所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2017-01-21 15:10

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Before you start using your Silver Serum we’d like to give you a few tips to maximise its effectiveness.
Silver Serum not only kills off acne bacteria but it is also designed to increase your skin’s good flora. Good skin flora helps keep skin healthy, balanced and speeds up repair of damaged and blemished skin.
The end result is a re-balancing of your skin, with an abundance of good skin flora and reduced acne bacteria.
When you use antibacterial creams and washes, although these also kill the acne bacteria, they destroy good skin flora too. This means the skin in stripped of everything. So the next time acne strikes, it can take hold with even more strength and needing even stronger anti-bacterial agents to fight it. This sets up a vicious cycle of ever worsening and more frequent break outs. If this sounds familiar then Silver Serum should help replenish a healthier balance of your skin flora.
We’d encourage you to try replacing your anti-bacterial product with Silver Serum to re-balance the good and bad bacteria on your skin. This process typically takes 2-3 weeks, although most people see improvements in the first 7-10 days. Once your skin has re-balanced you should see less breaks outs and less severe symptoms.
Before you apply Silver Serum your skin should be clean. We recommendKALME Cream Cleanser. But any good cleanser should be used before application. Try to avoid any product which is antibacterial.
Silver Serum should be used as the first product on your clean skin and should always be applied with clean dry finger tips.
If you have been using antibacterial acne treatments before you started Silver Serum your skin may get worse for a temporary period while your skin re-balances. This should take a maximum of two weeks.
However, always treat our advice with caution. We are not doctors or dermatologists and we have not even seen your skin and do not have an understanding of your history. So our advice is generalised and is only to help you explore your skin care options.

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