所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2015-07-22 07:49  更多评分:

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【明日天使团】GNC 7月bug团,低价鱼油, triflex, 随时结束 明日天使   (535 bytes , 1962reads )
还有新的团吗? 屋主   (4 bytes , 98reads )
有活动才开 明日天使   (20 bytes , 64reads )
TriFlex, Melatonin 2mg 等 屋主   (4 bytes , 105reads )
triflex有现货 明日天使   (20 bytes , 83reads )
fast-acting还有吗?我要4瓶 直接转账? lizzie_612   (0 bytes , 82reads )
有的 明日天使   (16 bytes , 83reads )
triflex现货是什么规格?是fast acting吗? lizzie_612   (0 bytes , 71reads )
是的,120粒的 明日天使   (10 bytes , 73reads )
这个周末有集体分赃 明日天使   (193 bytes , 69reads )
先拿4瓶吧 屋主   (16 bytes , 121reads )
帮我看下有效期呢? lizzie_612   (0 bytes , 75reads )
====================分赃区==================== 明日天使   (113 bytes , 81reads )
1。本周分赃帖子见内 明日天使   (52 bytes , 69reads )
@nianyu @tfk @tinayang @小寒 @祖儿 @竹子鱼 @荷花茉茉 @菲菲 @薄荷紫轩 明日天使   (2 bytes , 63reads )
自取,这周会去拿,提前和你约时间啊,谢谢 nianyu   (0 bytes , 66reads )
@c1jie @emma @hmilyrz @kailun @kallang99 @lanchen93 @lizzie_612 明日天使   (2 bytes , 93reads )
@荷花茉茉 @菲菲 @薄荷紫轩 明日天使   (2 bytes , 89reads )
@nianyu @tfk @tinayang @tu1pig @小妖 @小寒 @无敌师太 @祖儿 @竹子鱼 明日天使   (2 bytes , 67reads )
ok。谢谢团长。 小寒   (0 bytes , 68reads )
@bamboo_sea @c1jie @emma @hmilyrz @kailun @kallang99 @lanchen93 @lizzie_612 明日天使   (1 bytes , 81reads )
亲 还能团吗 阿呀呀   (6 bytes , 102reads )
这个没有了 明日天使   (21 bytes , 80reads )
====================帐单区==================== 明日天使   (250 bytes , 116reads )
已转96, POSB to POSB, 4瓶triflex fast acting, ref no. 15287013562 lizzie_612   (0 bytes , 89reads )
款Sgd53.25 已经专区你的OCBC账户,请查收。 kailun   (39 bytes , 70reads )
==以下收到,谢谢== 明日天使   (1 bytes , 75reads )
已转42.63, POSB to POSB, transact ref 15233535554 谢谢 lizzie_612   (0 bytes , 74reads )
转了106.55去ocbc, 谢谢 竹子鱼   (0 bytes , 84reads )
已经转账101.85 薄荷紫轩   (8 bytes , 84reads )
==以下收到,谢谢== 明日天使   (1 bytes , 69reads )
已转106.55去posb 祖儿   (48 bytes , 80reads )
已转posb 谢谢啦 tu1pig   (0 bytes , 78reads )
@荷花茉茉 @菲菲 @薄荷紫轩 明日天使   (1 bytes , 76reads )
@nianyu @tfk @tinayang @tu1pig @小妖 @小寒 @无敌师太 @祖儿 @竹子鱼 明日天使   (1 bytes , 83reads )
转账成功 无敌师太   (6 bytes , 78reads )
paylah 转了 小妖   (0 bytes , 73reads )
谢谢团长 已转127.85 to paylah a/c 小寒   (2 bytes , 84reads )
网银已转40.93到dbs,ref no15210562733 nianyu   (0 bytes , 81reads )
@bamboo_sea @c1jie @emma @hmilyrz @kailun @kallang99 @lanchen93 @lizzie_612 明日天使   (1 bytes , 73reads )
转账 bamboo_sea   (37 bytes , 84reads )
已经转,posb, thanks c1jie   (80 bytes , 75reads )
已经转了,posb hmilyrz   (0 bytes , 85reads )
==================团长公告区============================= 明日天使   (1 bytes , 69reads )
1。查单见内 明日天使   (142 bytes , 119reads )
==========没有bug了,截团了===================== 明日天使   (1 bytes , 76reads )
跟单! lanchen93   (147 bytes , 97reads )
鱼油买了,第2个没买 明日天使   (20 bytes , 69reads )
跟单 菲菲   (36 bytes , 90reads )
==========跟单区(id, item, link, qty, price, contact) ==== 明日天使   (1 bytes , 87reads )
==没有bug 了,大家不要再跟了== 明日天使   (29 bytes , 94reads )
弱问我跟单的有下到吗? 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 70reads )
貌似没有 明日天使   (20 bytes , 82reads )
好哒 我看到写了小妖不知道是不是我 小妖霖霖   (4 bytes , 70reads )
哈哈,是那个团长小妖 明日天使   (2 bytes , 77reads )
跟单 damaoyuan   (43 bytes , 77reads )
跟单 fanworld   (172 bytes , 80reads )
有bug就要,triflex 8瓶 鱼油2瓶 lizzie_612   (0 bytes , 74reads )
跟单4个triflex 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 103reads )
=======现在开始只接鱼油和triflex, 不下其他的了===== 明日天使   (38 bytes , 83reads )
请问有多下的鱼油吗?有的话我要4瓶,谢谢。 jing1458   (0 bytes , 86reads )
没有了 明日天使   (8 bytes , 89reads )
鱼油8瓶,triflex 8瓶 hmilyrz   (23 bytes , 89reads )
补充手机 hmilyrz   (8 bytes , 78reads )
tu1pig   (11 bytes , 77reads )
Triflex 2瓶,谢谢 c1jie   (0 bytes , 69reads )
跟单 小寒   (33 bytes , 100reads )
补充 bug 价 小寒   (4 bytes , 88reads )
fish oil +4,triflex +2 祖儿   (29 bytes , 73reads )
tinayang   (22 bytes , 107reads )
triflex 也来俩吧 无敌师太   (22 bytes , 114reads )
有bug的话要 荷花茉茉   (25 bytes , 99reads )
跟单 菲菲   (167 bytes , 120reads )
跟单 fish oil 2瓶,triflex 2瓶 tfk   (10 bytes , 91reads )
bug价 tfk   (0 bytes , 98reads )
跟单跟单~ 薄荷紫轩   (443 bytes , 104reads )
跟单 nianyu   (251 bytes , 90reads )
跟单 kailun   (26 bytes , 88reads )
哎呀 好东西 无敌师太   (34 bytes , 91reads )
跟单 蓝蘑菇蘑菇   (42 bytes , 103reads )
跟单 竹子鱼   (48 bytes , 93reads )
不好意思团长 蓝蘑菇蘑菇   (30 bytes , 91reads )
ok 明日天使   (1 bytes , 91reads )
kallang99, fish oil +6, triflex +4 明日天使   (1 bytes , 73reads )
跟单 bamboo_sea   (24 bytes , 93reads )
请留下联系电话 明日天使   (4 bytes , 74reads )
电话 bamboo_sea   (20 bytes , 86reads )
=============闲聊区================= = 明日天使   (1 bytes , 71reads )