠光 zim   (0 bytes , 77reads )
跟一个金瓶 一个粉珠光 silvia08   (0 bytes , 92reads )
跟单 多啦美甜美美   (70 bytes , 94reads )
跟一个金瓶 lak47   (27 bytes , 103reads )
加一个粉珠光 素心   (64 bytes , 147reads )
要一金瓶、一粉珠光 yang883   (30 bytes , 89reads )
跟一瓶金瓶加一瓶珠光 有翅膀的乌龟   (28 bytes , 100reads )
珠光一瓶 小细菌   (5 bytes , 92reads )
要一个粉珠光,一个金瓶 无小辜   (5 bytes , 101reads )
跟金瓶一只 蓝蘑菇蘑菇   (22 bytes , 74reads )
跟一个粉珠光 aaalei   (23 bytes , 89reads )
跟一个金瓶,一个粉瓶 wmtqx   (5 bytes , 92reads )
跟一个粉珠光防晒 Howe   (32 bytes , 104reads )
跟一个安耐晒粉珠光防晒乳 Tania4576   (68 bytes , 98reads )
跟一个粉瓶珠光防晒 linist   (16 bytes , 89reads )
跟一个金瓶 一个粉珠光 谢谢 天使爱美丽10   (0 bytes , 87reads )
我的电话 天使爱美丽10   (13 bytes , 84reads )
再跟一个粉瓶珠光防晒 七七的七七   (0 bytes , 108reads )
安耐晒粉珠光防晒乳A+ SPF50+ PA++++ Murama   (38 bytes , 125reads )
跟两个小金瓶 jigger   (26 bytes , 68reads )
跟单 DanlKun   (41 bytes , 70reads )
跟1个小金瓶 linmeng   (34 bytes , 124reads )
跟一个安耐晒金瓶和一个蓝瓶 babyfat258   (0 bytes , 99reads )
再跟三个小金瓶,明天一起转账,谢谢! flydolphin   (0 bytes , 67reads )
一个金瓶~~一个粉珠光的~~ 雅妮开门   (65 bytes , 87reads )
跟一个粉珠光防晒 flydolphin   (0 bytes , 97reads )
@sue01234 安耐晒粉色珠光一只 小叶女贞   (26 bytes , 109reads )
谢谢,刚跟错地方了。 sue01234   (5 bytes , 97reads )
蓝瓶一个 苏沐eve   (27 bytes , 108reads )
跟两金瓶 七七的七七   (22 bytes , 109reads )
=======灌水聊天打豆豆区======= 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 115reads )
什么时候分赃啊 多啦美甜美美   (31 bytes , 83reads )
下周开始分,一般是nus自取,下班时间BV和Clementi,周末cle[…] 小叶女贞   (7 bytes , 98reads )
这周六有金文泰分货吗 Samantha00   (0 bytes , 91reads )
东西大部分在路上,还有一小部分因为采购量太大导致缺货,还没发出来 小叶女贞   (24 bytes , 79reads )
希望拜六能收到金瓶安耐晒,拜天要飞巴厘岛 Samantha00   (8 bytes , 80reads )
ok,先到的会先分给着急的人 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 106reads )
跟了星星雨的一个樱花杯,mm回来能快递过来不? kiterunner   (45 bytes , 78reads )
好的,到了at你 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 78reads )
@qiqi714 这款建议BGO买,日本价格比较高 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 84reads )
跟团 qiqi714   (39 bytes , 90reads )
来晚了~ gzhwyt   (186 bytes , 97reads )
clementi 分赃一般都是几点啊 多啦美甜美美   (8 bytes , 80reads )
平时7pm,周末中午 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 94reads )
那请问那个anessa防晒 邮寄的话多少钱泥 多啦美甜美美   (0 bytes , 83reads )
我现在手边没有信封,不确定这个能不能平邮 小叶女贞   (84 bytes , 99reads )
请问 可以代购艳阳夏吗? erbao   (55 bytes , 95reads )
问下lauduree 肖像腮红 的价格~多谢小叶和星星雨! 舒然99   (0 bytes , 96reads )
价格放在楼上啦,你看看 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 88reads )
有特别的色号要求嘛? 星星雨   (0 bytes , 94reads )
想从2号和22里面选一个 舒然99   (20 bytes , 84reads )
了解了,价格等我去看了回来汇报哈 星星雨   (0 bytes , 95reads )
可以代购健康水不? 核小桃   (44 bytes , 108reads )
团长帮忙问下这个·~ binnie051   (80 bytes , 90reads )
求问生酵素222 种天然植物水果谷物浓缩精华那个多少钱呢 冰镇荔枝   (8 bytes , 89reads )
请问这一团可以代购专柜货么 wmtqx   (31 bytes , 92reads )
可以,哈哈e大饼我自用的,超爱! 星星雨   (23 bytes , 189reads )
哇太赞了! wmtqx   (60 bytes , 82reads )
1号!我比了,6号看着美上脸不如1号 星星雨   (0 bytes , 130reads )
好哒!等你报价格~~ wmtqx   (5 bytes , 77reads )
你再看下 小叶女贞   (136 bytes , 93reads )
啊好像是,嘻嘻 wmtqx   (181 bytes , 112reads )
对,因为你问的是大饼,就只贴了大饼,我再问下小饼吧 小叶女贞   (141 bytes , 103reads )
这个价格是27g的是吧 wmtqx   (220 bytes , 81reads )
价格看楼上哈 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 91reads )
询价! 黄河水   (43 bytes , 91reads )
@jing1458 这个我记得BGO比日代便宜,建议直接BGO 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 100reads )
嗯嗯,谢谢小叶 jing1458   (0 bytes , 84reads )
询价 bbaxx   (78 bytes , 81reads )
来问问kate sdf小猪   (35 bytes , 82reads )
骨干眼影可以继续跟单 小叶女贞   (22 bytes , 83reads )
好滴~等着 sdf小猪   (21 bytes , 84reads )
求问可以代visee 眼影吗? huayi   (0 bytes , 106reads )
可以,20每盘 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 109reads )
问这个的价格 随白色飞翔   (62 bytes , 82reads )
CPB高光11号能帮带吗,多少钱,谢谢 nannan2013   (0 bytes , 84reads )
价格已经更新在楼上了~ 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 94reads )
看到了, 能附专柜receipt吗 我帮国内朋友带。 nannan2013   (0 bytes , 105reads )
星星雨   (0 bytes , 96reads )
这团还能跟kate眼影不 小细菌   (16 bytes , 100reads )
可以跟,价格18 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 101reads )
小叶,可以帮忙找下melty wink的眼霜吗? Tania4576   (130 bytes , 99reads )
也想找这个 yangyang17   (30 bytes , 108reads )
淘宝你可以直接拍,架上有的都是现货 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 84reads )
求问可以代这俩么?顺便询价~ Stella小苏   (355 bytes , 91reads )
问到了来回你 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 83reads )
顺便求问蓝蕾丝价格~ wmtqx   (6 bytes , 92reads )
蓝蕾丝木有哦 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 67reads )
同感兴趣这个~~ 舒然99   (0 bytes , 88reads )
小叶可以代这个吗?sofina防晒乳液 扯野棉花   (74 bytes , 119reads )
问到了回复你哈 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 82reads )
酵素是哪一种呀 水晶冰凌   (0 bytes , 99reads )
图都在电脑里,传不上华新干着急,等我晚上搞定了VPN来更新哈。 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 89reads )
lz贴图有问题……稍等 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 88reads )