所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-06-11 09:47

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
To Account POSB Passbook Savings Account
Transfer Currency and Amount S$61.77
Transaction Reference 12717265319

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【三宝妈妈团】速团Gymboree额外八折团,傍晚6点截团,IMM/CCK/YT/WOODLANDS/快递 三宝妈妈   (1916 bytes , 1218reads )
已转账 QueenieNan   (80 bytes , 113reads )
@zh1125798 @ziyixiaoxian @五月天 @午后雏菊 @大眼 @彬彬 @我爱丫丫 @草香心轻 三宝妈妈   (75 bytes , 71reads )
已转 ziyixiaoxian   (10 bytes , 75reads )
ATM 已转SGD61.53, GYM+AMAZON,谢谢宝妈! 草香心轻   (0 bytes , 54reads )
=======截团,下单完毕,查单已经更新======= 三宝妈妈   (32 bytes , 82reads )
跟单,谢谢宝妈 大眼   (730 bytes , 102reads )
对不起,宝妈,我已经重新入在excel表里啦 大眼   (0 bytes , 87reads )
跟单 QueenieNan   (1251 bytes , 114reads )
==============转账区,转好请回复============= 三宝妈妈   (10 bytes , 84reads )
转账 我爱丫丫   (47 bytes , 97reads )
已转余额 午后雏菊   (40 bytes , 81reads )
转账 Kaylee   (128 bytes , 74reads )
转账 QueenieNan   (80 bytes , 64reads )
已转sgd18.53到POSB账号 rarebird   (26 bytes , 80reads )
Transferred 74.11 to your POSB account. Ref.12716957258 pun   (34 bytes , 68reads )
转帐 彬彬   (51 bytes , 98reads )
已转,多谢,能不能这两天晚上去你家拿啊 五月天   (2 bytes , 64reads )
行啊,啥时候过来? 三宝妈妈   (36 bytes , 85reads )
没问题,谢谢美妈 五月天   (0 bytes , 63reads )
@Lydia25 @Maplec_f @pun @pupple @QueenieNan @rarebird @whywhy @wuyuxuanwu 三宝妈妈   (75 bytes , 83reads )
扣carter's 余款,已转18.16 posb saving pupple   (38 bytes , 76reads )
已转帐$9.88到posb请查收,谢谢。 Lydia25   (20 bytes , 60reads )
宝妈 wuyuxuanwu   (38 bytes , 105reads )
已转28.42,多谢 whywhy   (137 bytes , 76reads )
@akuan2001 @Charolyn @Coco158 @colorsg @Kaylee @lalakoko @Loganmia @lilylily20 三宝妈妈   (75 bytes , 78reads )
刚出差回来,已转到DBS,多谢! charolyn   (35 bytes , 62reads )
已转,请查收,Transaction Reference 12722947239 谢谢 团长 coco158   (56 bytes , 50reads )
已转32.2, 麻烦草香心轻周末代取 lilylily2012   (48 bytes , 114reads )
Hi Beauty, 74.10 transferred, THANKS!! colorsg   (0 bytes , 77reads )
已转余额 Loganmia   (130 bytes , 54reads )
已转29.62到POSB,Ref.12715642267 lalakoko   (48 bytes , 77reads )
已转44.16到POSB 午后雏菊   (34 bytes , 90reads )
已转S$30,POSB IB ref 12624220743。 大眼   (0 bytes , 84reads )
定金 彬彬   (17 bytes , 91reads )
宝妈,定金5.25 号我转了30到posb。余额7.05 已转。ref 12714705488 大眼   (20 bytes , 88reads )