这两天跟GNC客服联系了两次, 他们态度真不咋地。 表示只有产品过期才可以更换或者退款。即使产品保质期只剩短,不能在保质期内使用完,他们也不受理。GNC本身有30天money back guarantee, 从购买之日起30天内,不满意的话可以退还给GNC, GNC会扣掉运费,把余额退还。 但是对于我们海淘来说,很显然这条跟没有一样,从购买到运到坡上一般也要2-3个礼拜, 根本来不及退还, 更何况邮费很的能比东西还贵。
所以还是一句话,团购有风险,参团需谨慎。 另外要对twin pack 这团受影响的团员说声抱歉,跟GNC追讨应该是实现不了了。我看了基本上best before 的时间 是5月, 大家这段时间尽快用掉吧。
跟GNC 客服的email 截图还有他们的return policy贴出来。

We want you to be fully satisfied with every item that you purchase from www.gnc.com. If you are not satisfied with an item that you have purchased, you may return the item within 30 days from the order date for a full refund of the purchase price, minus the shipping, handling, gift wrap, or other charges.
The item must be returned, unused or used, in good condition, in original boxes (whenever possible), and with all paperwork and accessories to ensure full credit.
Our Standard Return policies do not apply to all items. For a list of exceptions to our Standard Return policies click here.