[小妖团- amazon] 4月amazon 直邮团 (JP/boon lay mrt/快递)
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2016-04-06 12:13

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
2016 四月团,凑一单


免费直运的,即在amazon商品页面 (product detail) 有写

Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. (fulfilled by amazon的不买,运费有差别。)

Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S. 

以下这种需要单独寄出的不买, 除非是可以接受单独运所产生的运费。

"This item must be shipped separately from other items in your order. Additional shipping charges will not apply."

取货: 主要还是团长家自取(Jurong point 附近步行5分钟),自取时间: 每天的6:30-8:30pm. weekday午餐时间,周末白天时间可以另约。可以选择本地快递,邮费7块起。如果要快递的话事先跟我说一声,我好留合适的箱子。

某些工作日下午5:50 可以在带到boon lay mrt/jurong point. 具体时间短信约。 每周六上午安排一次Jurong point 分赃,分赃时间暂定为周六上午的11:20。小件优先,bulky的,重的就视情况决定哈。


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[小妖团- amazon] 4月amazon 直邮团 (JP/boon lay mrt/快递) 小妖   (965 bytes , 1574reads )
==================到货通知================= 小妖   (0 bytes , 39reads )
order 3大部分到了@revpy @青鱼 @memoadd @charolyn @瓜瓜 @akuan2001 @EliseBai 小妖   (28 bytes , 35reads )
order 2 到了,地址已发短信 小妖   (0 bytes , 32reads )
1. order 1到齐,已发短信通知 小妖   (0 bytes , 39reads )
跟一单 徐结冰   (151 bytes , 45reads )
不好意思不买了 徐结冰   (36 bytes , 46reads )
好的 小妖   (0 bytes , 32reads )
跟单 qingsi19   (330 bytes , 58reads )
号码颜色 小妖   (0 bytes , 31reads )
号码颜色 qingsi19   (49 bytes , 47reads )
=========================账单 ===================== 小妖   (0 bytes , 46reads )
###########order 3 账单################## 小妖   (117 bytes , 38reads )
已转ocbc,谢谢 瓜瓜   (0 bytes , 36reads )
@revpy @青鱼 @memoadd @charolyn @没有名字了 @瓜瓜 @akuan2001 @EliseBai @dover 小妖   (117 bytes , 64reads )
等另一件运出了一起转给你吧 青鱼   (5 bytes , 55reads )
ocbc已转47.24,谢谢团长! revpy   (25 bytes , 26reads )
##############################order 2 账单###################### 小妖   (118 bytes , 36reads )
@babyrat @lymz @smile00ax @豆干 @EliseBai 小妖   (118 bytes , 30reads )
paylah81.27 lymz   (38 bytes , 34reads )
收到。 货到了再通知。 小妖   (0 bytes , 36reads )
##########order 1 账单 @qjkk @foxn @babyrat @charolyn @thm8454 ##### 小妖   (117 bytes , 37reads )
已转,80.01 谢谢 qjkk   (7 bytes , 28reads )
ocbc已转9.39 foxn   (43 bytes , 49reads )
dbs已转44.55,谢谢 thm8454   (0 bytes , 41reads )
已转,请查收! charolyn   (6 bytes , 36reads )
跟单 没有名字了   (417 bytes , 36reads )
刚刚短信团长链接 没有名字了   (24 bytes , 37reads )
收到 小妖   (0 bytes , 25reads )
Transfer13.6 SGD from POSB 没有名字了   (98 bytes , 39reads )
团长!现在跟单还来得及么!! 青鱼   (193 bytes , 45reads )
还有本这个 青鱼   (198 bytes , 65reads )
可以,留个电话 小妖   (0 bytes , 35reads )
团长!弱弱问下 kindel可以免费有新加坡吗!话说没有看见outside the U. S. bcmelite   (305 bytes , 34reads )
我没有prime member. 小妖   (52 bytes , 32reads )
谢谢团长!不好意思啊~昨天着急就让别的妹纸帮忙带了~ bcmelite   (0 bytes , 28reads )
没关系的 小妖   (0 bytes , 29reads )
已经买到了!忽略这条留言吧! bcmelite   (0 bytes , 29reads )
ok 小妖   (0 bytes , 28reads )
===========================查单============================= 小妖   (0 bytes , 38reads )
##############################order 3 查单###################### 小妖   (117 bytes , 40reads )
已经转帐 没有名字了   (115 bytes , 41reads )
##############################order 2 查单###################### 小妖   (118 bytes , 42reads )
#####################order 1 查单,可继续跟############# 小妖   (117 bytes , 41reads )
===================================跟单======================================= 小妖   (115 bytes , 57reads )
再再跟一单 EliseBai   (592 bytes , 34reads )
跟单 wendy2609   (224 bytes , 28reads )
团长,还能跟单吗? njutwj   (178 bytes , 31reads )
跟单 芒果妈   (285 bytes , 28reads )
######################截团,查单在查单区################## 小妖   (0 bytes , 25reads )
跟单 6.5美元以下买 akuan2001   (219 bytes , 28reads )
对不起 评价不好 我还是不买了 。谢谢 akuan2001   (0 bytes , 28reads )
ok 小妖   (0 bytes , 29reads )
错了 7美元以下买 akuan2001   (0 bytes , 32reads )
跟单 $6.06 akuan2001   (178 bytes , 33reads )
再跟一个粉色的 ponk and purple akuan2001   (107 bytes , 32reads )
跟单 瓜瓜   (359 bytes , 39reads )
跟单,Safety 1st Alpha Omega Elite Convertible Car Seat, Bromley menglong_c   (258 bytes , 38reads )
不运新加坡 小妖   (0 bytes , 38reads )
跟单5 charolyn   (137 bytes , 45reads )
跟单 memoadd   (201 bytes , 49reads )
跟单 revpy   (590 bytes , 42reads )
跟单 EliseBai   (713 bytes , 51reads )
跟单 豆干   (168 bytes , 41reads )
跟单4 charolyn   (259 bytes , 39reads )
团长,order2没有下这个么? charolyn   (0 bytes , 42reads )
不免邮费 小妖   (0 bytes , 32reads )
好的 小妖   (0 bytes , 25reads )
跟单 谢谢 smile00ax   (227 bytes , 47reads )
妖团长,麻烦给带个杯子 smile00ax   (12 bytes , 42reads )
跟单 lymz   (357 bytes , 51reads )
再加一个 lymz   (187 bytes , 32reads )
再跟单 babyrat   (136 bytes , 39reads )
跟单3 charolyn   (582 bytes , 33reads )
跟单2 charolyn   (179 bytes , 37reads )
跟单,谢谢 thm8454   (537 bytes , 52reads )
第一个不是自营的 小妖   (0 bytes , 38reads )
跟单! charolyn   (322 bytes , 41reads )
跟单 babyrat   (495 bytes , 36reads )
第一个自营没货了 小妖   (0 bytes , 35reads )
跟单~ foxn   (189 bytes , 41reads )
再跟一单 EliseBai   (490 bytes , 30reads )
===================================提问================================ 小妖   (0 bytes , 40reads )
团长 menglong_c   (34 bytes , 48reads )
咱们的order1有希望本周内到货么? charolyn   (6 bytes , 29reads )
预计说是下礼拜二。 小妖   (0 bytes , 36reads )
@applepie07 @babyrat 四月团在这里 小妖   (0 bytes , 45reads )
团长 applepie07   (26 bytes , 69reads )
跟单 qjkk   (1058 bytes , 45reads )