GNC 2月
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-02-05 15:53

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【小妖团-GNC】GNC 2月 全场7折 卵磷脂,葡萄籽 (JP/快递) 小妖   (821 bytes , 1225reads )
============================本团到了,今起可取,另有重要通知================== 小妖   (350 bytes , 57reads )
@bubble0720 @damaoyuan @dover @gislaine @ivyhm @Lucille @Samantha00 小妖   (348 bytes , 92reads )
@Sty_04 @wang0462 @橙子嘎嘎 @苏小米 @豆干 小妖   (348 bytes , 56reads )
====================================转账区============================= 小妖   (163 bytes , 60reads )
刚刚转到你的DBS账号了,请查收 dover   (0 bytes , 57reads )
下面收到。 小妖   (0 bytes , 71reads )
已经转账42.59到OCBC账户,谢谢团长。 wang0462   (0 bytes , 74reads )
下面的收到。 小妖   (0 bytes , 48reads )
已转账 99.41 至DBS 谢谢 苏小米   (0 bytes , 94reads )
转账 damaoyuan   (31 bytes , 129reads )
已转 Lucille   (26 bytes , 72reads )
下面三位收到 小妖   (0 bytes , 53reads )
已转33.14 to posb,ref: 12125369468 bubble0720   (0 bytes , 96reads )
已转76.97 to DBS gislaine   (0 bytes , 123reads )
@Sty_04 @wang0462 @橙子嘎嘎 @苏小米 @豆干 小妖   (0 bytes , 68reads )
你好,已转账$18.02 橙子嘎嘎   (43 bytes , 116reads )
@bubble0720 @damaoyuan @dover @gislaine @ivyhm @Lucille @Samantha00 小妖   (0 bytes , 77reads )
团长 $43.83已转 于22:04. 请查收:) Samantha00   (0 bytes , 86reads )
===================================认领区========================== 小妖   (154 bytes , 60reads )
认领两瓶葡萄籽 BabeCircle   (71 bytes , 58reads )
收到 小妖   (0 bytes , 53reads )
===========================6瓶葡萄籽100粒装,两瓶28.34美金+运费============== 小妖   (35 bytes , 92reads )
认领葡萄籽两个 90722895 Samantha00   (0 bytes , 104reads )
好的, 查单处更新好了 小妖   (0 bytes , 72reads )
我可以下周一jurong point 5:50pm取货吗,谢谢:) Samantha00   (0 bytes , 86reads )
我可以下周一jurong point 5:50pm取货吗,谢谢:) Samantha00   (0 bytes , 125reads )
还没到美国vpost呢。 下礼拜周末差不多才能到坡 小妖   (0 bytes , 78reads )
好 谢谢 Samantha00   (153 bytes , 87reads )
先不用,过几天运费出来一起转吧。 小妖   (195 bytes , 66reads )
哦,好嗒,那到时候再联系,我需要先转多少定金给你不 Samantha00   (0 bytes , 81reads )
认领2瓶 gislaine   (11 bytes , 97reads )
ok 小妖   (0 bytes , 76reads )
==================8瓶180粒卵磷脂,2瓶20.15美金+运费============= 小妖   (37 bytes , 78reads )
认领 gislaine   (54 bytes , 100reads )
刚查单看到跟上了,不好意思,取消认领。我认领两瓶葡萄籽吧 gislaine   (0 bytes , 98reads )
=============================sale 延长一天,可以继续跟=============== 小妖   (0 bytes , 60reads )
跟在这里 dover   (322 bytes , 99reads )
跟单 gislaine   (1201 bytes , 107reads )
GNC 2月 magaret   (15 bytes , 96reads )
Sale延长一天,可以跟。 小妖   (0 bytes , 93reads )
====================================截团了,查单见内=========================== 小妖   (132 bytes , 80reads )
团长,我认领2个卵磷脂,谢谢哈 bubble0720   (0 bytes , 105reads )
ok. 留给你 小妖   (0 bytes , 92reads )
认领葡萄籽 damaoyuan   (37 bytes , 86reads )
等下礼拜账单出了再转账。 小妖   (38 bytes , 74reads )
认领葡萄籽 damaoyuan   (24 bytes , 111reads )
好的。更新在查单了。 小妖   (0 bytes , 71reads )
多谢团长! damaoyuan   (0 bytes , 102reads )
楼主可以帮忙把我刚刚下的那单取消掉吗? 崦嵫客   (83 bytes , 57reads )
发错楼了 崦嵫客   (22 bytes , 74reads )
===================================跟单======================================= 小妖   (101 bytes , 65reads )
跟单 橙子嘎嘎   (388 bytes , 96reads )
200粒葡萄籽没货了,只有100粒装的 小妖   (0 bytes , 66reads )
跟单,谢谢团长 。 wang0462   (233 bytes , 69reads )
跟单 Lucille   (762 bytes , 95reads )
跟单 Sty_04   (137 bytes , 70reads )
===================================提问================================ 小妖   (0 bytes , 75reads )