[小妖团 - drugstore] 八月 Drugstore 全场 八折团 (JP/JE/快递)
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-08-19 11:30

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
收到邮件,全场八折,t&c applies, 具体如下。要买刷头,凑一单。

Offer expires 8/22/14 at 11:59 PM PT. This offer is available for all eligible products except for gift cards, gift certificates, bulk orders, international orders, backordered items, out of stock items, applicable shipping charges or sales tax, or products from Aeropress, AFA, Arcona, Axe Philips Norelco, Biopelle, Biopelle Auriderm, BOB, Bodum, Braun, Britax, Chef'N, DevaCurl, Enfagrow, Enfamil, Escort, Fairhaven Health, Fertilaid, FertileCM, Fertile-Focus, Fertili Tea, Global Health Trax, Greenies, Greens First, GU, Heliocare, iRobot, iTouchless, Magic Bullet, Metagenics, Mint, Neato Robotics, Nordic Naturals, Norelco, Old Spice Powered by Braun, OXO, Pediasure, Philips, Philips Light Therapy, Philips ZOOM, PregnancyPlus, PRESCRIBEDsolutions, Prevagen, Rabbit Air, Razor, Revivogen, Roomba, Shark, Similac, Soireehome, Sonicare, SpermCheck Fertility, Tensage, and Vinturi. Cannot be redeemed for cash. While supplies last. Limited to once per order. Non-transferable. Cannot be combined with some offers. APO/FPO/DPO and U.S. shipping destinations only. International orders are not eligible to receive this offer. Void where prohibited by law. We may make changes to or terminate this offer at any time. Your use of this site shall be deemed as your acceptance of our Terms of Use.

取货: 主要还是团长家自取(Jurong point 附近步行5分钟),自取时间: 每天的6:30-8:30pm. weekday午餐时间,周末白天时间可以另约。可以选择本地快递,邮费6块起。如果要快递的话事先跟我说一声,我好留合适的箱子。

     某些工作日下午5:50可以带到JE MRT, 或者 6:10 Boon Lay MRT/Jurong point;


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[小妖团 - drugstore] 八月 Drugstore 全场 八折团 (JP/JE/快递) 小妖   (1842 bytes , 2314reads )
不好意思转晚了,17.58 medison   (0 bytes , 84reads )
received liao 小妖   (0 bytes , 62reads )
===========================本团到了,今天起可以取货============= 小妖   (0 bytes , 60reads )
可以和GNC钙片一起取吗?钙片的钱明天到公司转给你。谢谢。 mmbbwdx   (0 bytes , 60reads )
OK 小妖   (0 bytes , 55reads )
@kiki925 @meimeixi @Sty_04 @zerokeeper @candyj 小妖   (0 bytes , 62reads )
@翻滚熊 @Yume @莫小米 @x小猫 @lilylily2012 @longxiaoye @mmbbwdx 小妖   (0 bytes , 55reads )
团长,下周可以JE地铁站拿么? 翻滚熊   (26 bytes , 51reads )
下周短信联系吧 小妖   (34 bytes , 90reads )
团长,可以星期一帮我带上吗 x小猫   (18 bytes , 56reads )
拜一拜二不过那边。拜二再联系吧 小妖   (0 bytes , 59reads )
可以等amazon Yume   (19 bytes , 102reads )
@先天不足 @果豆家族 @东方菇凉 @medison @flyingsnowjxc @tuntun @o_penny 小妖   (0 bytes , 56reads )
预约周二(9月16号)6:10 pm Boon Lay MRT取 果豆家族   (52 bytes , 62reads )
@活力妹妹 @rainbowstone @zhenzhenbeibei @weareone @黄河水 @lymz 小妖   (0 bytes , 70reads )
谢谢团长,果豆家族帮我拿,她会跟你约。 活力妹妹   (0 bytes , 59reads )
=====================================帐单=============================== 小妖   (250 bytes , 76reads )
已转78.15到DBS zhenzhenbeibei   (28 bytes , 54reads )
转账 meimeixi   (15 bytes , 54reads )
[小妖团 - drugstore] 八月 Drugstore 转账 先天不足   (36 bytes , 88reads )
@kiki925 @meimeixi @Sty_04 @zerokeeper @candyj 小妖   (250 bytes , 82reads )
已转17.14 zerokeeper   (26 bytes , 55reads )
已转 抱歉 刚发现回错到另一层楼了... candyj   (0 bytes , 66reads )
三位的收到 小妖   (0 bytes , 66reads )
已转 x小猫   (44 bytes , 73reads )
这周回国了 zerokeeper   (46 bytes , 77reads )
可以 小妖   (0 bytes , 96reads )
谢谢团长,已转S$85.75 via posb to posb kiki925   (16 bytes , 75reads )
Dbs $27.54 已转 Sty_04   (40 bytes , 70reads )
@翻滚熊 @Yume @莫小米 @x小猫 @lilylily2012 @longxiaoye @mmbbwdx 小妖   (250 bytes , 87reads )
转好了 rainbowstone   (14 bytes , 58reads )
POSB 已转11.44 candyj   (118 bytes , 82reads )
以下各位收到了 小妖   (0 bytes , 56reads )
已转,谢谢团长! lilylily2012   (21 bytes , 131reads )
转啦~~ longxiaoye   (51 bytes , 82reads )
已转68.44到DBS 翻滚熊   (34 bytes , 101reads )
已经转到POSB 莫小米   (40 bytes , 68reads )
已转posb Yume   (14 bytes , 89reads )
已转去DBS, Transaction Reference 13211189930 , 请查收。 mmbbwdx   (0 bytes , 70reads )
@先天不足 @果豆家族 @东方菇凉 @medison @flyingsnowjxc @tuntun @o_penny 小妖   (250 bytes , 76reads )
下面的收到了 小妖   (0 bytes , 70reads )
已转10.1到你DBS 果豆家族   (10 bytes , 74reads )
已转18.69到dbs lymz   (8 bytes , 83reads )
团长,已转DBS, ref:13211337223,请查收 flyingsnowjxc   (0 bytes , 78reads )
团长,已转112.02到OCBC账户,Ref. no. 2014090801331250 请查收。 tuntun   (0 bytes , 71reads )
@活力妹妹 @rainbowstone @zhenzhenbeibei @weareone @黄河水 @lymz 小妖   (250 bytes , 68reads )
以下收到 小妖   (0 bytes , 56reads )
40.91已转,谢团长! 活力妹妹   (0 bytes , 82reads )
已转18.69到POSB, ref13217528885 黄河水   (5 bytes , 70reads )
已转64.21去dbs weareone   (0 bytes , 81reads )
团长,大概什么时候可以到货? x小猫   (0 bytes , 67reads )
这个礼拜四五左右 小妖   (0 bytes , 71reads )
==================================查单================================= 小妖   (95 bytes , 83reads )
===================================跟单======================================= 小妖   (155 bytes , 126reads )
###########################彻底截团了###################### 小妖   (0 bytes , 73reads )
团长 还能跟么? candyj   (268 bytes , 70reads )
跟单 zerokeeper   (1075 bytes , 77reads )
前两个也不能买,不能运shop runner 小妖   (0 bytes , 88reads )
指甲油不能买,vpost禁运物品 小妖   (0 bytes , 149reads )
那就别买指甲油了 zerokeeper   (6 bytes , 68reads )
谢谢团长,还能跟吧 a_zhu   (478 bytes , 75reads )
这个是drugstore团,不是iherb,跟错了吧 小妖   (11 bytes , 74reads )
哈哈,是跟错了 a_zhu   (12 bytes , 59reads )
帮朋友跟2个胶原蛋白粉 Sty_04   (209 bytes , 62reads )
追加 meimeixi   (139 bytes , 66reads )
跟单 meimeixi   (469 bytes , 97reads )
item 1没有八折 小妖   (0 bytes , 86reads )
追加 kiki925   (264 bytes , 78reads )
跟单,求邮寄~ binbinlu85   (618 bytes , 84reads )
牙刷没有八折,整单都没下,怕东西少邮寄也不划算。 小妖   (0 bytes , 72reads )
item1现在51.99但是不再有额外八折。还要吗 小妖   (0 bytes , 73reads )
跟上啦,谢谢团长 kiki925   (1126 bytes , 62reads )
第一个不能shop runner 小妖   (0 bytes , 60reads )
忘记放link和价格,修正 kiki925   (531 bytes , 72reads )
再加一个 weareone   (174 bytes , 84reads )
团长,我在下面又加了个金盏花膏,怕你看不到 weareone   (0 bytes , 72reads )
跟单,谢谢 mmbbwdx   (278 bytes , 87reads )
耶,团长威武,跟单 longxiaoye   (879 bytes , 68reads )
謝謝團長! lilylily2012   (567 bytes , 143reads )
自己刷头忘买了,再凑一单 小妖   (25 bytes , 72reads )
又晚了!团长是音速小子吗? longxiaoye   (111 bytes , 65reads )
################################截团了############################ 小妖   (0 bytes , 73reads )
转好了。OCBC x小猫   (44 bytes , 86reads )
跟单 x小猫   (253 bytes , 61reads )
跟单 莫小米   (538 bytes , 89reads )
跟单gnc 翻滚熊   (192 bytes , 77reads )
跟8折的 Yume   (135 bytes , 69reads )
加一个 Yume   (202 bytes , 79reads )
no stock 小妖   (0 bytes , 80reads )
跟单 o_penny   (404 bytes , 91reads )
跟单 tuntun   (857 bytes , 92reads )
第四个没货 小妖   (0 bytes , 61reads )
跟单 flyingsnowjxc   (745 bytes , 74reads )
第一个不能买 小妖   (0 bytes , 80reads )
ok flyingsnowjxc   (0 bytes , 63reads )
跟单 medison   (204 bytes , 98reads )
跟单 东方菇凉   (159 bytes , 116reads )
跟单 果豆家族   (218 bytes , 99reads )
第二个买不了 小妖   (0 bytes , 68reads )
[小妖团 - drugstore] 八月 Drugstore 全场 八折团 跟Childlife liquid calcium 先天不足   (245 bytes , 94reads )
加单 lymz   (172 bytes , 93reads )
跟单~ 黄河水   (255 bytes , 93reads )
无八折 小妖   (0 bytes , 72reads )
不小心回错楼了,这边重新回一个 黄河水   (161 bytes , 87reads )
weareone   (156 bytes , 125reads )
继续跟耶 weareone   (155 bytes , 80reads )
一兴奋跟错地儿了 weareone   (0 bytes , 93reads )
gen lymz   (200 bytes , 109reads )
这个是beauty.com的 小妖   (38 bytes , 96reads )
这样啊,那就不要买了先 lymz   (18 bytes , 82reads )
跟单 zhenzhenbeibei   (361 bytes , 109reads )
dan rainbowstone   (426 bytes , 108reads )
跟单 活力妹妹   (227 bytes , 110reads )
加单 黄河水   (157 bytes , 107reads )
不好意思回错楼了,这个忽略,已在跟单区重新跟了 黄河水   (5 bytes , 74reads )
===================================提问================================ 小妖   (0 bytes , 87reads )
楼主何时再开团 uncleshi   (14 bytes , 78reads )
已开。 小妖   (0 bytes , 67reads )
提问 meimeixi   (424 bytes , 85reads )
member价格叠加八折 小妖   (0 bytes , 64reads )
drugstore 8折团最近还会有吗 meimeixi   (2 bytes , 69reads )
MIA2可以吗? x小猫   (0 bytes , 62reads )
mia 2 有八折,要得话就去跟单区跟 小妖   (37 bytes , 70reads )
团长,运费大概会多少 x小猫   (31 bytes , 72reads )
这个我说不好,箱子不大的话15块左右吧 小妖   (0 bytes , 76reads )
弱弱的问团长 GNC buy one get one 50% off 产品 翻滚熊   (186 bytes , 91reads )
貌似有的, 小妖   (41 bytes , 68reads )