所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2015-03-09 21:38  更多评分:

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Crayola Washable Crayons 16-pk.

BABYBJORN Plate and Spoon, Purple/Pink, 2-Count

BEABA New 2nd Stage Soft Cutlery, Gipsy, 2 Count


CafeMom Tickers
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
速团amazon免运费绿线中西部团 蝶舞   (388 bytes , 1127reads )
==========第三团已下单=========== 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 76reads )
@Celine0423 @linist 蝶舞   (277 bytes , 90reads )
已转$40去DBS linist   (22 bytes , 74reads )
收到了,谢谢 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 78reads )
Order Celine0423   (136 bytes , 129reads )
跟单 linist   (319 bytes , 77reads )
团长,请问这个已经下单吗?要是还没有我就不跟了 linist   (35 bytes , 100reads )
Order Celine0423   (881 bytes , 127reads )
qian bu qi la 雅妮开门   (29 bytes , 75reads )
Order Celine0423   (535 bytes , 114reads )
MM我已经下了2单都发货了,暂时还没有其他的跟单,你要是不着急就等等 蝶舞   (38 bytes , 76reads )
@雅妮开门 @ahbbao @flameshnus @aaalei 蝶舞   (251 bytes , 78reads )
@flameshnus 蝶舞   (103 bytes , 85reads )
已转 ahbbao   (8 bytes , 75reads )
转啦~~ 雅妮开门   (14 bytes , 71reads )
@Rachelle @沙拉米ZSLJ @xxni @sn0wex 蝶舞   (207 bytes , 75reads )
团长辛苦 sn0wex   (14 bytes , 79reads )
==========第二团已下单,妹子们都稍上了,截团拉=========== 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 83reads )
还可以跟吗? ahbbao   (389 bytes , 77reads )
再一个 雅妮开门   (205 bytes , 83reads )
来来来 雅妮开门   (154 bytes , 60reads )
再来一个就可以截团啦 雅妮开门   (178 bytes , 94reads )
one more 雅妮开门   (154 bytes , 60reads )
Size!!!!!!!!!!!! 雅妮开门   (14 bytes , 58reads )
Good!!! 雅妮开门   (191 bytes , 62reads )
还可以吗。。。跟团 雅妮开门   (5 bytes , 63reads )
可以的,第二团还有38刀的空位,MM把链接联系电话发过来 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 61reads )
求开团。。。 flameshnus   (5 bytes , 75reads )
妹子把链接发过来吧,正好楼下还有2个妹子没稍上,再凑一团 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 63reads )
还有位吗 求带这个。 瞳瞳   (449 bytes , 72reads )
这个是第三方售卖的不可以免邮费,妹子要找那种ship and sold by amazon 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 62reads )
哦。好的 谢谢你 瞳瞳   (0 bytes , 64reads )
谢谢阿 flameshnus   (266 bytes , 73reads )
我想周一到五在Redhill MRT 拿 6点10分左右的可以吗? flameshnus   (5 bytes , 67reads )
可以的,现在还有38刀左右的空位,如果下单了,我通知你哈 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 64reads )
呃,没注意截团了,忽略我 aaalei   (0 bytes , 70reads )
恩,不好意思已经下完单了,如果妹子不着急,我看看还能不能再凑一团 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 54reads )
那我继续跟吧,可以么? aaalei   (0 bytes , 63reads )
跟单 aaalei   (301 bytes , 79reads )
@Rachelle @沙拉米ZSLJ @xxni @sn0wex 蝶舞   (228 bytes , 87reads )
已转9块新币定金。 沙拉米ZSLJ   (8 bytes , 63reads )
已转41.02 Rachelle   (61 bytes , 66reads )
已转29.6新元 请查收 xxni   (0 bytes , 87reads )
已收到,谢谢 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 96reads )
哪个妹子来个临门一脚阿,还差些就可以下单了 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 78reads )
sn0wex   (313 bytes , 123reads )
我来凑个热闹 sn0wex   (32 bytes , 93reads )
谢妹子,还差10多美金就可以下单了 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 83reads )
===========跟单=========== alexwang83   (1564 bytes , 118reads )
jurong east mrt取货 xxni   (12 bytes , 96reads )
xxni   (234 bytes , 86reads )
zdwtt   (550 bytes , 95reads )
哎呀你又来了;) zdwtt   (24 bytes , 85reads )
哎。。这不是每月固定去美亚溜达给娃买东西嘛,那个盘子颜色好Q,确定你家娃用? 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 85reads )
是呀好粉嫩 zdwtt   (60 bytes , 81reads )
我打算给娃买个保温的吸管杯Thermos,看着价钱还不错,你用什么牌子的给娃阿? 蝶舞   (0 bytes , 77reads )
我能说我娃还不会吸么…… zdwtt   (57 bytes , 83reads )
跟单 沙拉米ZSLJ   (314 bytes , 107reads )
跟一个 Rachelle   (235 bytes , 94reads )