所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2015-01-20 21:38

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Pioneer有想拼1立方海运的吗 我自己有小半个立方啦 amaibaobao   (820 bytes , 1213reads )
请参团的筒子们加团长微信:erica_smo 方便通知消息和沟通 谢谢! amaibaobao   (137 bytes , 43reads )
团长,还能跟么?想买个宝宝婴儿床粽垫 vitamin   (0 bytes , 96reads )
不好意思不能跟了 这团赶时间呢 amaibaobao   (0 bytes , 49reads )
跟团,洗脚的电动按摩盆能运吗?google sheet好像填不了 jizi200   (0 bytes , 117reads )
不能跟了不好意思 赶时间呢这团 amaibaobao   (0 bytes , 44reads )
@kraft @liulian 请去补充单号信息 amaibaobao   (258 bytes , 54reads )
but will they be able to change the delivery address? Elginslily   (121 bytes , 101reads )
我自己开的这个 会在我走前收到和分货 amaibaobao   (77 bytes , 70reads )
跟新消息:我太2了 超出1个立方是按实际体积算 不是按照整立方算的 amaibaobao   (144 bytes , 72reads )
gen tuan Elginslily   (140 bytes , 82reads )
果断跟团 smallfisha   (12 bytes , 67reads )
东西不要过多就好 或者你去看下单子上面的东西 目测下自己的东西加进去会不[…] amaibaobao   (33 bytes , 74reads )
跟团 冬雪   (22 bytes , 73reads )
好的 快点发去就好啦 这次就需要快速凑到1立方 快速发来快速分赃 就[…] amaibaobao   (44 bytes , 68reads )
不好意思,忽略我吧 冬雪   (14 bytes , 64reads )
好的没事 amaibaobao   (0 bytes , 64reads )
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A0z98kD_9twFrPu597mQjtJVVI25Hvi43VbERrkZ amaibaobao   (147 bytes , 520reads )
只拼一个立方 满了就截团哈 因为赶时间。。 请大家见谅 amaibaobao   (46 bytes , 70reads )
gen tuan a liulian   (24 bytes , 80reads )
请去Google sheet填单哈 我重设了权限 amaibaobao   (100 bytes , 86reads )
跟海运 我爱李延亮   (0 bytes , 80reads )
请去填写Google sheet哈 应该已经公开了权限的 谢谢 amaibaobao   (100 bytes , 73reads )
好的 我爱李延亮   (0 bytes , 87reads )
想跟, bubble0720   (48 bytes , 86reads )
刚迅速弄了Google sheet。。。发现时间好紧== amaibaobao   (94 bytes , 86reads )
google sheet 打不开 bubble0720   (0 bytes , 129reads )
不好意思搞得如此messy。。。我重设了权限问题 你再试下 amaibaobao   (102 bytes , 68reads )
货代说12-14天能到 amaibaobao   (83 bytes , 73reads )
暂时大概0.1左右吧 bubble0720   (0 bytes , 103reads )
不对 我又算了算 好像我的东西才只有1/4~1/3立方左右 amaibaobao   (14 bytes , 87reads )
想跟! RLaam   (186 bytes , 73reads )
我对GST好像理解有误。。 我把之前别个开团的团长们的算法粘给你看哈 amaibaobao   (109 bytes , 87reads )
GST应该是整团按照体积大家分摊的哈 amaibaobao   (214 bytes , 77reads )
RLaam   (132 bytes , 85reads )
填单的Google sheet哈 amaibaobao   (94 bytes , 84reads )
你的google sheet没有开共享 RLaam   (148 bytes , 93reads )
我自己有权限 amaibaobao   (67 bytes , 141reads )
货代给回复了 电饭盒是普货 amaibaobao   (0 bytes , 124reads )
电饭盒已问货代 收到我给你update哈 amaibaobao   (414 bytes , 72reads )
谢谢 RLaam   (92 bytes , 103reads )
噢货代说12-14天就到门 amaibaobao   (10 bytes , 68reads )