所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2016-10-18 15:54

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Storage for the hairy crab

1. Soak the hairy crab in the cold water for 5-10min
2. After soaking, put it on plate and cover with wet towel
3. Store inside the fridge at the vegetable and fruits compartment
4.If you are putting the hairy crabs overnight, spray with some water and cover it with wet towel
5. Wash and brush the hairy crab and don't untie the strap
6.Steam for 15mins when the water it's boiled, pls place the hairy crabs upside down where the crabs bottom are facing you when steam, this to prevent the roe from spiilng.
7.After that ready to serve

#Hairy crab can only be eaten when its live when you steam it and also remember to consume ASAP to keep its freshness.


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================灌水提问讨论区================ administrator   (0 bytes , 33reads )
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==========来自供应商的大闸蟹指南========== administrator   (899 bytes , 33reads )