转余额8.8 posb账号 流水号:12850837263
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-07-04 21:45  更多评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【三宝妈妈团】2014年新楼,Carter's/OshKosh 长期团, YewTee/IMM/快递邮寄 三宝妈妈   (4769 bytes , 18207reads )
余额已转 mirage   (143 bytes , 150reads )
宝妈,1月27号的单,大概什么时候能到坡? adnil   (0 bytes , 99reads )
谢谢宝妈下单。定金已转你POSB acc ,SGD$24. adnil   (0 bytes , 115reads )
29/12/2014 Carter's / Oshk 0778   (41 bytes , 115reads )
跟单了,请告诉我你的账号,我今晚给你转定金。麻烦今天下单,因为免运费,谢谢了! adnil   (0 bytes , 126reads )
三宝妈妈,下单了,晚上转定金 janicecyq   (0 bytes , 108reads )
ocbc定金已转,sgd40.80 janicecyq   (0 bytes , 135reads )
请问宝妈分货分到哪一单了啊 无敌师太   (33 bytes , 110reads )
已转账 蛋蛋2009   (15 bytes , 123reads )
already transfer the deposit 36 to your POSB samikang   (27 bytes , 135reads )
已转定金到posb mirage   (46 bytes , 162reads )
已转定金 29/12/2014~via OCBC 19.07 荟公公   (72 bytes , 155reads )
Cater's POSB定金 小棠菜   (43 bytes , 121reads )
已转定金~via OCBC 19.07 荟公公   (39 bytes , 148reads )
三宝妈,小孩衣服和medela吸奶器的余款已转 香水百合   (70 bytes , 138reads )
可以。 三宝妈妈   (16 bytes , 107reads )
新年第一单,请宝妈帮忙下单 :) 谢谢 单眼皮女生   (5 bytes , 163reads )
已转 番薯   (30 bytes , 129reads )
宝妈~下单问题,谢谢团长帮我回答 ET兔子酱   (179 bytes , 113reads )
三宝妈 香水百合   (49 bytes , 105reads )
11月29和12月1日菠菜两单共24.52转至ocbc saving account 菠菜   (60 bytes , 160reads )
14/12/2014 yuloo01定金已转posb yuloo01   (23 bytes , 247reads )
Carter's yuloo01   (18 bytes , 132reads )
你有开gymboree和pumpkin patch 的团吗? adnil   (0 bytes , 307reads )
11/11/2014: Carter's / OshK 0778   (43 bytes , 138reads )
订金已转 小宝妈   (22 bytes , 141reads )
问单 番薯   (29 bytes , 101reads )
买到了一件。 三宝妈妈   (78 bytes , 116reads )
宝妈,请问 10月22号的团到了没有? 木棉树   (59 bytes , 108reads )
已经在回坡的路上了。 三宝妈妈   (32 bytes , 130reads )
填好单了,定金转到哪里? sylvia   (0 bytes , 126reads )
宝妈, 衣服下单了吗? 木棉树   (4 bytes , 119reads )
不好意思,木有。 三宝妈妈   (59 bytes , 132reads )
宝妈, 我重新下单了。 木棉树   (177 bytes , 115reads )
我已经试过了,额外20%只适用于正价商品超过40块以上,不包括清仓商品。 三宝妈妈   (79 bytes , 119reads )
好的,谢谢宝妈 木棉树   (14 bytes , 133reads )
不会再下单了吗? 木棉树   (131 bytes , 112reads )
不适用在Clearance/doorbuster. 三宝妈妈   (49 bytes , 143reads )
这样啊,那不要了 木棉树   (10 bytes , 97reads )
5月31号的单 退款还没收到 红桃方片   (102 bytes , 178reads )
之前你一直没有给我帐号,我也发短消息给你了。然后我月初就出国了,昨天才回来。 三宝妈妈   (24 bytes , 115reads )
Carter's 29/06 0778   (40 bytes , 140reads )
5月31号单 没货。。。 红桃方片   (61 bytes , 183reads )
请问团长 这周末IMM有分货吗 无敌师太   (35 bytes , 116reads )
刚刚填好跟单表, 麻烦美妈今天下单 stephanie   (86 bytes , 157reads )
跟单,定金已转posb qjkk   (14 bytes , 165reads )
定金已退,请查收 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 111reads )
跟单,定金已转 mier   (58 bytes , 173reads )
跟单! yhwust   (0 bytes , 144reads )
跟单-及时行乐 及时行乐   (53 bytes , 152reads )
已经转了23.99 红桃方片   (96 bytes , 215reads )
红桃方片就是fang832183 红桃方片   (61 bytes , 180reads )
06/05 Carter's / Oshk 0778   (45 bytes , 145reads )
等下就转余额,请问明天能拿11/05/2014的单吗?还是要等下个星期? Huiting13   (0 bytes , 131reads )
东西还没到,要等周末。 三宝妈妈   (6 bytes , 101reads )
第一次参加三宝妈妈团 请问OCBC 和POSB帐号。 已经填单。准备转帐。 高家小野猪   (0 bytes , 266reads )
已转定金S$24至posb,ref. 12590882364,请查收,谢谢。 无双妹   (26 bytes , 196reads )
木可能啊。 三宝妈妈   (10 bytes , 131reads )
好吧,继续跟吧 无双妹   (0 bytes , 129reads )
已转23.00到OCBC 谢谢 无敌师太   (59 bytes , 151reads )
转了。 谢谢。 怪哉   (200 bytes , 131reads )
请问什么时候能取货啊? sound   (0 bytes , 140reads )
定金已转 爱新觉罗--小宝   (37 bytes , 162reads )
ok,我明天转账,什么时候能取 sound   (0 bytes , 149reads )
查不了单啊? sound   (0 bytes , 128reads )
已转到ocbc 45.25,什么时候取? sound   (39 bytes , 143reads )
请看查单一 三宝妈妈   (5 bytes , 155reads )
是转到posb的帐号哈 彩翼   (0 bytes , 156reads )
宝妈,查单看银行帐号需要你的permission呀 彩翼   (0 bytes , 144reads )
请看查单一 三宝妈妈   (5 bytes , 119reads )
S$61.5已传,请查收 彩翼   (0 bytes , 128reads )
宝妈,我填单了,原价74,25%off后61.50,我是需要转61.5的新币到你账户吗? 彩翼   (0 bytes , 165reads )
美妈,我在跟单地址里下单了,请帮忙下单! 单眼皮女生   (44 bytes , 135reads )
请问现在还可以跟团吗? kuduki1983   (32 bytes , 143reads )
可以,尽快跟单链接里填单吧。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 147reads )
3月9号跟的衣服什么时候可以收到呢? kadea   (0 bytes , 131reads )
已经在路上了,下周到货。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 119reads )
已转S$30订金 to DBS, Ref: xxxx3113. 谢谢! byheart   (0 bytes , 117reads )
定金 kadea   (47 bytes , 131reads )
已转帐 Cello   (54 bytes , 129reads )
余额72.63新币已转至团长POSB帐号 园中葵葵   (252 bytes , 248reads )
楼主 我想在美亚买一双皮鞋 请问运费大概是多少? cooky12345   (0 bytes , 198reads )
一般鞋盒的体积重是2kg左右。 三宝妈妈   (28 bytes , 445reads )
Carter's 转账 Celine0423   (76 bytes , 125reads )
宝妈,3号下的单。什么时候到货阿? linda7906   (14 bytes , 159reads )
预计下个礼拜。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 147reads )
Carter's Order Celine0423   (1687 bytes , 220reads )
要转多少定金阿?第一次跟 linda7906   (10 bytes , 145reads )
我应该已经下单了。 三宝妈妈   (52 bytes , 189reads )
定金已汇 linda7906   (31 bytes , 107reads )
周一汇钱 linda7906   (57 bytes , 153reads )
明天转 linda7906   (0 bytes , 132reads )
还是不行 haohaoelon   (0 bytes , 246reads )
请看查 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 228reads )
账单看不了 猪猪和米米   (32 bytes , 248reads )
应该是可以的,昨晚就share了。 三宝妈妈   (27 bytes , 205reads )
========余额转账区========= 三宝妈妈   (76 bytes , 279reads )
团亲,已转余额 5.81 到你ocbc 账户啦 via OCBC 12月29团 荟公公   (38 bytes , 149reads )
@荟公公 三宝妈妈   (76 bytes , 92reads )
@怪哉 @珍珠园子 @ET兔子酱 @爱新觉罗--小宝 @0778 @loganmia @heeeykaru @yianle 三宝妈妈   (76 bytes , 106reads )
已转余额 Loganmia   (30 bytes , 101reads )
团长。我可以等1月1号单子出来一起转给你吗 Loganmia   (72 bytes , 101reads )
团长我已经转好了哦 爱新觉罗--小宝   (76 bytes , 136reads )
@小象 @有靓宝的生活 @无敌师太 @ssbb2012 @空气x泡泡 @bethqing @yuloo01 @毛毛虫虫 三宝妈妈   (76 bytes , 116reads )
ssbb2012 余额已转($13.63) ssbb2012   (29 bytes , 140reads )
12月两单共S$30.49已转POSB,请查收,谢谢~ 毛毛虫虫   (16 bytes , 136reads )
已转帐,等待报名取货 空气x泡泡   (0 bytes , 124reads )
余额已转 yuloo01   (25 bytes , 160reads )
余额已转 爱新觉罗--小宝   (33 bytes , 111reads )
已转账from DBS heeeykaru   (159 bytes , 125reads )
22/11/2014 Carter's & Oshk 0778   (43 bytes , 145reads )
@香水百合 @ziyixiaoxian @小宝妈 三宝妈妈   (30 bytes , 104reads )
已转balance 小宝妈   (17 bytes , 120reads )
@i2sunshine @loganmia @五月天 @dorisfong @番薯 @BabyFlorence 三宝妈妈   (30 bytes , 140reads )
刚往你ocbc转了68.20 i2sunshine   (5 bytes , 163reads )
刚往你ocbc转了68.20 i2sunshine   (5 bytes , 161reads )
余额107.63 转去OCBC的账号了,请宝妈查收,reference 1412240611500690 BabyFlorence   (0 bytes , 149reads )
宝妈,啥时候能拿喃? BabyFlorence   (0 bytes , 141reads )
已转,宝妈什么时候可以取啊 五月天   (2 bytes , 86reads )
已转余额 Loganmia   (29 bytes , 132reads )
@指尖上舞蹈 @charolyn @家有虎妞 三宝妈妈   (109 bytes , 156reads )
已转余额3.07到posb 指尖上舞蹈   (0 bytes , 148reads )
宝妈,余额已转去你的posb账号,$13.96.请查收。 家有虎妞   (0 bytes , 213reads )
刚转了7.05到POSB,谢谢! charolyn   (0 bytes , 110reads )
@空气x泡泡 @0778 @dorisfong @ziyixiaoxian @zdwtt @haohaoelon @珍珠园子 三宝妈妈   (109 bytes , 142reads )
今天早上转了3.41余额哈 珍珠园子   (34 bytes , 92reads )
18号已经都转了哈 zdwtt   (16 bytes , 135reads )
这个是11月22号下单的 三宝妈妈   (90 bytes , 117reads )
宝妈 ziyixiaoxian   (66 bytes , 138reads )
已转余额31.66到posb zdwtt   (67 bytes , 169reads )
都在路上飘了一个礼拜了。 三宝妈妈   (35 bytes , 121reads )
已转账 短袖T恤999   (57 bytes , 122reads )
@短袖T恤999 @0778 @sylvia 三宝妈妈   (56 bytes , 117reads )
账单在哪里?是查单二吗?打不开啊 sylvia   (0 bytes , 116reads )
查单一啊。 三宝妈妈   (5 bytes , 133reads )
已转19.08到posb,可以拿货了通知我一声哦,谢谢 sylvia   (0 bytes , 201reads )
差价$1.31已转好~ dorisfong   (0 bytes , 146reads )
@ziyixiaoxian @Loganmia @tingting2012 @小狗崽 @盛夏的清水 @番薯 @秋雨寒烟 三宝妈妈   (57 bytes , 110reads )
已转 ziyixiaoxian   (8 bytes , 129reads )
转了 番薯   (27 bytes , 121reads )
谢谢三宝奶,辛苦了 秋雨寒烟   (67 bytes , 123reads )
订金还有剩,留着下次carter's吧,多谢! 盛夏的清水   (0 bytes , 123reads )
已转 余额 Loganmia   (29 bytes , 103reads )
@指尖上舞蹈 @charolyn @家有虎妞 三宝妈妈   (56 bytes , 122reads )
钱传到POSB, 谢谢。 指尖上舞蹈   (72 bytes , 152reads )
刚转了117.04到posb,请查收! charolyn   (0 bytes , 142reads )
@空气x泡泡 @0778 @dorisfong @ziyixiaoxian @zdwtt @haohaoelon @珍珠园子 三宝妈妈   (56 bytes , 143reads )
早上转了41.72,请查收,谢谢! 珍珠园子   (5 bytes , 111reads )
Carter's / OshKosh 22/11/2014 0778   (40 bytes , 135reads )
已转,不过为啥我的另外两件没下单呢 空气x泡泡   (18 bytes , 125reads )
有两种情况不会下单。 三宝妈妈   (129 bytes , 136reads )
已转7.74到posb zdwtt   (114 bytes , 147reads )
刚看到,争取一会儿去转账 空气x泡泡   (0 bytes , 161reads )
已转 ziyixiaoxian   (18 bytes , 134reads )
transferred $37.17, thanks! dorisfong   (0 bytes , 97reads )
查单链接需要permission,刚刚申请了~ dorisfong   (0 bytes , 125reads )
已转 haohaoelon   (137 bytes , 107reads )
@shuang_r @毛毛虫虫 @Tianjia @pig119 @木棉树 三宝妈妈   (48 bytes , 140reads )
已转余额到 POSB account 木棉树   (29 bytes , 106reads )
已转$15.28 Ref:13625503950 谢谢~ 毛毛虫虫   (0 bytes , 146reads )
已转账(posb) Tianjia   (83 bytes , 129reads )
团长,我有给定金$12,表格里并没有显示。剩下的余额$5.6已转POSB。谢谢! shuang_r   (16 bytes , 133reads )
已转余额,站短地址 vivien_min   (115 bytes , 123reads )
@Aprilbaby @红桃方片 三宝妈妈   (163 bytes , 139reads )
@stephanie @五月天 @vivien_min @我爱丫丫 @mutter @coco158 @奋斗de饼饼 三宝妈妈   (163 bytes , 158reads )
转账 我爱丫丫   (45 bytes , 145reads )
已转32.1 奋斗de饼饼   (38 bytes , 105reads )
已转21.28 mutter   (29 bytes , 110reads )
邮寄 vivien_min   (63 bytes , 133reads )
麻烦先转余额. 三宝妈妈   (17 bytes , 149reads )
已转, 请查收 Transaction Reference 13021130268 谢谢团长 coco158   (57 bytes , 133reads )
已转,谢谢团长 stephanie   (61 bytes , 135reads )
已转,谢谢宝妈 五月天   (2 bytes , 131reads )
@KTR119 @camille_zl @0778 @colorsg @maplec_f @毛毛虫虫 @沙拉米ZSLJ @wendychen 三宝妈妈   (163 bytes , 158reads )
已转19.19到posb, REF 13028489372 请查收 谢谢! 毛毛虫虫   (30 bytes , 133reads )
Hi beauty 23.52 transferred, thxs! colorsg   (0 bytes , 139reads )
已转32.29到POSB,Ref.13016528610 谢谢宝妈~ lalakoko   (0 bytes , 139reads )
网上已转POSB,7月6号团,谢谢团长 徐小福   (91 bytes , 103reads )
已转余额 BabeCircle   (74 bytes , 140reads )
ATM转13.42至POSB.请查收! yhwust   (0 bytes , 132reads )
补余额1.06,posb ref no 12929420125。6月21日下单 mier   (26 bytes , 179reads )
41.85已转账,ref:12925526165 Camille_zl   (0 bytes , 126reads )
@xiu @coco158 三宝妈妈   (57 bytes , 119reads )
已转 Transaction Reference 12937395623 请查收 谢谢 coco158   (51 bytes , 101reads )
Transfered 29.62 to your ocbc account, Ref. no. 2014071801851071. Thanks! xiu   (0 bytes , 125reads )
@fang832183 @Aprilbaby @Maplec_f @怪哉 @KTR119 @camille_zl @yhwust @mier 三宝妈妈   (56 bytes , 136reads )
已转去posb KTR119   (72 bytes , 145reads )
6月21日下单,POSB已转余额S$10.93,Transaction Reference 12924029215 mier   (71 bytes , 138reads )
宝妈 wendychen   (18 bytes , 131reads )
宝妈 已转账 wendychen   (52 bytes , 135reads )
6月8日下单 已转余额 19元 沙拉米ZSLJ   (26 bytes , 174reads )
已转2.98至ocbc账户,ref.no.2014062703448807 tuntun   (0 bytes , 110reads )
@tuntun @寒雨 @xiu @沙拉米ZSLJ @无敌师太 @单眼皮女生 @及时行乐 @Becky 三宝妈妈   (48 bytes , 121reads )
已转账余额 $55.79 到POSB账户,没跟上今天分赃,下周末见 :)谢谢~ 单眼皮女生   (0 bytes , 138reads )
补充是6月8日 Carters团的余额 单眼皮女生   (0 bytes , 115reads )
转余额8.8 posb账号 流水号:12850837263 寒雨   (67 bytes , 147reads )
已转 29.88 to your ocbc account. Ref. no. 2014063002992510 xiu   (0 bytes , 102reads )
Successful Ref. no. 2014062901361614 无敌师太   (30 bytes , 128reads )
已转帐 请团长发快递到付 地址私信 高家小野猪   (81 bytes , 139reads )
@miss-ji @yhbhust @Lydia25 @fxlc @xiu @高家小野猪 三宝妈妈   (42 bytes , 123reads )
Transfered miss-ji   (110 bytes , 111reads )
已转 62.48 to your ocbc account, pls check. Thanks xiu   (0 bytes , 158reads )
已转余额$4.51到posb,谢谢。 Lydia25   (40 bytes , 122reads )
@夏天的柳 @BabyFlorence @pupple @无双妹 @ 三宝妈妈   (89 bytes , 131reads )
宝妈,我的余款转去Gymboree的团,补你差价。这个周末一起取货。谢谢 pupple   (0 bytes , 122reads )
团长,东西到了吗?我去你家取方便不? BabyFlorence   (0 bytes , 151reads )
已转账 夏天的柳   (51 bytes , 120reads )
已转余额14.92至posb, ref. 12679073142.谢谢宝妈。 无双妹   (118 bytes , 135reads )
余额转好了,9.86 transaction number 1406030523784080, 用的 FAST,应该已经到了 BabyFlorence   (0 bytes , 148reads )
转去OCBC的 BabyFlorence   (0 bytes , 145reads )
@Loganmia @whywhy @miss-ji @任我飞 @有靓宝的生活 @qilixiang1 @我爱丫丫 三宝妈妈   (52 bytes , 121reads )
已转41.87到posb,thanks whywhy   (137 bytes , 117reads )
已转余额 任我飞   (26 bytes , 120reads )
转账了 我爱丫丫   (50 bytes , 135reads )
账单已转 有靓宝的生活   (16 bytes , 119reads )
已转 Loganmia   (131 bytes , 141reads )
已转余额31.03, 和taqbin快递 6. 总计37.03 Pengkok   (31 bytes , 106reads )
好的!谢谢宝妈!已转ocbc22.83。 Huiting13   (0 bytes , 125reads )
转余额 Congcongbb   (16 bytes , 136reads )
@无敌师太 @pengkok @小狗崽 三宝妈妈   (20 bytes , 121reads )
Successful Ref. no. 2014052801682315 无敌师太   (47 bytes , 119reads )
转到OCBC账户啦 无敌师太   (0 bytes , 178reads )
Ooyes 神速啊 太好了 无敌师太   (0 bytes , 110reads )
@0778 @qingqiu @wuyuxuanwu @congcongbb @沙拉米ZSLJ @miss-ji @Huiting13 @欧欧 三宝妈妈   (20 bytes , 142reads )
宝妈,我转的余额收到了吗 Congcongbb   (99 bytes , 126reads )
已转余额S$16.78. 欧欧   (36 bytes , 122reads )
已转 miss-ji   (54 bytes , 198reads )
难道没收到吗? miss-ji   (35 bytes , 137reads )
已转余额12.67到posb,谢谢! qingqiu   (74 bytes , 147reads )
已转21.79到posb 沙拉米ZSLJ   (58 bytes , 124reads )
已转posb saving$4.11,请查收 pupple   (0 bytes , 146reads )
余额已转 iamhualin   (158 bytes , 164reads )
已转 Loganmia   (45 bytes , 103reads )
@ofcourse @loganmia @玉树琳锋 @荟公公 @无敌师太 @iamhualin 三宝妈妈   (46 bytes , 129reads )
团长我可以迟点取货吗 无敌师太   (53 bytes , 151reads )
可以的。 三宝妈妈   (10 bytes , 117reads )
已转,谢宝妈 ofcourse   (74 bytes , 121reads )
团亲,已转35.73 via OCBC, Successful Ref. no. 2014051401385730 荟公公   (0 bytes , 125reads )
@Kuduki1983 @pupple @元吧头 @yayabao @Aprilbaby @有靓宝的生活 @haohaoelon 三宝妈妈   (46 bytes , 156reads )
Ref. no. 2014051502806114 无敌师太   (56 bytes , 145reads )
已转SGD65.48到POSB (12572060603) ,请宝妈查收哦。谢谢。 Aprilbaby   (0 bytes , 152reads )
宝妈,麻烦你帮我安排快递哦!下周任何一天的5点到8点的时段都可以。 Aprilbaby   (22 bytes , 127reads )
已转 haohaoelon   (137 bytes , 155reads )
转入POSB~谢谢咯~ yayabao   (71 bytes , 139reads )
@yayabao @爱新觉罗小宝 @DoraMM @flybeck @臭小孩儿 @乖戾 @沙拉米ZSLJ 三宝妈妈   (52 bytes , 110reads )
POSB 已转 爱新觉罗--小宝   (156 bytes , 141reads )
转7.62~ yayabao   (161 bytes , 97reads )
余额已转21.04到posb 乖戾   (79 bytes , 135reads )
已转5.24 posb. 谢谢! DoraMM   (46 bytes , 119reads )
已转23.95到posb 沙拉米ZSLJ   (52 bytes , 127reads )
余额已转 POSB SGD13.78 Ref: 12482378826 谢谢! 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 124reads )
已转余额3.02到POSB(ATM)转帐 单眼皮女生   (0 bytes , 129reads )
已经转账 refer no:1664 akuan2001   (0 bytes , 120reads )
已转10.27 菜鸟来了   (88 bytes , 136reads )
@byheart @maplec_f @qooyoyo @单眼皮女生 @菜鸟来了 @akuan2001 @彩翼 @zdwtt @怪哉 三宝妈妈   (63 bytes , 120reads )
已转余额6.41到POSB zdwtt   (0 bytes , 114reads )
已转40.23到posb账户,报名快递,谢谢~ maplec_f   (0 bytes , 161reads )
@珍珠园子 @欧欧 @charolyn @草香心轻 @celine0423 @午后雏菊 @DoraMM @flybeck 三宝妈妈   (63 bytes , 135reads )
今天通过atm转了50.03去posb,包括carters和认领的杯子 珍珠园子   (4 bytes , 145reads )
已转账29.51!谢谢! charolyn   (35 bytes , 164reads )
已转余额13.67 to posb,谢谢! DoraMM   (46 bytes , 147reads )
已转账 欧欧   (56 bytes , 128reads )
已转余额21.02到POSB账户 午后雏菊   (34 bytes , 129reads )
Transfer Celine0423   (56 bytes , 153reads )
@wuyuxuanwu 三宝妈妈   (32 bytes , 111reads )
@草莓小妹 @小橘子cici @lalakoko @米妃妃 @xmubread @Cello @kadea @cathleen家姐 三宝妈妈   (32 bytes , 142reads )
已转12.58到POSB,谢谢 草莓小妹   (0 bytes , 147reads )
已转$19.86到POSB,谢谢宝妈~ lalakoko   (0 bytes , 112reads )
已转posb 米妃妃   (19 bytes , 110reads )
已从atm转41.5。谢宝妈 cathleen家姐   (0 bytes , 160reads )
已转S$15.03到posb saving via ATM ref 47[…] 小橘子cici   (17 bytes , 159reads )
转账 xmubread   (59 bytes , 157reads )
fund transfer ref no:7146 kadea   (0 bytes , 144reads )
已转 20.48到POSB Cello   (34 bytes , 184reads )
@sound @竹樱小桃 @Loganmia @红樱桃 @cocopengy @colorsg @byheart @Natasha121 三宝妈妈   (32 bytes , 124reads )
已转余额4.34 ref. 8332 from posb atm cocopengy   (0 bytes , 199reads )
已转S$6.28 REF: XXX9490 XIEXIE byheart   (0 bytes , 212reads )
已转余额 Natasha121   (62 bytes , 136reads )
转帐 红樱桃   (96 bytes , 172reads )
又搞错了,最近晕乎乎的,再转1.15就好了。已转余额1.15去POSB了[…] 红樱桃   (2 bytes , 130reads )
已转20.47.谢谢 竹樱小桃   (0 bytes , 115reads )
余额11.36已转至ocbc vitaminxu   (25 bytes , 142reads )
@DoraMM @园中葵葵 @我爱丫丫 @lucaswei @南水桃花 @Celine0423 @vitaminxu 三宝妈妈   (122 bytes , 143reads )
余额72.63新币已于3月9日转到团长POSB帐号。 园中葵葵   (314 bytes , 149reads )
已转去posb,谢谢团长 lucaswei   (46 bytes , 110reads )
Have transferred s$12.22 for two shorts and one jacket, Ref:12263735795 南水桃花   (0 bytes , 166reads )
已转余额4.53,谢谢! DoraMM   (45 bytes , 140reads )
哦 站错楼了,重回一个,余额已转至ocbc vitaminxu   (0 bytes , 150reads )
已转账 Celine0423   (63 bytes , 137reads )
@樱花漫天 @KTR119 @小棠菜 @毛毛虫虫 @草莓小妹 @loganmia @damaoyuan @菠菜 三宝妈妈   (122 bytes , 159reads )
已转余额SGD9.58 from POSB 请查收,谢谢~ 毛毛虫虫   (16 bytes , 178reads )
余额SGD16.42已转 樱花漫天   (47 bytes , 176reads )
忘了说是posb,谢谢 菠菜   (0 bytes , 152reads )
S$7.51 Transaction Reference: 12251986536 菠菜   (80 bytes , 150reads )
转账 damaoyuan   (35 bytes , 153reads )
请问 damaoyuan   (41 bytes , 148reads )
不好意思,我居然没有算完,汗~~ 三宝妈妈   (28 bytes , 127reads )
多谢你才对! damaoyuan   (34 bytes , 208reads )
请问宝妈 damaoyuan   (156 bytes , 170reads )
已转46.35到POSB,含上次1.5的邮费,谢谢宝妈 草莓小妹   (0 bytes , 113reads )
已转余额 Loganmia   (98 bytes , 115reads )
请问团长3月25号这些衣服能到吗? Loganmia   (107 bytes , 138reads )
已转52.91去ocbc的帐号 请查收 请问到了吗? KTR119   (0 bytes , 143reads )
昨天下午7点09分转余额 $2.7 songlingqz   (17 bytes , 179reads )
atm转帐。 songlingqz   (0 bytes , 123reads )
已转帐 kiko2013   (36 bytes , 154reads )
@cucumber33 @dorisfong @fannyliuliu @爱新觉罗小宝 @Gracen @米妃妃 @linda7906 三宝妈妈   (69 bytes , 117reads )
transferred~thank you cucumber   (6 bytes , 131reads )
POSB ATM转帐 linda7906   (88 bytes , 156reads )
Posb 网银转4.51 fannyliuliu   (17 bytes , 170reads )
已转posb 米妃妃   (19 bytes , 122reads )
已转$45.4请查收。晚饭后去你家取可以吗? dorisfong   (0 bytes , 133reads )
还没到,到了我通知你取货。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 113reads )
好。 dorisfong   (0 bytes , 139reads )
乌龙发错帖,看这里 @园丁 @kiko2013 @Huiting13 @Natasha121 @songlingqz @maplec_f 三宝妈妈   (70 bytes , 145reads )
已转27.78,请查收谢谢~ maplec_f   (0 bytes , 136reads )
不好意思 Natasha121   (56 bytes , 148reads )
查单一哈。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 167reads )
已转余额 Natasha121   (53 bytes , 145reads )
余额$12.54已转 园丁   (34 bytes , 162reads )
POSB 已转 爱新觉罗--小宝   (32 bytes , 182reads )
已转 有靓宝的生活   (30 bytes , 179reads )
已转posb haohaoelon   (32 bytes , 171reads )
@无名仕 @0778 @草莓小妹 @maplec_f 三宝妈妈   (95 bytes , 229reads )
POSB已转 maplec_f   (44 bytes , 111reads )
宝妈,偶又跟了一单 maplec_f   (73 bytes , 121reads )
已转POSB 草莓小妹   (0 bytes , 127reads )
Permission 无名仕   (68 bytes , 193reads )
请看查单一啊查单一。。 三宝妈妈   (40 bytes , 178reads )
乌龙了 无名仕   (37 bytes , 207reads )
mm,请问你是否已经转账?如果已转,请回复一下转账时间及金额。多谢! 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 135reads )
不好意思,刚转 无名仕   (55 bytes , 202reads )
21/01/2014 Carter's 0778   (61 bytes , 137reads )
@cucumber33 @longxiaoye @有靓宝的生活 @Aprilbaby @猪猪和米米 @haohaoelon 三宝妈妈   (95 bytes , 221reads )
已经转账了 longxiaoye   (24 bytes , 142reads )
已转POSB账户SGD77.90, REF:12072790167 。请查收: ) Aprilbaby   (0 bytes , 218reads )
======闲聊区,分享你我的喜怒哀乐====== 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 264reads )
美妈这次买了16件,囧 珍珠园子   (44 bytes , 101reads )
错了是18件。。。 珍珠园子   (142 bytes , 123reads )
mark 下 differ1210   (86 bytes , 229reads )
这是高挑的节奏,可喜可贺! 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 226reads )
=====折扣更新区,请在这里分享最新折扣信息===== 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 236reads )
刚在网上查了个25%折扣吗: CARHC8 i2sunshine   (12 bytes , 161reads )
thanksgiving 还有extra 10% until Thursday 6pm at EST i2sunshine   (31 bytes , 118reads )
我试了不可以用啊 fxlc   (0 bytes , 127reads )
可以啊 i2sunshine   (124 bytes , 120reads )
50% off everything and 25% off your 40+ purchase kozuki   (5 bytes , 103reads )
carters clearance extra 20% off colorsg   (0 bytes , 134reads )
宝妈,发现oshkosh clearance 有 extra 20%off,但今天就结束了。 rarebird   (28 bytes , 426reads )
Memorial Day Discount everything 50%, 好像到五月26号 BabyFlorence   (0 bytes , 134reads )
Extra 20% off Clearance @三宝妈妈 colorsg   (0 bytes , 157reads )
今天好像有25%additional discount, 宝妈今天有时间下单吗? KTR119   (0 bytes , 176reads )
同问 火箭   (18 bytes , 141reads )
=====提问区,各种疑问请跟此楼===== 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 233reads )
宝妈carters1月1号的单还没到吗? r3865488   (14 bytes , 88reads )
我12月付款的gnc鱼油还没拿到 漏掉两次分赃就再没消息了!请宝妈回复短信或私信我! 无名可用   (0 bytes , 133reads )
你好,宝妈!请问下单后通常多久会到坡? 红樱桃   (0 bytes , 109reads )
现在CARTERS发货很慢 三宝妈妈   (23 bytes , 196reads )
宝妈,我刚刚査了填单的google doc, 有些有highlight有些没有, Aprilbaby   (29 bytes , 100reads )
没有highlight的表示已经下单了。 三宝妈妈   (20 bytes , 113reads )
好的。谢谢宝妈! Aprilbaby   (0 bytes , 145reads )
宝妈,又能买carter了吗? dorisfong   (50 bytes , 206reads )
可以了,重新开团了。 三宝妈妈   (38 bytes , 201reads )
第一次跟,请问会偏码吗? 木棉树   (55 bytes , 133reads )
size chart见内。我通常会买大一号给娃。 三宝妈妈   (580 bytes , 127reads )
谢谢, 就是看中的没有大一号了。 木棉树   (86 bytes , 126reads )
确认一下余额,谢谢! rarebird   (139 bytes , 96reads )
团长我看到6月29号账单了 Loganmia   (226 bytes , 135reads )
6月29号跟单 沙拉米ZSLJ   (26 bytes , 133reads )
这两天就到了。 三宝妈妈   (42 bytes , 148reads )
只要不是我错过了就行。宝妈辛苦。宝妈不急。 沙拉米ZSLJ   (0 bytes , 145reads )
宝妈 wendychen   (70 bytes , 95reads )
oshkosh BabeCircle   (36 bytes , 129reads )
carters正在打折 BabeCircle   (80 bytes , 177reads )
同问宝马 barbox   (0 bytes , 138reads )
不好意思,是宝妈 barbox   (0 bytes , 130reads )
跟单了,想让你邮寄的话,什么时候给你地址啊 qjkk   (0 bytes , 152reads )
请问宝妈我之前跟单的五件东西 rarebird   (81 bytes , 109reads )
问一下团长 5月25日团 何时才能收到货? 高家小野猪   (0 bytes , 108reads )
团长 现在还可以跟单么 wendychen   (26 bytes , 119reads )
可以跟团。 三宝妈妈   (28 bytes , 140reads )
团长 wendychen   (0 bytes , 109reads )
还可以下单么? 现在半价哦。。很多喜欢的。。 高家小野猪   (0 bytes , 121reads )
查单 夏天的柳   (35 bytes , 119reads )
请看查单一。。 三宝妈妈   (4 bytes , 113reads )
谢谢 夏天的柳   (55 bytes , 136reads )
疑问 miss-ji   (28 bytes , 112reads )
是的 三宝妈妈   (28 bytes , 132reads )
三宝妈,我打不开跟单地址 doudoushu   (0 bytes , 106reads )
求问美妈们~~四岁的女孩~穿多大的哇~~ yayabao   (107 bytes , 136reads )
宝妈 查单二看不了挖 KTR119   (0 bytes , 207reads )
刚刚发现原来是我摆乌龙了。梭瑞啊 三宝妈妈   (56 bytes , 116reads )
请看查单一,查单一! 三宝妈妈   (14 bytes , 150reads )
想跟团 damaoyuan   (26 bytes , 188reads )
可以的。 三宝妈妈   (38 bytes , 183reads )
请问宝妈 damaoyuan   (67 bytes , 446reads )
好的 damaoyuan   (80 bytes , 232reads )
美妈,查单doc需要permission haohaoelon   (0 bytes , 229reads )
已经Share了。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 175reads )
=========公告区======== 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 212reads )
@指尖上舞蹈 @charolyn @家有虎妞 三宝妈妈   (204 bytes , 114reads )
@空气x泡泡 @0778 @dorisfong @ziyixiaoxian @zdwtt @haohaoelon @珍珠园子 三宝妈妈   (204 bytes , 124reads )
Carter's shyhai   (40 bytes , 115reads )
哈哈哈正好发现少转给你两分钱 珍珠园子   (5 bytes , 125reads )
@xiu @coco158 三宝妈妈   (627 bytes , 157reads )
has transferred the balance to your ocbc account. Thanks! xiu   (0 bytes , 137reads )
@fang832183 @Aprilbaby @Maplec_f @怪哉 @KTR119 @camille_zl @yhwust @mier 三宝妈妈   (610 bytes , 148reads )
宝妈,辛苦你了。想跟你确认一下,我有三件漏发货的, Aprilbaby   (32 bytes , 119reads )
=========定金转账区======== 三宝妈妈   (79 bytes , 290reads )
加了三件,定金一共48.94,已转,from citibank 小小魔女嬷   (5 bytes , 98reads )
定金已转 小棠菜   (36 bytes , 99reads )
宝妈,已经转新币43给你,请查收 wang0462   (52 bytes , 62reads )
订金已转40.97 肉丸   (28 bytes , 103reads )
已转25.6到OCBC 谢谢 无敌师太   (37 bytes , 90reads )
1月19日单里有几单没有下 沙拉米ZSLJ   (77 bytes , 85reads )
转账定金 猪猪和米米   (48 bytes , 119reads )
29/12/2014~via OCBC 19.07 已转 荟公公   (94 bytes , 132reads )
跟单转定金 cyr   (53 bytes , 149reads )
刚填单,已网银转定金去OCBC,多谢美团! heyu0003   (57 bytes , 143reads )
1月10日下单。定金106已网银转到posb账户。查收。需要快递。谢谢 沙拉米ZSLJ   (0 bytes , 117reads )
定金已转 longxiaoye   (86 bytes , 116reads )
转了dbs cucumber   (37 bytes , 110reads )
已转订金130 r3865488   (18 bytes , 97reads )
已转定金SGD141.93 ET兔子酱   (92 bytes , 103reads )
已转定金50 Loganmia   (29 bytes , 116reads )
定金已转 爱新觉罗--小宝   (15 bytes , 109reads )
跟单 yianle   (42 bytes , 107reads )
已转定金13到OCBC账号 无敌师太   (43 bytes , 112reads )
刚填的单,定金转去OCBC了,66新币 BabyFlorence   (0 bytes , 114reads )
刚查了,CARHC8 的promo code 能有总共 $10 的折扣加免邮,请楼主帮个忙 BabyFlorence   (0 bytes , 146reads )
三宝妈妈,定金有收到吗 秋雨寒烟   (133 bytes , 135reads )
美妈看查单一啊。 三宝妈妈   (18 bytes , 141reads )
已转定金 秋雨寒烟   (104 bytes , 140reads )
已通过网银转订金30至POSB。 盛夏的清水   (42 bytes , 117reads )
已转posb S$41.98 tingting2012   (6 bytes , 155reads )
宝妈,我又加了一件, 转$9.9 tingting2012   (34 bytes , 120reads )
已转25, posb 网银转, peggy pig_119   (0 bytes , 152reads )
已转定金$12到POSB,TR 13393730936 shuang_r   (0 bytes , 104reads )
已转订金 到POSB ,请查收 木棉树   (61 bytes , 91reads )
宝妈,已转定金SGD68.76到你的POSB. 请查收 Aprilbaby   (33 bytes , 130reads )
宝妈,我又下单多三件衣服,已转多SGD32.98给你的POSB哦 Aprilbaby   (77 bytes , 105reads )
备注 BabeCircle   (15 bytes , 113reads )
已转账 BabeCircle   (54 bytes , 95reads )
已转定金POSB vivien_min   (45 bytes , 111reads )
跟错楼了,已转定金23.97,posb手机银行转 qjkk   (14 bytes , 134reads )
已转SGD53.00到POSB账号,谢谢! rarebird   (14 bytes , 106reads )
已转定金 Loganmia   (129 bytes , 98reads )
转账定金39 6月22日下单 沙拉米ZSLJ   (0 bytes , 132reads )
定金已转,谢谢! mier   (59 bytes , 131reads )
已转S$36.64至POSB! 含5月AHAVA的运费S$0.64,请查收! yhwust   (0 bytes , 120reads )
43.92已转入posb, 团长查收啊! Camille_zl   (30 bytes , 115reads )
宝妈 已转账 wendychen   (53 bytes , 117reads )
6月8日Carters衣服定金,已转账85.05 单眼皮女生   (50 bytes , 124reads )
是到POSB账户 单眼皮女生   (0 bytes , 147reads )
Transaction Reference:12733849590  单眼皮女生   (31 bytes , 99reads )
posb手机银行转账定金 S$37.98 回执号:12712552664 寒雨   (0 bytes , 227reads )
Successful Ref. no. 2014060900876147 无敌师太   (40 bytes , 189reads )
6月6日下单 沙拉米ZSLJ   (36 bytes , 120reads )
团长,已转10刀到OCBC账户,Ref. no. 2014060501999366 请查收。 tuntun   (0 bytes , 107reads )
转账5.25订单 yhbhust   (58 bytes , 163reads )
转余额 yhbhust   (59 bytes , 156reads )
宝妈,已转定金SGD46.97到你的POSB账号哦。Tranc Ref: 12654860092。 请查收哦咯。 Aprilbaby   (0 bytes , 121reads )
团长 wendychen   (22 bytes , 153reads )
已转55.54(5月11号)+52.24(耳温计)到posb,多谢 whywhy   (138 bytes , 105reads )
已经转定金 高家小野猪   (90 bytes , 137reads )
已转定金S$63.00,谢谢。 Lydia25   (0 bytes , 149reads )
钙片余额转入 欧欧   (69 bytes , 111reads )
已转定金posb saving $20.97 pupple   (16 bytes , 155reads )
团长,五月18号填单,定金已转 BabyFlorence   (110 bytes , 143reads )
定金是29.99 BabyFlorence   (0 bytes , 129reads )
刚加了一个裤子,已经又转了10块过去。总共39.99 BabyFlorence   (0 bytes , 182reads )
转定金 夏天的柳   (76 bytes , 112reads )
刚填单,订金已转,谢谢 任我飞   (142 bytes , 127reads )
定金已转 Pengkok   (65 bytes , 138reads )
打错了, :( Pengkok   (62 bytes , 109reads )
团长!已转posb36.97。 谢谢! Huiting13   (0 bytes , 113reads )
已转定金104.38到OCBC。 查收!5月6日下单。 沙拉米ZSLJ   (0 bytes , 118reads )
转定金 Congcongbb   (38 bytes , 167reads )
5月1号填单,已转25.98 from POSB internet banking, 谢谢! qingqiu   (74 bytes , 144reads )
定金已转账 iamhualin   (179 bytes , 185reads )
OCBC ibanking Ref. no. 2014042601885026 无敌师太   (72 bytes , 183reads )
12447732307 reference number 元吧头   (41 bytes , 128reads )
定金已转 ofcourse   (50 bytes , 114reads )
已转posb16.98 ref:6905 pupple   (0 bytes , 136reads )
4月7日单~转定金28.99 yayabao   (73 bytes , 116reads )
已转$12 菜鸟来了   (84 bytes , 101reads )
4月7日下单,已转133.99到posb。谢谢。 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 145reads )
4月7日的单,已转定金S$42 to posb,谢谢! DoraMM   (45 bytes , 123reads )
4月7号下的5件东东定金已转。 乖戾   (98 bytes , 94reads )
已转账 沙拉米ZSLJ   (101 bytes , 100reads )
定金已转 Celine0423   (63 bytes , 155reads )
美妈,已转定金$10到POSB,谢谢. Lydia25   (0 bytes , 134reads )
已从ATM转定金到POSB新币52,谢谢! 单眼皮女生   (0 bytes , 106reads )
已转定金12到POSB zdwtt   (31 bytes , 126reads )
定金已转,70 SGD to POSB account 午后雏菊   (34 bytes , 118reads )
已转定金s$20,谢谢! DoraMM   (45 bytes , 125reads )
已转订金S$82.89到POSB账户 qooyoyo   (102 bytes , 223reads )
已将“订金”通过“网银”转金额“$28”至“POSB”。谢谢…… 欧欧   (0 bytes , 103reads )
转账 xmubread   (83 bytes , 155reads )
小橘子cici转定金S$20 fromposb saving to posb saving(atm)ref2206 谢谢宝妈~ 小橘子cici   (0 bytes , 150reads )
已转定金 Natasha121   (39 bytes , 172reads )
dear 36.88deposit transferred thanks!! colorsg   (0 bytes , 205reads )
已轉 Gracen   (31 bytes , 156reads )
21号下午6:34分已转$26.9至楼主的posb songlingqz   (15 bytes , 172reads )
定金31已转至ocbc vitaminxu   (35 bytes , 127reads )
定金已转 我爱丫丫   (43 bytes , 173reads )
已转定金21.99, Ref:12137911325 南水桃花   (0 bytes , 117reads )
已转定金$18, ref:12135800243 ,谢谢! 南水桃花   (0 bytes , 124reads )
已转定金 Loganmia   (133 bytes , 146reads )
今天刚填单,已转定金130元。 园中葵葵   (188 bytes , 134reads )
2月12日团,已转订金17.99, POSB, Transaction Reference:12120928964,谢谢 菠菜   (0 bytes , 161reads )
已转定金s$19.2 to posb,谢谢! DoraMM   (46 bytes , 156reads )
已转定金S$47.95 from POSB 请查收 谢谢! 毛毛虫虫   (0 bytes , 151reads )
已转定金SGD107.58 樱花漫天   (68 bytes , 208reads )
SGD16.39 小棠菜 小棠菜   (42 bytes , 203reads )
===以下定金已收到=== 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 151reads )
2/2的已转 from posb fannyliuliu   (3 bytes , 199reads )
团长 Huiting13   (46 bytes , 129reads )
已转定金DBS $49.59 Natasha121   (25 bytes , 142reads )
昨天跟的单,刚刚转了15块,谢谢宝妈 cucumber   (0 bytes , 151reads )
1月6号下单的两件哈衣下周就到了,请看查单一 三宝妈妈   (18 bytes , 144reads )
1月21的什么时候会到呀 haohaoelon   (0 bytes , 112reads )
已经在路上了,下周应该会到。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 136reads )
好的,等会儿就转~ cucumber   (20 bytes , 158reads )
好的。我先帮你收着。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 151reads )
转到posb cucumber   (0 bytes , 128reads )
carters转账 猪猪和米米   (33 bytes , 219reads )