posb saving189775130
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-04-23 20:25  更多评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
BF 芳程式官网85折开团,勿洛/来福士/国大SRC篮球场 草莓   (412 bytes , 4002reads )
楼主求再来一团呀~~ 阿列   (19 bytes , 92reads )
跟一瓶 WXL   (92 bytes , 87reads )
mm这个只剩下薰衣草 橙花 金缕梅可以认领了哈 草莓   (16 bytes , 101reads )
团长还能认领吗 wintergal   (10 bytes , 65reads )
有一个薰衣草。两个金缕梅。两个洋柑橘 草莓   (0 bytes , 76reads )
要个薰衣草 wintergal   (41 bytes , 64reads )
28。7 好的 这周六见哈 草莓   (0 bytes , 71reads )
草莓   (221 bytes , 90reads )
谢谢楼主! wintergal   (49 bytes , 85reads )
看错了。。。 WXL   (57 bytes , 66reads )
有薰衣草 橙花水 金缕梅水还有一个海藻胶 草莓   (40 bytes , 105reads )
还在的话收胶和金缕梅 大壮壮   (30 bytes , 106reads )
好。给你了。拜二12点来服饰如何 草莓   (0 bytes , 92reads )
好滴! 大壮壮   (12 bytes , 137reads )
壮壮俺来啦 草莓   (336 bytes , 97reads )
等下见哈哈 草莓   (0 bytes , 96reads )
刚转啦 大壮壮   (151 bytes , 106reads )
海藻较17块8, 花水28。7 草莓   (0 bytes , 102reads )
勿洛取哟 WXL   (72 bytes , 109reads )
我要橙花水先! WXL   (50 bytes , 180reads )
私信团长了 WXL   (186 bytes , 144reads )
橙水28块7。物洛可以的。81260490 草莓   (0 bytes , 74reads )
金缕梅不是金展花我猜? 草莓   (0 bytes , 75reads )
#####更新 还有4个金缕梅水 2个甘菊水 和 草莓   (96 bytes , 92reads )
再认领一个海藻胶 春天来了   (0 bytes , 93reads )
可以。最后一个海藻胶归你了。拜四见 草莓   (0 bytes , 94reads )
是17.82?刚找了下价钱,不对你提醒下 春天来了   (0 bytes , 102reads )
草莓   (0 bytes , 65reads )
已转查收谢谢 春天来了   (0 bytes , 78reads )
谢谢。晚上回去转。 春天来了   (0 bytes , 106reads )
眼膠錢已轉posb Vivia310   (36 bytes , 92reads )
草莓   (0 bytes , 78reads )
求眼胶 Vivia310   (35 bytes , 79reads )
团长我的转帐有收到嘛?4 月25转的,有跟贴。因为没有看到爱特我,或者回[…] shaina660   (45 bytes , 127reads )
有的有的。拜一还是拜四12点来福士? 草莓   (0 bytes , 74reads )
团长团长,我的拜托了simila mm帮我取:) 秋味   (0 bytes , 74reads )
mm可以取货了? simila   (0 bytes , 78reads )
多谢! 那明天12点raffles吧�9�1 shaina660   (0 bytes , 83reads )
急急。。已经站内短信。 草莓   (117 bytes , 61reads )
阿好的~ 刚看到,还短信你了呢刚才。那明天见 shaina660   (0 bytes , 114reads )
楼主,可以取货了? surainey   (38 bytes , 80reads )
####玫瑰胶貌似没有了。眼胶还有3个 草莓   (0 bytes , 80reads )
还有薰衣草水 橙花水 金缕梅水 洋柑橘水 草莓   (0 bytes , 77reads )
团长 kraft   (54 bytes , 79reads )
好。已经回复 草莓   (0 bytes , 78reads )
玫瑰水没了 草莓   (0 bytes , 84reads )
还有四个海藻胶。 草莓   (0 bytes , 74reads )
海藻胶只有一个鸟 草莓   (0 bytes , 87reads )
请问这个海藻胶是500ml的吗?如果是的话想领这个海藻可以吗? whatidtouse   (0 bytes , 65reads )
是500的 要的话妹妹留个电话 转帐好了回一下 草莓   (0 bytes , 98reads )
已转了,请查收看看对不。谢谢 whatidtouse   (0 bytes , 105reads )
已站短,请问一共需要转多少?谢谢了 whatidtouse   (0 bytes , 77reads )
应该本周末可以到 到了才分赃贴 草莓   (0 bytes , 61reads )
绿泥粉只有两个 走路树 和琪琪可以 哈哈 草莓   (0 bytes , 76reads )
这个绿泥粉的价格没找到啊 琪琪   (38 bytes , 74reads )
幸亏手快占了一个 琪琪   (4 bytes , 78reads )
还可以跟单吗? x小猫   (112 bytes , 90reads )
@x小猫 账单 草莓   (66 bytes , 72reads )
已转 x小猫   (52 bytes , 78reads )
团长,晚上转账给你 x小猫   (0 bytes , 85reads )
可以 草莓   (0 bytes , 65reads )
团长,我的单有下吗? x小猫   (20 bytes , 84reads )
yes 草莓   (0 bytes , 93reads )
谢谢团长 x小猫   (26 bytes , 95reads )
:):) 草莓   (0 bytes , 60reads )
在跟 婧婧   (42 bytes , 95reads )
total 28.7 singapore dollars.. 草莓   (0 bytes , 80reads )
账单 婧婧   (50 bytes , 74reads )
let me check 草莓   (0 bytes , 69reads )
====多余认领区。。到货更新。。 草莓   (0 bytes , 161reads )
认领眼胶 左右都不走   (25 bytes , 93reads )
求眼胶一个,谢谢 春天来了   (0 bytes , 74reads )
@春天来了 草莓   (53 bytes , 97reads )
已转13.93 春天来了   (26 bytes , 117reads )
好的 下周一12来服饰或者 草莓   (25 bytes , 85reads )
星期四好吗 春天来了   (74 bytes , 103reads )
哪间银行啊 春天来了   (0 bytes , 70reads )
oops posb 草莓   (0 bytes , 75reads )
补下其他的 琪琪   (60 bytes , 95reads )
好的 草莓   (0 bytes , 65reads )
排队求绿粉泥一个,如果有多的话 岛人   (0 bytes , 86reads )
看到貌似还有一个绿泥粉可以认领 琪琪   (32 bytes , 77reads )
排队求认领 scyhz   (46 bytes , 148reads )
mm你转了吗, 名字是什么可以短信我吗 草莓   (0 bytes , 76reads )
have 草莓   (0 bytes , 89reads )
mm 请问有多的bf的粉状绿泥认领吗? walktree   (6 bytes , 73reads )
have 2. but have not calculate .later calculate 草莓   (0 bytes , 93reads )
great!! walktree   (26 bytes , 63reads )
:) 草莓   (0 bytes , 65reads )
extra lavinder water . rose gel. eye gel. orange water 草莓   (0 bytes , 98reads )
排队认领orange water and rose gel 秋味   (40 bytes , 75reads )
还有。最后的玫瑰胶归你了 草莓   (0 bytes , 92reads )
谢谢团长!花水有吗?准备要转账了:) 秋味   (0 bytes , 91reads )
有。你要的两样都有 草莓   (0 bytes , 61reads )
认领一个眼胶先. 祖儿   (0 bytes , 63reads )
hp number? 草莓   (0 bytes , 88reads )
不好意思一激动就给忘了放了, 祖儿   (22 bytes , 83reads )
ok:) 草莓   (0 bytes , 79reads )
yes 草莓   (199 bytes , 85reads )
我认领成功了吗? 现在要转账吗? 祖儿   (0 bytes , 123reads )
认领一个眼胶 黄橙子   (5 bytes , 122reads )
but only come after 10 days i think 草莓   (27 bytes , 148reads )
OK 黄橙子   (10 bytes , 93reads )
===账单=== 草莓   (0 bytes , 149reads )
@琪琪 草莓   (117 bytes , 76reads )
已转160.99 琪琪   (15 bytes , 91reads )
@walktree 草莓   (16 bytes , 97reads )
@盗药兔 草莓   (152 bytes , 87reads )
已转 盗药兔   (34 bytes , 139reads )
@pig_119 草莓   (40 bytes , 85reads )
@leahliu 草莓   (14 bytes , 70reads )
已转17。83。谢谢 leahliu   (0 bytes , 89reads )
好的,谢谢,晚上回家就转账。:) leahliu   (0 bytes , 92reads )
@Joeykoo 草莓   (13 bytes , 66reads )
什么时候可以到货啊 Joeykoo   (0 bytes , 89reads )
mm.....早就到了哈都快分完了 草莓   (0 bytes , 98reads )
方便哪里取货? Joeykoo   (0 bytes , 107reads )
明天12点来福是 地铁或者晚上7点物洛地铁 草莓   (0 bytes , 96reads )
找到了哈哈 草莓   (223 bytes , 93reads )
妹妹我等到12点15没有看到你。没你消息先走了哈 草莓   (169 bytes , 98reads )
你的电话留错了啊 Joeykoo   (47 bytes , 94reads )
可以。 草莓   (196 bytes , 113reads )
可以 草莓   (196 bytes , 81reads )
今天12点可以吗?莱弗士地铁 Joeykoo   (0 bytes , 128reads )
812604990 草莓   (190 bytes , 74reads )
好,明天中午吧 Joeykoo   (18 bytes , 79reads )
我不知道啊 Joeykoo   (32 bytes , 74reads )
账号 Joeykoo   (12 bytes , 78reads )
POSB saving 189 77513 0 转好回一下哈 草莓   (0 bytes , 78reads )
转了 Joeykoo   (4 bytes , 79reads )
等下转 Joeykoo   (0 bytes , 93reads )
@simila 草莓   (190 bytes , 97reads )
@Vivia310 草莓   (41 bytes , 77reads )
已转55。57~ Vivia310   (6 bytes , 68reads )
@Vivia310 刚才没有@成 草莓   (0 bytes , 69reads )
没有账单吗? x小猫   (48 bytes , 67reads )
mm我的账单也木有哇 simila   (0 bytes , 99reads )
我的账单捏? 黄橙子   (10 bytes , 82reads )
@黄橙子 账单在此,哈哈 草莓   (117 bytes , 81reads )
已经转了 黄橙子   (76 bytes , 72reads )
黄橙子   (21 bytes , 74reads )
@黄橙子 加一个眼胶13。93 草莓   (0 bytes , 74reads )
没看到我的名, 团长,我的单有下吗 ? angelabebe   (0 bytes , 121reads )
@angelabebe 草莓   (83 bytes , 75reads )
有。但是你站短我只看到那两个胶。水的 草莓   (86 bytes , 81reads )
@milkr 草莓   (125 bytes , 119reads )
@milkr 草莓   (0 bytes , 95reads )
还有另外两个 草莓   (115 bytes , 131reads )
太好啦~ milkr   (32 bytes , 92reads )
posb saving189775130 草莓   (0 bytes , 311reads )
楼主楼主 milkr   (32 bytes , 88reads )
yes. 草莓   (177 bytes , 68reads )
yes 草莓   (177 bytes , 110reads )
楼主我的单下了么 surainey   (0 bytes , 79reads )
@Stephanie_1101 草莓   (69 bytes , 128reads )
已转 Stephanie_1101   (14 bytes , 61reads )
@sunoct 草莓   (53 bytes , 63reads )
已转28.9 sunoct   (8 bytes , 117reads )
POSB saving 189 77513 0 转好回一下哈, 多或少转一两分 草莓   (0 bytes , 109reads )
$57.4已转,一瓶橙花,一瓶洋甘菊 各500ml 玉树琳锋   (52 bytes , 69reads )
好的 草莓   (0 bytes , 70reads )
已转POSB: $46.52, Transaction Ref.12482306947, 谢谢 whatidtouse   (37 bytes , 108reads )
好的 草莓   (0 bytes , 64reads )
转了 秋味   (107 bytes , 73reads )
对滴 草莓   (0 bytes , 87reads )
团长, 已转13.93去你的帐号,你查一下. 祖儿   (36 bytes , 61reads )
我电话81260490 草莓   (0 bytes , 92reads )
转好了 shaina660   (40 bytes , 128reads )
楼主mm~~转好账了~~ surainey   (41 bytes , 74reads )
===物品价钱。只有500毫升的花水,胶,还有几个眼胶, 草莓   (216 bytes , 116reads )
如果我的水没下, 那我认领 橙花水 1 瓶, 玫瑰露1瓶,谢谢了 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 80reads )
好的都是500毫升的@-@ 草莓   (0 bytes , 92reads )
都是500 毫升 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 102reads )
Chamomile Hydrolat 500毫升 也是28。7新币 草莓   (0 bytes , 100reads )
500毫升玫瑰胶 草莓   (35 bytes , 137reads )
500毫升 guava 胶  草莓   (36 bytes , 211reads )
======团员们请进来 @明日天使 草莓   (213 bytes , 147reads )
单子 婧婧   (24 bytes , 93reads )
跟上了 草莓   (0 bytes , 129reads )
@明日天使 草莓   (24 bytes , 97reads )
我的发货了 明日天使   (4 bytes , 62reads )
sorry cannot type chinese. good good let me check mime 草莓   (0 bytes , 96reads )
我的还没发货呢 明日天使   (6 bytes , 106reads )
no news.....:( i guess 2 weeks 草莓   (0 bytes , 115reads )
以前挺快的啊 明日天使   (24 bytes , 95reads )
yes. maybe too many ppl order? 草莓   (7 bytes , 91reads )
没有哈 明日天使   (160 bytes , 74reads )
同问天使有木有多的bf粉装绿泥可以领 walktree   (13 bytes , 74reads )
====到货分货区==到货团长通知 草莓   (0 bytes , 97reads )
楼主 milkr   (48 bytes , 99reads )
拜四7点半可以cityhall 哈 草莓   (0 bytes , 74reads )
好的好的 milkr   (50 bytes , 74reads )
草莓   (0 bytes , 88reads )
楼主,货到了没啊?去哪儿取货? 玉树琳锋   (47 bytes , 106reads )
楼主 milkr   (42 bytes , 111reads )
对的。可以拿了。去分货贴报名哈哈 草莓   (0 bytes , 89reads )
貌似可以取货了吗? Paopao   (85 bytes , 91reads )
====跟单区。ID. 电话。名称,数量。链接 草莓   (0 bytes , 143reads )
跟一单 ycher   (139 bytes , 121reads )
几时再开团? ycher   (50 bytes , 139reads )
希望还能跟单 Paopao   (200 bytes , 93reads )
yes all you want i have extra 草莓   (0 bytes , 153reads )
太好了,谢谢团长 Paopao   (16 bytes , 91reads )
posb saving189775130 草莓   (0 bytes , 69reads )
请查收。。。 Paopao   (26 bytes , 87reads )
Name of Payee Paopao   (52 bytes , 77reads )
yes 草莓   (0 bytes , 93reads )
账单 Paopao   (39 bytes , 73reads )
yes:) 草莓   (0 bytes , 76reads )
楼主,请问还可以跟单吗? Paopao   (24 bytes , 73reads )
only can claim the extra one 草莓   (0 bytes , 104reads )
sunoct   (141 bytes , 113reads )
total 28.7 singapore dollars 草莓   (0 bytes , 115reads )
电话打错了 sunoct   (31 bytes , 121reads )
楼主,还可以跟单不? milkr   (99 bytes , 102reads )
楼主楼主 milkr   (191 bytes , 88reads )
如果可以还想再跟两个······ milkr   (0 bytes , 69reads )
橙水&芦荟胶 Stephanie_1101   (113 bytes , 96reads )
可以 草莓   (0 bytes , 104reads )
跟单 玉树琳锋   (267 bytes , 106reads )
确认下每瓶5oo毫升的哈 草莓   (0 bytes , 98reads )
楼主,我的单下了吗?没看到你@我啊,现在要转账吗? 玉树琳锋   (0 bytes , 82reads )
bought but have not written bill 草莓   (0 bytes , 65reads )
对,都要500ml,谢谢! 玉树琳锋   (0 bytes , 115reads )
好,我現在下 草莓   (0 bytes , 101reads )
好的 草莓   (0 bytes , 87reads )
跟单 citychain178   (170 bytes , 93reads )
@citychain178 草莓   (49 bytes , 91reads )
已经转账 citychain178   (59 bytes , 73reads )
哈哈 citychain178   (147 bytes , 110reads )
目哈哈,今天中午到的。我没来得吆喝拿货。不过你看到了 草莓   (28 bytes , 83reads )
太好了 citychain178   (58 bytes , 78reads )
跟单,团长推测什么时候到坡啊 surainey   (144 bytes , 67reads )
不知道呀,mm要的話留个電話哈 草莓   (0 bytes , 114reads )
好滴~~ surainey   (24 bytes , 90reads )
跟单 shaina660   (116 bytes , 88reads )
好的,, 草莓   (0 bytes , 97reads )
跟单 湖面之舟5   (139 bytes , 78reads )
可以,我午饭時間下 草莓   (0 bytes , 96reads )
楼主,我的单子跟上了吗? 湖面之舟5   (0 bytes , 97reads )
yes:) 草莓   (0 bytes , 65reads )
已转 湖面之舟5   (52 bytes , 65reads )
加单 黄橙子   (426 bytes , 111reads )
确认下每樣都是500亳升,各一瓶對嗎:) 草莓   (0 bytes , 120reads )
黄橙子   (0 bytes , 89reads )
好的 草莓   (0 bytes , 109reads )
ID 黄橙子 黄橙子   (135 bytes , 102reads )
跟单 hjkunkun   (61 bytes , 86reads )
total 28.7 singapore dollars... 草莓   (0 bytes , 125reads )
已转 hjkunkun   (0 bytes , 88reads )
跟单 pig_119   (1506 bytes , 124reads )
已转 46。52, 谢谢 pig_119   (0 bytes , 81reads )
好的 草莓   (0 bytes , 100reads )
也跟一个 盗药兔   (375 bytes , 105reads )
好滴 草莓   (0 bytes , 88reads )
跟~ Vivia310   (108 bytes , 113reads )
okay:) 草莓   (0 bytes , 73reads )
没看到我的帐单 Vivia310   (48 bytes , 88reads )
我写你的了,让我找找。 草莓   (0 bytes , 106reads )
跟一个海藻胶 leahliu   (50 bytes , 130reads )
noted:) 草莓   (0 bytes , 121reads )
不知为什么发不了贴,我短消息给你了,跟了水 + 胶 , 谢谢 angelabebe   (0 bytes , 114reads )
好,收到 草莓   (0 bytes , 91reads )
跟单 Joeykoo   (102 bytes , 116reads )
好滴 草莓   (0 bytes , 127reads )
跟单 婧婧   (287 bytes , 130reads )
@婧婧 草莓   (67 bytes , 95reads )
转账 婧婧   (83 bytes , 77reads )
收到 婧婧   (18 bytes , 101reads )
好的 草莓   (0 bytes , 127reads )
跟一单 simila   (312 bytes , 117reads )
在加一个金缕梅吧 simila   (82 bytes , 152reads )
好滴 草莓   (0 bytes , 108reads )
占位置 simila   (0 bytes , 112reads )