@charolyn 看过来
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-06-05 17:18

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

New Case with CaseID#1316592

SingPost Customer Service
16:51 (25分钟前)

Dear Ms

We refer to your vPOST shipment VS147688599US.

We received a feedback from our delivery department that your package was received wet. Upon inspection it was found that this bottle had a loose cap and contents leaked.

vPOST has re-secured the loose cap, and all other contents are intact. Please advise if you would like vPOST to repack and proceed to re-deliver the item. Attached is the photo of the broken bottle.

Yours Sincerely

Apple Nemeno (Ms)
Customer Care Officer
Customer Care & Excellence
Singapore Post Limited (Reg No. 199201623M)

This mail (including all attachments) contains confidential information which may be privileged. It is intended solely for the identified recipient(s) to whom it is addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, please reply to us immediately and delete this message from your system. You may not copy or use it for any purpose, or otherwise disclose its contents to any person.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
[五月天团]五月drugstore全场8折团,YEWTEE/jurongeast/clementi/kentridge/快递 五月天   (1138 bytes , 895reads )
@charolyn 看过来 五月天   (1085 bytes , 86reads )
正在出差,刚刚看到 charolyn   (211 bytes , 86reads )
我已经回复他让他送到我家了,应该已经到新加坡了 五月天   (90 bytes , 63reads )
========账单出来了,转账请跟帖========= 五月天   (95 bytes , 72reads )
已转37.5新币 浅野   (78 bytes , 78reads )
hello~ 浅野   (230 bytes , 75reads )
应该到了,我刚回来,等一下啊 五月天   (2 bytes , 55reads )
谢谢团长~我看到我的两个东西是分开两单了~ 浅野   (103 bytes , 64reads )
已转账 心海2011   (32 bytes , 52reads )
@Loganmia @无敌师太 @charolyn @心海2011 @alison @nana @浅野 五月天   (91 bytes , 67reads )
已转账!谢谢! charolyn   (34 bytes , 76reads )
已转 Loganmia   (166 bytes , 60reads )
已转 66.12 to posb nana   (5 bytes , 91reads )
======这团基本到了,周末可取======= 五月天   (124 bytes , 69reads )
@Loganmia @无敌师太 @charolyn @心海2011 @alison @nana @浅野 五月天   (22 bytes , 72reads )
kent ridge 明天可以取么? nana   (16 bytes , 81reads )
下周来得及吗?明天有点事 五月天   (2 bytes , 68reads )
可以的~ nana   (42 bytes , 81reads )
刚想转钱给团长发现帐单还没出来 Loganmia   (101 bytes , 59reads )
我去查一下,没留意信用卡有退到 五月天   (0 bytes , 59reads )
试试 看看还有八五折不 无敌师太   (611 bytes , 78reads )
下好了,全部有85折,:) 五月天   (0 bytes , 127reads )
我上一单有个鱼油是不是没货呀 无敌师太   (18 bytes , 88reads )
3倍鱼油?还没有下 五月天   (0 bytes , 88reads )
不是3倍鱼油 无敌师太   (167 bytes , 89reads )
对的对的,我就是点你给的链接没有东西,所以没下 五月天   (22 bytes , 77reads )
enen 我继续关注 等有货时候再说 哈哈 无敌师太   (0 bytes , 62reads )
======查单处======= 五月天   (109 bytes , 62reads )
请问团长这单到了吗? charolyn   (6 bytes , 88reads )
应该到了一部分,等我回家开箱整理了出账单啊 五月天   (2 bytes , 68reads )
跟单,请问什么时候能到? alison   (943 bytes , 90reads )
能到,但是现在8折不可以,只能85折,还要吗? 五月天   (2 bytes , 67reads )
请问帮我买了吗?我帖子里说了,只要能到就要。 alison   (0 bytes , 94reads )
鱼油少买了2个,能再加吗 alison   (56 bytes , 105reads )
=========跟单区(id,item, qty, link, price, contact)============= 五月天   (25 bytes , 99reads )
请问团长这个可以买吗? 昔文   (202 bytes , 84reads )
这个运费肯定很高的,你可以从amazon上买 五月天   (135 bytes , 92reads )
跟单,谢谢~ sancylee   (229 bytes , 80reads )
下了 五月天   (0 bytes , 51reads )
现在green&natural部门全场8折,可以买加洲宝贝和小熊糖了 五月天   (95 bytes , 76reads )
跟单 qqmeng719   (1394 bytes , 111reads )
好的,等一下看还有人凑单吗?其他都下好了 五月天   (2 bytes , 71reads )
好的 没有也没关系 qqmeng719   (28 bytes , 72reads )
下好了 五月天   (0 bytes , 69reads )
跟单 little-pear   (222 bytes , 110reads )
跟单 浅野   (533 bytes , 88reads )
跟单 心海2011   (394 bytes , 64reads )
跟单! charolyn   (1307 bytes , 165reads )
请问我跟单的价格是八五折以后的价格还是以前的? charolyn   (107 bytes , 78reads )
对,是你现在看到的价钱上再85折 五月天   (2 bytes , 86reads )
请问团长这团下单了吗?谢谢! charolyn   (0 bytes , 57reads )
下单了 五月天   (2 bytes , 60reads )
我又来啦 无敌师太   (452 bytes , 85reads )
啊 八五折也可以 谢谢 无敌师太   (0 bytes , 80reads )
===8折不可以了,现在只有85折了,不介意的话可以继续跟=== 五月天   (2 bytes , 73reads )
跟单 Loganmia   (362 bytes , 68reads )
mm。现在只有85折了,还要吗? 五月天   (2 bytes , 67reads )
没问题 Loganmia   (43 bytes , 79reads )
对的 五月天   (12 bytes , 94reads )
85折也要的 Loganmia   (8 bytes , 81reads )
是member,:) 五月天   (2 bytes , 92reads )
跟单 nana   (248 bytes , 66reads )
再加一些 nana   (139 bytes , 74reads )
==============闲聊区=============== 五月天   (1 bytes , 116reads )
是不是已经不能跟了呀?又有东西要买了。。。谢谢团长~ 浅野   (0 bytes , 59reads )
都下好了,要不,你把单先给我吧,我帮你看看 五月天   (2 bytes , 64reads )
五月天mm,你的8折链接也是只能用一次的么? 牛肉粒粒   (45 bytes , 98reads )
我的也不能用了,才发现 五月天   (0 bytes , 73reads )