所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2015-07-09 20:47

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
REF: 15057213736


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【三宝妈妈团】2015年新楼,Carter's/OshKosh 长期团,IMM/WOODLANDS/CCK/快递邮寄 三宝妈妈   (2165 bytes , 16438reads )
团长2016 也继续跟在后面不 Loganmia   (4 bytes , 76reads )
有新帖子。 三宝妈妈   (141 bytes , 64reads )
那我之前跟的要重新填吗? Loganmia   (64 bytes , 59reads )
现在有clearance再20%的折扣 @三宝妈妈 stephanie   (0 bytes , 66reads )
团长,想买两件衣服,请问最近会下单吗? stephanie   (0 bytes , 64reads )
12月份可以下单了吗? 小宝贝2015   (96 bytes , 97reads )
直接填吧 三宝妈妈   (10 bytes , 59reads )
谢谢。 小宝贝2015   (0 bytes , 66reads )
团长 smellycat   (22 bytes , 78reads )
是转到POSB smellycat   (4 bytes , 62reads )
跟单 已转账 azhai   (66 bytes , 84reads )
黑五跟单 azhai   (96 bytes , 76reads )
已转 azhai   (87 bytes , 67reads )
今天看到黑五有60%off 可以在这团吗 iamet   (5 bytes , 85reads )
填单吧 三宝妈妈   (10 bytes , 58reads )
我也下单了,多谢美妈 珍珠园子   (20 bytes , 68reads )
跟单 已转账 狐狸熊   (58 bytes , 80reads )
25/09/2015 0778   (46 bytes , 94reads )
已跟单, 冬雪   (34 bytes , 85reads )
MM,定金转了SGD50, REF NO: 1557791XXXX 香水百合   (0 bytes , 73reads )
跟单 香水百合   (42 bytes , 105reads )
已转 彭太太   (18 bytes , 91reads )
新手问题: 在哪里查余额? 查单一里面找不到哇 juanuary17   (0 bytes , 115reads )
你的单在06/07/2015里面 三宝妈妈   (16 bytes , 113reads )
对不起团长! 我不知道表单在哪里! 主贴里我只看到三个连接: 跟单, 查单一, 查单二 juanuary17   (0 bytes , 97reads )
已转定金38.96至POSB,谢谢团长! westlily   (0 bytes , 119reads )
宝妈,零零碎碎的填了很多,麻烦宝妈帮我下单哈,谢谢 710applepie   (0 bytes , 111reads )
已转定金50,请查收 710applepie   (37 bytes , 119reads )
抱歉抱歉,刚读规则,今晚回家转定金 710applepie   (0 bytes , 117reads )
已转订金SGD42. vvos   (55 bytes , 118reads )
宝妈,请问5月21号团到货了吗?谢谢! 昔文   (0 bytes , 140reads )
08/05/2015 OshKosh 0778   (39 bytes , 112reads )
19/04/2015 Carter's 0778   (38 bytes , 140reads )
01/04/2015 0778   (39 bytes , 159reads )
要跟几件衣服,google填单地址进去不可以编辑啊? linda7906   (0 bytes , 209reads )
应该可以的。要不你换个电脑试试。 三宝妈妈   (22 bytes , 177reads )
Transfer $9 TO ur POSB account for deposit. bp   (26 bytes , 280reads )
已转入POSB,transaction number :14495759565 randd   (0 bytes , 231reads )
已转59.97至posb 间隙   (55 bytes , 228reads )
找到了。一共$47.96,之前转了$36,还得转$11.96. 枫的颜色   (63 bytes , 160reads )
快递另加7块钱。 三宝妈妈   (104 bytes , 167reads )
好。24号发的哈。没关系。我又发了一遍。 枫的颜色   (20 bytes , 210reads )
我还得转多少余额? 查单链接找不到我的了,, 枫的颜色   (0 bytes , 161reads )
定金已转 susanwang   (52 bytes , 222reads )
已转59.97至posb 间隙   (0 bytes , 175reads )
我在amazon上也有跟团,等到了一起把钱转给你吧。 香水百合   (0 bytes , 182reads )
AMAZON账单已经算好了,也到货了 三宝妈妈   (16 bytes , 207reads )
三宝妈,我在24号那天已经转了SGD34了,你查下。 香水百合   (0 bytes , 333reads )
我把34记在AMAZON团的定金里面了。 三宝妈妈   (14 bytes , 169reads )
现在还来得及下单吗 间隙   (0 bytes , 113reads )
请问账号是什么? 彭太太   (30 bytes , 203reads )
原来在查单的链接 晕 彭太太   (62 bytes , 209reads )
请问我跟单的两件衣服您下单了吗 头大   (0 bytes , 209reads )
加一单 馋锅包肉了   (80 bytes , 204reads )
订金已转 馋锅包肉了   (60 bytes , 139reads )
好的。。谢谢 枫的颜色   (0 bytes , 193reads )
已sms宝妈 浏兰花   (32 bytes , 185reads )
我已经下单了 三宝妈妈   (14 bytes , 210reads )
三宝妈,跟单 香水百合   (62 bytes , 241reads )
又忘了说是posb acc了 adnil   (0 bytes , 281reads )
19/01/2015 Carter's / Oshkosh 0778   (37 bytes , 298reads )
========提问闲聊区,各种疑问请跟此楼======= 三宝妈妈   (28 bytes , 266reads )
宝妈,请问一下 ziyixiaoxian   (150 bytes , 88reads )
应该没问题。 三宝妈妈   (10 bytes , 56reads )
已经下好单了见链接 小宝贝2015   (70 bytes , 80reads )
美妈,我黑五的单是没跟上么? conniie   (33 bytes , 69reads )
几乎都没size了。 三宝妈妈   (10 bytes , 63reads )
哦好的,麻烦美妈了 conniie   (0 bytes , 61reads )
extra 25% off on $50+ purchase! Ship free on $50+. 跟单了,麻烦宝妈快下单。。 adnil   (0 bytes , 85reads )
新人报到 小宝贝2015   (145 bytes , 67reads )
我今天填的担子,多久能到~ uncleshi   (36 bytes , 80reads )
应该可以。 三宝妈妈   (12 bytes , 67reads )
好的~谢谢啦 uncleshi   (0 bytes , 77reads )
你好。请问我的订单到了 沫沫   (35 bytes , 94reads )
早就到货了 三宝妈妈   (18 bytes , 60reads )
实在不好意思 沫沫   (56 bytes , 96reads )
分货帖每周都单独发的。 三宝妈妈   (102 bytes , 74reads )
好的 沫沫   (14 bytes , 96reads )
你好 沫沫   (48 bytes , 85reads )
要下单的快哦,sale区还额外30% OFF折扣!!! colorsg   (0 bytes , 96reads )
你好 沫沫   (63 bytes , 85reads )
卡特童装清仓区折扣高达70% OFF + 额外30% OFF colorsg   (0 bytes , 89reads )
6月19的单 letmedoit   (21 bytes , 102reads )
现在还可以跟么 沫沫   (14 bytes , 108reads )
可以跟, 填表就可以了。 三宝妈妈   (10 bytes , 107reads )
已经跟了 沫沫   (17 bytes , 111reads )
@三宝妈妈 Water86   (34 bytes , 120reads )
宝妈,5月还会下单吗? 水墨   (19 bytes , 209reads )
还会下单 三宝妈妈   (20 bytes , 120reads )
宝妈,问一下5月15团的东西到货了吗? 水墨   (18 bytes , 128reads )
谢谢,已填单 水墨   (17 bytes , 162reads )
4月19号的团什么时候能到呀 间隙   (0 bytes , 127reads )
请问团长,4.1的单啥时候到货啊? 燕妮   (0 bytes , 215reads )
本周会到货。 三宝妈妈   (9 bytes , 247reads )
这次等好久啊... roroie   (29 bytes , 156reads )
请问,4月5号Carter's团大概什么时候会到? 园中葵葵   (0 bytes , 199reads )
宝妈4.1的大概几时会到哦? susanwang   (25 bytes , 233reads )
宝妈 三月25号的团已经到货了是吗 vert   (14 bytes , 218reads )
请问团长,三月五日下单的 到了吗? 谢谢 枫的颜色   (0 bytes , 168reads )
早已到货了,已通知转帐及取货了。 三宝妈妈   (33 bytes , 203reads )
哦。。难怪。。我是望穿秋水。。留言过给你,也没回。还以为没到呢 枫的颜色   (0 bytes , 199reads )
最近我的上网时间不多,有时候回复不太及时 三宝妈妈   (29 bytes , 152reads )
宝妈, wang0462   (120 bytes , 165reads )
这两天会发回来,预计下周到货。 三宝妈妈   (5 bytes , 124reads )
太好了,谢谢宝妈 wang0462   (0 bytes , 195reads )
包妈最近几时会下单哦 susanwang   (0 bytes , 234reads )
你的跟单1号已经下单了,只是忘记更新查单了。 三宝妈妈   (16 bytes , 201reads )
宝妈,我有两件被标了黄色没有下单 conniie   (106 bytes , 169reads )
2月15日下的单什么时候取货? 高家小野猪   (0 bytes , 199reads )
下周三到货 三宝妈妈   (14 bytes , 210reads )
多谢 宝妈 帮忙快递吧 需要再给地址么?之前你帮我发过 不过手机号码换了 高家小野猪   (0 bytes , 189reads )
请再把地址名字电话等信息短消息我一下,谢谢 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 130reads )
已经私信  高家小野猪   (0 bytes , 200reads )
extra 20%off colorsg   (0 bytes , 176reads )
这个offer到什么时候截止呢。。 枫的颜色   (0 bytes , 300reads )
团长,你一般在哪分货呀。想买宝宝衣服的:) 枫的颜色   (0 bytes , 267reads )
分货地点如下 三宝妈妈   (65 bytes , 223reads )
可以帮忙快递不? 枫的颜色   (0 bytes , 194reads )
可以安排快递。 三宝妈妈   (22 bytes , 212reads )
请问一下,关于OshKosh衣服的号码 开始了   (77 bytes , 279reads )
据说baby的尺码偏小 三宝妈妈   (30 bytes , 305reads )
宝妈,确认一下, 我年前最后跟的单黄了,是吗?我在查单里没看到。 adnil   (0 bytes , 301reads )
价格超出你的要求了 三宝妈妈   (12 bytes , 132reads )
请问团长 DanlKun   (22 bytes , 180reads )
宝妈,如果1月27号货到了,下个星期可以提前分货吗? adnil   (25 bytes , 276reads )
目前清仓区有额外75折 三宝妈妈   (16 bytes , 183reads )
已跟单。最晚明天转给你定金。 adnil   (0 bytes , 203reads )
==========余额转账区=========== 三宝妈妈   (76 bytes , 313reads )
已转 bridge   (5 bytes , 62reads )
已转账 小宝贝2015   (104 bytes , 216reads )
@小宝贝2015 @有靓宝的生活 @猪猪和米米 @yelhsa @azhai2015 @Annagugu 三宝妈妈   (119 bytes , 67reads )
看到了, annagugu   (65 bytes , 48reads )
帐单已转 有靓宝的生活   (12 bytes , 55reads )
好的好的 小宝贝2015   (10 bytes , 72reads )
@珍珠园子 @ziyixiaoxian @Smellycat @无双妹 三宝妈妈   (55 bytes , 61reads )
已转 ziyixiaoxian   (8 bytes , 94reads )
已经转余额9.16至posb smellycat   (40 bytes , 76reads )
已转22.25至posb, ref. 16212458198. 谢谢 无双妹   (16 bytes , 57reads )
@bobolau119 @小小魔女嬷 @0778 @azhai2015 @connie @colorsg @sharing 三宝妈妈   (141 bytes , 79reads )
宝妈,银行账号已站短,谢谢啦 conniie   (0 bytes , 60reads )
14.89已转 小小魔女嬷   (23 bytes , 81reads )
12/11/2015 & 27/11/2015 0778   (46 bytes , 75reads )
mm,不好意思,昨天我算帐算错了哦。 三宝妈妈   (37 bytes , 52reads )
转差价 0778   (37 bytes , 65reads )
已转账,请查收 jiajiau   (59 bytes , 80reads )
@有靓宝的生活 @jiajiau @Ifrit62 @adnil 三宝妈妈   (84 bytes , 69reads )
@有靓宝的生活 @jiajiau @Ifrit62 @adnil Ifrit62   (57 bytes , 76reads )
是的,carters不是漏发了一条裤子给你么? 三宝妈妈   (44 bytes , 66reads )
转了 有靓宝的生活   (4 bytes , 63reads )
@有靓宝的生活 @jiajiau @Ifrit62 @adnil 三宝妈妈   (42 bytes , 72reads )
已网银转余额 S$9.62到posb acc,ref no 15916173752. 谢谢! adnil   (0 bytes , 86reads )
@香水百合 @westlily @uncleshi 三宝妈妈   (39 bytes , 67reads )
已转余额到POSB westlily   (12 bytes , 90reads )
@hh0nn @flybeck @water86 @annagugu @夏天的柳 @Joyce Wang @0778 三宝妈妈   (42 bytes , 84reads )
已转28.59 Water86   (14 bytes , 74reads )
已转19.67 flybeck   (0 bytes , 89reads )
已转 annagugu   (64 bytes , 77reads )
已转 hh0nn   (62 bytes , 91reads )
已转33.54至POSB jigger   (16 bytes , 93reads )
@珍珠园子 @dorisfong @冬雪 @yelhsa @thm8454 三宝妈妈   (54 bytes , 72reads )
刚刚atm转了231.9 珍珠园子   (33 bytes , 72reads )
已转61.63,谢谢 thm8454   (0 bytes , 71reads )
已转$28.47请查收,等衣服到了周末团长家自取 dorisfong   (0 bytes , 85reads )
已转 shaneryang   (5 bytes , 72reads )
已转余额 jiajiau   (95 bytes , 78reads )
已转8.69 juanuary17   (0 bytes , 98reads )
POSB internet banking juanuary17   (0 bytes , 87reads )
已转21.42 Loganmia   (48 bytes , 75reads )
@Lydia25 @juanuary17 @Lacey @loganmia @bridge @yelhsa @jiajiau @yume 三宝妈妈   (42 bytes , 75reads )
已转24.75 Yume   (25 bytes , 82reads )
已转账20.54到posb,请查收,谢谢。 Lydia25   (0 bytes , 69reads )
一转 Loganmia   (48 bytes , 68reads )
余额转账 Tianjia   (92 bytes , 87reads )
@Tianjia @单眼皮女生 @彭太太 @jigger @香水百合 三宝妈妈   (34 bytes , 77reads )
已转 91.4 Water86   (25 bytes , 74reads )
宝妈,余额已转,请查收,谢谢! conniie   (25 bytes , 95reads )
@water86 @北尘Seoul @猪猪和米米 @五月天 @Aprilbaby @colorsg @Lydia25 三宝妈妈   (50 bytes , 119reads )
79.58 transfer thanks dear!! colorsg   (0 bytes , 80reads )
已转账14.07到posb,谢谢。 Lydia25   (0 bytes , 90reads )
POSBZ转账 已转余额38.6 北尘Seoul   (29 bytes , 118reads )
宝妈,已转余额到OCBC.谢谢。 Aprilbaby   (0 bytes , 119reads )
@沫沫 @westlily @kuduki1983 @0778 @蕾蕾丫头 @Loganmia @connie @奋斗de饼饼 三宝妈妈   (50 bytes , 123reads )
团长,已转$59.50($46.74+$12.76)到OCBC 沫沫   (0 bytes , 98reads )
25/07/15 Carter's/Oshk 0778   (40 bytes , 106reads )
POSB internet banking已转余额 蕾蕾丫头   (25 bytes , 134reads )
已转余额至POSB westlily   (14 bytes , 126reads )
SAN BAO MA, 香水百合   (61 bytes , 98reads )
@夏天的柳 @红樱桃 @香水百合 @北尘Seoul @奋斗de饼饼 @juanuary17 @liys_0 三宝妈妈   (44 bytes , 104reads )
已转5.19 POSB, ref: 15224291239 at 3:08pm today juanuary17   (98 bytes , 101reads )
已转余额 奋斗de饼饼   (56 bytes , 92reads )
谢谢!貌似定金付多了 北尘Seoul   (61 bytes , 108reads )
已转 18.49 到ocbc liys_0   (0 bytes , 111reads )
已转余额 71.28 Water86   (48 bytes , 101reads )
@zdwtt @rabbitbabe @珍珠园子 三宝妈妈   (72 bytes , 97reads )
今天atm转了114.3 珍珠园子   (26 bytes , 110reads )
已转41.75, ref#15133360035 rabbitbabe   (8 bytes , 102reads )
宝妈 zdwtt   (70 bytes , 102reads )
站短账号给我 三宝妈妈   (10 bytes , 82reads )
dbs saving zdwtt   (22 bytes , 100reads )
已转5.38,ref 15174786305 三宝妈妈   (5 bytes , 85reads )
@letmedoit @yume @狐狸熊 @vvos @thm8454 @710applepie @有靓宝的生活 @0778 @红樱桃 三宝妈妈   (72 bytes , 99reads )
已转余额 vvos   (0 bytes , 91reads )
28/6/2015 Carters & Oshk 0778   (51 bytes , 114reads )
账单已转 有靓宝的生活   (29 bytes , 105reads )
posb转账8.61,reference15120629388,谢谢 thm8454   (0 bytes , 114reads )
团长,我的balance就0.31,能分货的时候当面给你吗?谢谢 710applepie   (0 bytes , 128reads )
已转9.16 letmedoit   (26 bytes , 112reads )
Balance 是-1.06,怎么办呢? 狐狸熊   (38 bytes , 101reads )
银行账号站短我哈 三宝妈妈   (8 bytes , 98reads )
余额已转$17.73 posb 15108772694 Yume   (32 bytes , 99reads )
@小小魔女嬷 @奋斗de饼饼 @selina77 @achilles622 @五月天 @everbb @water86 三宝妈妈   (72 bytes , 96reads )
已转2.96去POSB 小小魔女嬷   (6 bytes , 122reads )
已转余额,请查收,谢谢! achilles622   (94 bytes , 103reads )
团长已转余额和vs全款共S$88.19 小燕子妈kyo   (48 bytes , 151reads )
@Casper9905 @小小魔女嬷 三宝妈妈   (44 bytes , 116reads )
余额已转 casper9905   (39 bytes , 116reads )
宝妈,我之前转的定金你收到了吗 小小魔女嬷   (107 bytes , 186reads )
@黑白黑白 @小燕子妈kyo @ET兔子酱 @thm8454 @无双妹 @小棠菜 @selina77 @everbb 三宝妈妈   (44 bytes , 137reads )
余额已转 selina52077   (65 bytes , 102reads )
6.19的有到吗? selina52077   (110 bytes , 105reads )
到了一单。 三宝妈妈   (15 bytes , 99reads )
6.19 的还没到吗? selina52077   (16 bytes , 98reads )
一起取? selina52077   (46 bytes , 91reads )
宝妈,周末家里自取。提前联系,谢谢。 无双妹   (0 bytes , 101reads )
6.19的到没? selina52077   (110 bytes , 105reads )
已转 小棠菜   (18 bytes , 104reads )
posb转帐18.42,reference15002054753 thm8454   (51 bytes , 94reads )
已转 黑白黑白   (74 bytes , 111reads )
宝妈 ziyixiaoxian   (45 bytes , 96reads )
@adnil @昔文 @Salt @yianle @有靓宝的生活 @盛夏的清水 @jigger @karenhan 三宝妈妈   (38 bytes , 135reads )
已网银转余额$15.38到你posb acc.谢谢宝妈! adnil   (0 bytes , 143reads )
已转15.98到ocbc 帐户,ref: 4054. 结清,请查收。谢谢宝妈! 昔文   (0 bytes , 157reads )
已转 karenhan   (37 bytes , 127reads )
已转余额34.89,521的团。谢谢! 盛夏的清水   (0 bytes , 120reads )
账单已转 有靓宝的生活   (14 bytes , 125reads )
已转 yianle   (77 bytes , 137reads )
已转 jigger   (0 bytes , 123reads )
5月21号单,已转24.96 jigger   (37 bytes , 122reads )
@conniie @salt @珍珠园子 @shfantasy @水墨 @water86 @jiabao @cyr 三宝妈妈   (59 bytes , 115reads )
今天转了112.25 珍珠园子   (43 bytes , 144reads )
已转账,延迟取货 shfantasy   (271 bytes , 147reads )
4瓶一共102.40 三宝妈妈   (22 bytes , 89reads )
取货 shfantasy   (115 bytes , 145reads )
快递7~10块,我需要打包一下才确定。 三宝妈妈   (44 bytes , 112reads )
请告知大概取货时间 shfantasy   (360 bytes , 137reads )
快递 shfantasy   (38 bytes , 120reads )
取货 shfantasy   (121 bytes , 126reads )
余额已转,谢谢宝妈,辛苦啦! conniie   (9 bytes , 120reads )
已转18.44到ocbc,请查收 水墨   (39 bytes , 141reads )
余额已转 jiabao   (31 bytes , 124reads )
余额已转 cyr   (36 bytes , 109reads )
@water86 @0778 @沙拉米ZSLJ @jigger 三宝妈妈   (54 bytes , 165reads )
余额转到5.18那单里吧。 Water86   (12 bytes , 127reads )
已转22.49 沙拉米ZSLJ   (30 bytes , 151reads )
已转33.36至POSB,谢谢团长 jigger   (0 bytes , 123reads )
余额已转 jiajiau   (52 bytes , 155reads )
余额已转,请查收 conniie   (17 bytes , 104reads )
@conniie @tingting2012 @冬雪 @狐狸熊 三宝妈妈   (66 bytes , 195reads )
余款已转账 狐狸熊   (28 bytes , 148reads )
@bp @wuyuxuanwu @夏天的柳 @0778 @无敌师太 @间隙 @Salt @jiajiau @草香心轻 三宝妈妈   (66 bytes , 195reads )
ATM已转账20.17, 请查收 草香心轻   (0 bytes , 136reads )
Transfer $3.16 TO ur POSB account. bp   (95 bytes , 204reads )
已转12.86到ocbc 无敌师太   (42 bytes , 199reads )
余额不退了吧 salt   (45 bytes , 188reads )
Ba salt   (0 bytes , 124reads )
已转余额,我5月31离坡,可否早点拿 间隙   (0 bytes , 170reads )
平时我家自取哈 三宝妈妈   (10 bytes , 191reads )
楼主家在哪里呀,站短一个 间隙   (0 bytes , 154reads )
余额结清-4月5日团员:园中葵葵 园中葵葵   (122 bytes , 218reads )
@water86 @KTR119 @芒果妈 @Casper9905 @燕妮 @0778 @susanwang @roroie @xiu 三宝妈妈   (76 bytes , 156reads )
已转余额24.56+7 susanwang   (66 bytes , 133reads )
差价请网银到以下账户 casper9905   (39 bytes , 142reads )
已转, 三宝妈妈   (16 bytes , 183reads )
已转余额12.14 Water86   (15 bytes , 187reads )
已转36.39到ocbc账户 麻烦宝妈帮我平邮 KTR119   (0 bytes , 139reads )
已转18.08到 芒果妈   (90 bytes , 180reads )
transferred $26.60 to your ocbc account, pls check. Thanks! xiu   (0 bytes , 217reads )
忘写金额了,sgd 13.75 roroie   (0 bytes , 205reads )
已付余款 roroie   (52 bytes , 200reads )
余额12.81已转,OCBC网银 燕妮   (6 bytes , 172reads )
@charolyn @小橘子cici @dorisfong @有靓宝的生活 @园中葵葵 @ET兔子酱 @qjkk 三宝妈妈   (42 bytes , 173reads )
已转$22.46请查收,周末团长家自取 dorisfong   (0 bytes , 149reads )
刚转了55.5到posb,请查收!多谢! charolyn   (0 bytes , 201reads )
已转9.27。麻烦芒果妈帮我带回来 qjkk   (4 bytes , 181reads )
已结清余额,请求快递邮寄。 园中葵葵   (162 bytes , 203reads )
已转余额21.74,posb 网银 小橘子cici   (24 bytes , 191reads )
宝妈不好意思,才看到,余额已转,请查收 conniie   (51 bytes , 202reads )
余额已转 黑白黑白   (84 bytes , 230reads )
妹子,这两单的余额总数应该是4.28,你多转了24块给我。请站短帐号给我[…] 三宝妈妈   (16 bytes , 202reads )
我记得我只转过一次24给你呀 黑白黑白   (14 bytes , 158reads )
原来是我看错了。 三宝妈妈   (18 bytes , 182reads )
余额已转 jiajiau   (36 bytes , 161reads )
已转17.85到OCBC 无敌师太   (37 bytes , 192reads )
@lanlin @cocopengy @间隙 @ziyixiaoxian @vert @yuloo01 @jiajiau 三宝妈妈   (48 bytes , 229reads )
已转 ziyixiaoxian   (8 bytes , 188reads )
已转POSB 97.3 lanlin   (6 bytes , 160reads )
@wang0462 @无双妹 @Aprilbaby @馋锅包肉了 @黑白黑白 @connie @DoraMM @randd 三宝妈妈   (48 bytes , 352reads )
宝妈,我已转SGD74.13 Aprilbaby   (49 bytes , 182reads )
已转余额11.37至posb, Ref. 14522550117 无双妹   (86 bytes , 270reads )
可以。 三宝妈妈   (34 bytes , 122reads )
3月24号的单,已转余额3.18 to posb, thanks! DoraMM   (45 bytes , 329reads )
已转余额 vert   (7 bytes , 113reads )
余额已转,详见188楼 馋锅包肉了   (6 bytes , 283reads )
transfer 12.07 to your posb savings from posb atm, ref. 8684 cocopengy   (0 bytes , 262reads )
请问3月18日的caters 到了对吗 wang0462   (40 bytes , 167reads )
已转约36.84至posb, 是3月25的团,谢谢宝妈 间隙   (0 bytes , 214reads )
已转余额16.47 vert   (34 bytes , 246reads )
余额已转for 3月20日单 馋锅包肉了   (47 bytes , 196reads )
3月25日余额已转至POSB账户 yuloo01   (6 bytes , 183reads )
团长,一共转了$18.96(余额$11.96+运费$7) 枫的颜色   (43 bytes , 233reads )
@Tianjia @Maplec_f @bethqing 三宝妈妈   (69 bytes , 261reads )
余额23.66 已转 肉丸   (24 bytes , 152reads )
@DoraMM @馋锅包肉了 @dorisfong @Flameshnus @Sglotus @肉丸 @彭太太 三宝妈妈   (60 bytes , 161reads )
3月14和3月17的单,共转余额20.6,谢谢! DoraMM   (46 bytes , 290reads )
3月14和3月20的这周到货了吗? 馋锅包肉了   (34 bytes , 188reads )
余额已转Tran ref.: 14452945362,请查收,谢谢 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 217reads )
已转34.78 彭太太   (25 bytes , 172reads )
$44.03已转好请查收,这批到后一起到团长家自取,谢谢。 dorisfong   (0 bytes , 148reads )
已转50 馋锅包肉了   (64 bytes , 139reads )
@有靓宝的生活 @蕾蕾丫头 @byheart @草香心轻 @wuyuxuanwu @SigmaC @头大 @connie 三宝妈妈   (60 bytes , 177reads )
已转帐 蕾蕾丫头   (38 bytes , 138reads )
Paylah转帐,谢谢宝妈 byheart   (0 bytes , 130reads )
宝妈,余额已转请查收,多谢 conniie   (0 bytes , 208reads )
已转余额0.42POSB SigmaC   (90 bytes , 262reads )
3月14日的也已经到货了,估计你看漏了。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 222reads )
真没看到~~已转29.2。 申请快递,上次猴子包转过运费7刀,费心了 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 135reads )
paylah已转80.32,3月10号的,谢谢啦! wuyuxuanwu   (0 bytes , 213reads )
ATM已转14.16(3月10号) 草香心轻   (0 bytes , 145reads )
@奋斗de饼饼 @风的颜色 @竹樱小桃 三宝妈妈   (95 bytes , 139reads )
已转余额 奋斗de饼饼   (56 bytes , 145reads )
@Zh1125798 @colorsg @活力妹妹 @wuyuxuanwu @浏兰花 @无敌师太 @五月天 @apple88 三宝妈妈   (95 bytes , 264reads )
paylah已转50.46,2月26号的,谢谢啦! wuyuxuanwu   (0 bytes , 228reads )
ocbc转的 apple88   (25 bytes , 138reads )
宝妈亲,已转,谢谢! colorsg   (0 bytes , 167reads )
余额已转 无敌师太   (61 bytes , 126reads )
宝妈您好 无敌师太   (115 bytes , 224reads )
已转谢宝妈~ 活力妹妹   (0 bytes , 229reads )
已转,谢谢 五月天   (2 bytes , 127reads )
余额已转 浏兰花   (23 bytes , 154reads )
@SigmaC @dorisfong @ziyixiaoxian @miss-ji @Vitamin @connie @香水百合 @kozuki 三宝妈妈   (95 bytes , 129reads )
宝妈 ziyixiaoxian   (79 bytes , 199reads )
宝妈,余额已转请查收,多谢 conniie   (31 bytes , 140reads )
已转 miss-ji   (29 bytes , 202reads )
已转余额6.47 via posb kozuki   (0 bytes , 236reads )
可以用paylah吗 kozuki   (0 bytes , 226reads )
3.6号的$33.36已转好,请查收。跟3.14号的一起取可以吗? dorisfong   (0 bytes , 220reads )
转余额 猪猪和米米   (44 bytes , 170reads )
不好意思,刚刚发现一件衣服的运费单位误打成11,所以运费做了点调整,应该[…] 三宝妈妈   (32 bytes , 182reads )
转余额 猪猪和米米   (22 bytes , 135reads )
@小狗崽 @高家小野猪 @whywhy @豆芽妈 @liebpps @猪猪和米米 @DanlKun @colorsg 三宝妈妈   (89 bytes , 230reads )
Successful Ref. no. 2015031304001156 已经转 $60.34+$6(快递) 高家小野猪   (40 bytes , 175reads )
already transfered to POSB saving, refer NO. 14293725667, thanks 豆芽妈   (0 bytes , 176reads )
团长,可以邮寄吗,没事间去取 豆芽妈   (0 bytes , 125reads )
三宝妈:已转37.07. 小狗崽   (16 bytes , 168reads )
宝妈亲,已转,谢谢!mua colorsg   (0 bytes , 231reads )
已转105.88,多谢 whywhy   (129 bytes , 141reads )
不好意思,应该是手误打错了,我已经改正过来。请短消息你的帐号,我转回多转[…] 三宝妈妈   (16 bytes , 147reads )
宝妈,来日方长,我以后还跟您团衣服 whywhy   (149 bytes , 187reads )
已转账 DanlKun   (19 bytes , 145reads )
@DoraMM @奋斗de饼饼 @shfantasy @雪地精灵2015 @adnil @小象 @loganmia @瓜瓜 三宝妈妈   (88 bytes , 177reads )
已转70.76, 不好意思迟了点 瓜瓜   (4 bytes , 267reads )
已转28.43到posb 奋斗de饼饼   (90 bytes , 163reads )
余额已转, 9.99 to POSB 雪地精灵2015   (0 bytes , 165reads )
余额已转 shfantasy   (47 bytes , 165reads )
已转余额19.07, thanks! DoraMM   (45 bytes , 215reads )
已paylah9.57 Loganmia   (24 bytes , 169reads )
已转 miss-ji   (28 bytes , 150reads )
@有靓宝的生活 @adnil 三宝妈妈   (85 bytes , 218reads )
宝妈,余额4.86元已转入你posb acc. 谢谢了。 adnil   (107 bytes , 197reads )
@Maplec_f @猪猪和米米 @samikang @0778 @蛋蛋2009 @janicecyq @元吧头 @miss-ji 三宝妈妈   (85 bytes , 297reads )
宝妈,我的扣掉定金加上快递7块一共23块转给你 janicecyq   (26 bytes , 213reads )
OCBC给你转了, ref:2015020901304545 janicecyq   (0 bytes , 284reads )
美妈 已转账 元吧头   (43 bytes , 223reads )
already transfer to your POSB, thanks, ref: 14085287997 samikang   (0 bytes , 270reads )
余额已转 猪猪和米米   (29 bytes , 216reads )
@舜华 @毛毛虫虫 @沙拉米ZSLJ @heyu0003 @cyr @小棠菜 @竹樱小桃 @akuan2001 @mirage 三宝妈妈   (85 bytes , 272reads )
已转45.38..谢谢 竹樱小桃   (0 bytes , 163reads )
已转账。请查收。谢谢! 毛毛虫虫   (16 bytes , 186reads )
已转余额25.58到团长OCBC~ heyu0003   (73 bytes , 333reads )
余额已转 cyr   (34 bytes , 265reads )
宝妈 沙拉米ZSLJ   (161 bytes , 198reads )
@loganmia @cucumber33 @r3865488 @活力妹妹 @单眼皮女生 @Tianjia @longxiaoye 三宝妈妈   (85 bytes , 285reads )
已转,谢宝妈 活力妹妹   (0 bytes , 202reads )
=========定金转账区======== 三宝妈妈   (79 bytes , 232reads )
mm. 我已转SGD43,ref no:1626317xxxx,查收 香水百合   (0 bytes , 66reads )
bridge   (271 bytes , 60reads )
转定金 猪猪和米米   (63 bytes , 60reads )
黑五跟单 小小魔女嬷   (92 bytes , 89reads )
美妈,定金已转请查收 conniie   (26 bytes , 66reads )
定金已转,多谢宝妈 conniie   (8 bytes , 66reads )
已转定金101去POSB 小小魔女嬷   (68 bytes , 103reads )
宝妈,我又跟单了。又网银转posb acc $22. ref no: 15728704543.谢谢! adnil   (0 bytes , 82reads )
跟单了。已转定金$65到宝妈 posb acc. reference 15722792104. 谢谢宝妈! adnil   (0 bytes , 84reads )
=========定金转账区======== Ifrit62   (86 bytes , 101reads )
已转28到posb westlily   (0 bytes , 80reads )
又转了35到POSB westlily   (10 bytes , 57reads )
转定金 40.96 冬雪   (70 bytes , 88reads )
已转S$42定金到宝妈的posb conniie   (15 bytes , 77reads )
已转定金,posb saving jiajiau   (47 bytes , 86reads )
POSB $59.50已转,团长请查收。 沫沫   (0 bytes , 82reads )
对不起写错了,是OCBC 沫沫   (0 bytes , 82reads )
转余额 猪猪和米米   (26 bytes , 101reads )
已转订金到 POSB yelhsa   (43 bytes , 125reads )
又下了一单, 已转 63.2 juanuary17   (104 bytes , 102reads )
宝妈,又加了一件在填单区 conniie   (47 bytes , 97reads )
已转定金50到posb,谢谢。 Lydia25   (0 bytes , 106reads )
已转订金,多谢宝妈 conniie   (30 bytes , 83reads )
POSB internet banking transfer 蕾蕾丫头   (12 bytes , 125reads )
已转定金35到posb.谢谢。 Lydia25   (0 bytes , 87reads )
宝妈,已转SGD62到你的OCBC.请查收哦。 Aprilbaby   (25 bytes , 99reads )
转定金 猪猪和米米   (51 bytes , 109reads )
宝妈,订金已转,请查收 conniie   (27 bytes , 96reads )
POSB internet banking transfer 蕾蕾丫头   (12 bytes , 139reads )
已转28.87 到ocbc账户 liys_0   (0 bytes , 122reads )
POSB internet banking to POSB Account 已转30.96 juanuary17   (0 bytes , 105reads )
第一次团购,不知道做得步骤对不对哈哈 juanuary17   (0 bytes , 110reads )
不好意思忘记了 北尘Seoul   (10 bytes , 102reads )
已转定金S$15. REF:14990550214 北尘Seoul   (8 bytes , 105reads )
三宝妈,定金已转 香水百合   (55 bytes , 96reads )
posb已转定金$21 Yume   (17 bytes , 110reads )
已转10块定金 zdwtt   (20 bytes , 94reads )
已转定金60 Water86   (17 bytes , 106reads )
转定金S$60, 包括16/6 carters 和 VS的。REF. 14966094250. 谢谢宝妈。 无双妹   (0 bytes , 110reads )
posb已转$9.9 Yume   (137 bytes , 116reads )
20% OFF AND FREE SHIPPING WHEN YOU SPEND $40+ WITH CODE SUMMER20! 三宝妈妈   (74 bytes , 118reads )
好的 明白了 Yume   (8 bytes , 110reads )
posb转45,reference14935164278 thm8454   (0 bytes , 104reads )
已转定金37.95 狐狸熊   (11 bytes , 114reads )
已转定金S$53. Ref no:2015061904776093 letmedoit   (37 bytes , 124reads )
ocbc letmedoit   (21 bytes , 97reads )
已转定金,请查收,谢谢宝妈! achilles622   (71 bytes , 103reads )
到POSB selina52077   (14 bytes , 126reads )
定金已转 selina52077   (30 bytes , 130reads )
加了三件,已转48.94去POSB,from citibank 小小魔女嬷   (5 bytes , 125reads )
定金已转 casper9905   (40 bytes , 115reads )
定金已转~ ET兔子酱   (39 bytes , 120reads )
posb转31.98,reference14812438049 thm8454   (0 bytes , 103reads )
今天posb再转了18.9,reference14835744483 thm8454   (0 bytes , 110reads )
网银谢谢 小燕子妈kyo   (0 bytes , 145reads )
已转48.4到posb 小燕子妈kyo   (4 bytes , 184reads )
已转定金34.99 黑白黑白   (29 bytes , 119reads )
订金用余额暂代 盛夏的清水   (211 bytes , 155reads )
已转订金 yianle   (84 bytes , 163reads )
昨天看到50%discount, 又跟单了。已网银转定金$57到你的posb acct.谢谢宝妈! adnil   (0 bytes , 138reads )
转定金 salt   (38 bytes , 165reads )
定金已转 cyr   (40 bytes , 125reads )
订金已转 jiabao   (32 bytes , 139reads )
订金已转,多谢宝妈 conniie   (8 bytes , 127reads )
已转订金16.78 Water86   (15 bytes , 207reads )
已转定金47到ocbc,请查收 水墨   (35 bytes , 131reads )
美团,已转定金62至POSB jigger   (14 bytes , 138reads )
定金36转到posb 沙拉米ZSLJ   (51 bytes , 181reads )
已转36.38订金 Water86   (17 bytes , 235reads )
三宝妈妈,定金已转。 狐狸熊   (54 bytes , 134reads )
宝妈,订金已转请查收 conniie   (13 bytes , 115reads )
定金已转,谢谢 冬雪   (58 bytes , 147reads )
宝妈,已转定金 SGD 16.00 tingting2012   (20 bytes , 162reads )
订金已转,多谢宝妈 conniie   (8 bytes , 176reads )
宝妈,已转定金 SGD 10.00 ET兔子酱   (33 bytes , 202reads )
4月19团已转订金41至posb 间隙   (0 bytes , 209reads )
已转定金 jiajiau   (38 bytes , 161reads )
已转定金POSB $28.97, 谢谢! salt   (0 bytes , 279reads )
ref: 14520460524 salt   (0 bytes , 239reads )
已转订金 夏天的柳   (104 bytes , 268reads )
3月27号中午有转59.97的订金至posb,是3月25的团,谢谢宝妈 间隙   (11 bytes , 196reads )
刚转了142刀定金到你的posb charolyn   (50 bytes , 225reads )
小橘子cici已转定金S$53.94 至Posb 网银 ref 1448[…] 小橘子cici   (16 bytes , 153reads )
25/03/15单已转至posb账户 yuloo01   (8 bytes , 195reads )
已转订金17.57 Water86   (20 bytes , 236reads )
OCBC网银已转订金42.39 燕妮   (6 bytes , 141reads )
追加填单2件OSHKOSH衣服,追加付定金30元。 园中葵葵   (186 bytes , 176reads )
已填单买19件OSHKOSH,现在折扣较好 园中葵葵   (87 bytes , 217reads )
已转posb 定S$50 芒果妈   (29 bytes , 216reads )
定金已转 casper9905   (29 bytes , 254reads )
3月24的单,已转定金36 to POSB, 谢谢! DoraMM   (45 bytes , 196reads )
已转定金 jiajiau   (53 bytes , 150reads )
已转25.99 vert   (30 bytes , 133reads )
已转定金18 to your posb savings from ocbc atm, ref. 9543 cocopengy   (0 bytes , 240reads )
宝妈,订金已转请查收 conniie   (4 bytes , 175reads )
定金已转 黑白黑白   (38 bytes , 183reads )
写错了 黑白黑白   (29 bytes , 161reads )
定金已转 馋锅包肉了   (57 bytes , 120reads )
宝妈,现在Carters有超过75块就有extra30%off的sale,麻烦宝妈帮我们下单哦。 Aprilbaby   (91 bytes , 125reads )
@casper9905 @无双妹 三宝妈妈   (117 bytes , 135reads )
已转定金42至POSB, REF. 14366916189. 谢谢。 无双妹   (0 bytes , 313reads )
看到表格显示已经下单了,所以是买了还是没买? 无双妹   (0 bytes , 330reads )
哭,我忘记把你的delete了。 三宝妈妈   (30 bytes , 376reads )
只是一件是clearance吧? 买了就算了, 没事。 谢谢宝妈 无双妹   (0 bytes , 198reads )
其他两件是7折。 三宝妈妈   (5 bytes , 190reads )
那我不要了 casper9905   (40 bytes , 200reads )
好的,请宝妈帮我下单。我自己的东西已经凑够40块了。谢谢 Aprilbaby   (0 bytes , 125reads )
定金已转 casper9905   (35 bytes , 185reads )
3月14和3月17的单,共转定金34.94,谢谢! DoraMM   (47 bytes , 165reads )
定金24.97已转,tran ref: 14308592585, 请查收,谢谢 Sglotus   (0 bytes , 120reads )
宝妈 馋锅包肉了   (74 bytes , 133reads )
没有下单的原因有 三宝妈妈   (106 bytes , 287reads )
知道了 馋锅包肉了   (46 bytes , 168reads )
忘记说转了91.96 蕾蕾丫头   (28 bytes , 194reads )
POSB ibanking transfer 蕾蕾丫头   (22 bytes , 177reads )
以转账 头大   (24 bytes , 151reads )
宝妈,订金已转请查收 conniie   (15 bytes , 120reads )
已转定金10.21 dbs ref:14270064190 kozuki   (0 bytes , 174reads )
转好定金了 vitamin   (73 bytes , 139reads )
定金已转52,谢谢宝妈 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 135reads )
团长,已转定金$36,请下单 枫的颜色   (42 bytes , 150reads )
订金已转 浏兰花   (28 bytes , 136reads )
宝妈,又加了两件在填单区 conniie   (14 bytes , 230reads )
宝妈,订金已转请查收 conniie   (8 bytes , 189reads )
订金已转 DanlKun   (24 bytes , 152reads )
转账定金 猪猪和米米   (37 bytes , 146reads )
已转Posb 定金$39. Ref 14161681465。 谢谢。问问如果到新加坡可以快递邮寄我吗? liebpps   (0 bytes , 265reads )
又跟单了,已网银转定金$30, ref 14156004450. 谢谢宝妈! adnil   (0 bytes , 168reads )
刚刚又跟单了. 已通过网银转定金$32. ref 14131561854. 谢谢! adnil   (0 bytes , 155reads )
转的是posb acc. adnil   (0 bytes , 277reads )
已经网银转定金$36.98 到 posb acc. ref no 14117443077.谢谢了。 adnil   (0 bytes , 199reads )
定金 42 已转 POSB 雪地精灵2015   (31 bytes , 152reads )
2月5号的单,已转定金24 to posb, 谢谢! DoraMM   (46 bytes , 170reads )
定金转帐 shfantasy   (72 bytes , 253reads )