[小妖团] Beauty.com 三月八折团 (JP/快递)
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2015-03-17 21:28

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
收到邮件 beauty.com全场八折,少量品牌不参加活动,详见下面的T&C。跟单是说明没有八折是否要。

取货: 主要还是团长家自取(Jurong point 附近步行5分钟),自取时间: 每天的6:30-8:30pm. weekday午餐时间,周末白天时间可以另约。可以选择本地快递,邮费7块起。如果要快递的话事先跟我说一声,我好留合适的箱子。

最近下班不路过地铁站了,每周六上午安排一次Jurong point 分赃,分赃时间暂定为周六上午的10:20。小件优先,bulky的,重的就视情况决定哈。


*Terms and Conditions: Offer expires 3/19/15 at 11:59 PM CT. Cannot be redeemed for cash, exchanged, or applied to previous purchases. May not combine with other offers. This offer is available at the Beauty.com site with eligible purchase of Beauty.com merchandise except gift cards/certificates, backordered items, out of stock items, items marked "This item requires special handling", and items from Aramis, bareMinerals, Clarisonic, Darphin, DevaCurl, DKNY, Donna Karan, essie, Jack Black, Jane Iredale, Lab Series, L'Occitane, MALIN & GOETZ, MenScience, md formulations, Michael Kors, NARS, Ojon, Origins, Perricone, philosophy, SARAHPOTEMPA Tools, Smashbox, St. Tropez, Temptu, and Urban Decay. A minimum purchase does not include shipping charges or applicable tax. Limit once per household. Void where prohibited by law. We may make changes to or terminate this offer at any time. Your use of this site shall be deemed as your acceptance of our Terms of Use.


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[小妖团] Beauty.com 三月八折团 (JP/快递) 小妖   (1478 bytes , 1175reads )
================本团到了,今起可取================ 小妖   (176 bytes , 72reads )
=====================账单================== 小妖   (320 bytes , 78reads )
已转 yaoolei1   (58 bytes , 76reads )
@yaoolei1 @misslucky @平淡日子里的刺 小妖   (320 bytes , 131reads )
已转 我下周出差 回新再联络取货哈 谢啦 misslucky   (0 bytes , 109reads )
已转34.14 平淡日子里的刺   (4 bytes , 83reads )
@艾嘎嘎 @暗霓 @苹果puggy @lymz @TrinityNN @karlxiang @jennyzhou9 小妖   (321 bytes , 99reads )
转了你posb, ref 14445343935. 谢谢 苹果puggy   (0 bytes , 75reads )
转好啦 我不急哒等你回来再拿~~ 暗霓   (0 bytes , 75reads )
已转,周末取 TrinityNN   (0 bytes , 81reads )
已转至OCBC,谢谢 jennyzhou9   (0 bytes , 75reads )
已转201.86 via DBS 艾嘎嘎   (21 bytes , 69reads )
已转23.53 lymz   (23 bytes , 71reads )
==================================查单================================= 小妖   (110 bytes , 78reads )
我的单 苹果puggy   (892 bytes , 128reads )
跟单咯 暗霓   (315 bytes , 104reads )
==================================跟单================================= 小妖   (84 bytes , 76reads )
###################截团了, 查单请到查单区########## 小妖   (0 bytes , 65reads )
跟单 平淡日子里的刺   (236 bytes , 78reads )
跟单 misslucky   (208 bytes , 115reads )
跟单 yaoolei1   (236 bytes , 81reads )
跟单,谢谢! jennyzhou9   (702 bytes , 84reads )
drugstore也可以买,但是会单独运出来 小妖   (60 bytes , 74reads )
跟单 karlxiang   (458 bytes , 105reads )
第二个没货。 小妖   (0 bytes , 99reads )
跟单 TrinityNN   (192 bytes , 98reads )
加一个 TrinityNN   (184 bytes , 89reads )
跟这个 lymz   (172 bytes , 87reads )
跟单 flyingsnowjxc   (280 bytes , 71reads )
没有八折 小妖   (0 bytes , 73reads )
谢谢团长提醒,跟~ 艾嘎嘎   (642 bytes , 87reads )
==================================提问================================== 小妖   (0 bytes , 76reads )
提问 qiqi714   (84 bytes , 74reads )
此团已截 小妖   (0 bytes , 68reads )
请问现在这个offer DoraMM   (40 bytes , 96reads )
现在哲学家八折就算好了 小妖   (54 bytes , 71reads )
@艾嘎嘎 小妖   (0 bytes , 84reads )