所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2013-09-21 12:33

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
tem name: Silk Groom Serum
Link: http://www.kiehls.com/Silk-Groom-Serum/579,default,pd.html?start=2&cgid=hair-styling-aids
Item price: 18
Qty: 1

Item name: Creme with Silk Groom
Link: http://www.kiehls.com/Creme-with-Silk-Groom/262,default,pd.html?start=1&cgid=hair-styling-aids
Item price: 18
Qty: 1

collection point: JE

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
kiehls 15% off Yishun/JE/邮寄 雾里看花   (76 bytes , 5673reads )
跟单 咏诺   (450 bytes , 189reads )
好像已经团完了...不好意思,团长帮我删了吧....多谢 咏诺   (5 bytes , 143reads )
lz你好,我没赶上上周JE的分赃 加菲菲的猫猫   (29 bytes , 105reads )
==========分赃报名贴================== 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 120reads )
团长消失了吗,什么时候拿东西 leehomleon   (0 bytes , 139reads )
团长,什么时候yishun分赃呀 leehomleon   (0 bytes , 171reads )
报名,谢谢~~ michellexs   (0 bytes , 128reads )
===10月18号,6:40pm JE A站台,电梯门口的大表下面。==[…] 雾里看花   (1 bytes , 136reads )
请问团长,没能及时看到分赃贴,错过了咋办? 希望的光芒   (0 bytes , 111reads )
报名。谢谢团长 迦楼罗   (0 bytes , 107reads )
团长还有BV么? 大壮壮   (26 bytes , 104reads )
没有了。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 109reads )
好的,那今晚JE见啦。 大壮壮   (10 bytes , 124reads )
求团长站短电话~~ michellexs   (0 bytes , 95reads )
报名 nana0417   (8 bytes , 111reads )
报名这里,谢谢团长啦! babyrat   (0 bytes , 100reads )
报名~ 小W童鞋   (0 bytes , 105reads )
报名je分赃 一二三四五六七   (22 bytes , 127reads )
团长 如果周末的话 怎么找你拿啊? @Tyra   (0 bytes , 162reads )
周末只有yishun,直接联系团长。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 112reads )
团长 你站短你的电话给我 我这周六去yishun找你拿 @Tyra   (0 bytes , 160reads )
报名,跟Aimee0412的小眼霜一起拿,谢谢团长! Wensa   (0 bytes , 106reads )
报名~~ wbssxx   (12 bytes , 127reads )
报名。多谢团长。这回肯定能顺利找到组织了。 just77   (0 bytes , 111reads )
已转ocbc yydoraemon   (25 bytes , 151reads )
=======账单,转账注明银行==================h[…] 雾里看花   (100 bytes , 262reads )
你好楼主,已转账24.02 reference NO.: 11582466223 加菲菲的猫猫   (38 bytes , 112reads )
已转42.52至ocbc账号,请团长查收 燕妮   (79 bytes , 154reads )
已转 S$77.5 , from DBS, Ref:11560446579 谢谢花美眉! 兰冰   (12 bytes , 176reads )
ocbc已转,53.26,,,ref no. 2013102100048400,谢谢 kenny0001   (0 bytes , 107reads )
已转DBS 32.22, reference NO:11554367313 pig_119   (0 bytes , 120reads )
已转至DBS 大壮壮   (0 bytes , 130reads )
已转30.86到dbs june_edith   (0 bytes , 117reads )
已经转118.37 到团长DBS account,transfer ref.: 11546543779 leehomleon   (0 bytes , 137reads )
不懂为什么看不到账单?团长我的多少?。 pig_119   (0 bytes , 112reads )
32.22 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 126reads )
已转113.74 ref:11543944869 请团长查收 turquoise   (10 bytes , 108reads )
忘记讲113.74转去dbs saving plus呵呵 turquoise   (0 bytes , 126reads )
团长mm,已转80.78SGD rabbitwy   (52 bytes , 97reads )
已转去dbs savings(: rainbowstone   (0 bytes , 114reads )
团长 我刚转了$71.5 ref :5417 @Tyra   (0 bytes , 145reads )
团长 我转到你DBS @Tyra   (0 bytes , 134reads )
昨天转了51.03到团长OCBC,via atm,ref 1332 helloalice   (0 bytes , 111reads )
已转dbs foolish24   (41 bytes , 145reads )
已转 foolish24   (16 bytes , 123reads )
已转账55。04, DBS 蒂芙   (0 bytes , 110reads )
团长已转89.2到dbs帐户! 希望的光芒   (0 bytes , 139reads )
团长, 周六转账了72.82 到DBS。 refer: 9131 谢谢~ crystallove   (0 bytes , 143reads )
已经从DBS转了138.3, 谢谢团长! babyrat   (0 bytes , 120reads )
转账 77.28S$到 DBS 苏小米   (35 bytes , 131reads )
已转DBS $65.06,谢谢团长 just77   (35 bytes , 139reads )
已转账DBS $S32.22,请查收 aimee0412   (44 bytes , 141reads )
转了$93.87 to OCBC, ref: 2013101101972814 26039290   (0 bytes , 159reads )
已转,via POSB, ref 11525742200 小W童鞋   (0 bytes , 119reads )
已转dbs 迦楼罗   (0 bytes , 136reads )
ref 11524388794 迦楼罗   (14 bytes , 135reads )
已转32.22到DBS 夕微   (49 bytes , 113reads )
已转 277.08到dbs~ref:2194 谢谢团长哦~ wbssxx   (0 bytes , 128reads )
已转帐,多谢团长~~ Transaction Reference 11524182340 michellexs   (0 bytes , 132reads )
团长,已转53.26到dbs帐户,ref 11522782637 ,请查收,谢谢! Wensa   (0 bytes , 102reads )
已转账$55.26到dbs 谢谢! 碧杏   (105 bytes , 132reads )
已转账77.47到dbs nana0417   (14 bytes , 138reads )
花姐,我的牛油果眼霜下的是大的还是小的啊? Wensa   (62 bytes , 102reads )
大的。第一次下单被砍了,然后重新下的大的。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 125reads )
跟单 辰曦之凝   (676 bytes , 144reads )
============正式截团,团长更新===============[…] 雾里看花   (71 bytes , 134reads )
转好账了POSB 柒柒会傲娇   (33 bytes , 148reads )
什么时候转账 夕微   (56 bytes , 142reads )
同问什么时候转帐,似乎运费还没更新。 just77   (0 bytes , 113reads )
包裹没到齐。估计这两天就可以了 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 137reads )
sorry, my hp cannottypechinese 蒂芙   (103 bytes , 108reads )
团长,我10月9号回国 燕妮   (95 bytes , 188reads )
谢谢团长!辛苦了! rabbitwy   (12 bytes , 121reads )
====新订单回复这里======================可能[…] 雾里看花   (99 bytes , 135reads )
跟单~ 有15% off才要~ 谢谢! 迦楼罗   (275 bytes , 132reads )
还能跟吗 水墨   (233 bytes , 122reads )
还可以跟的话,请帮忙下一个大牛油果,jurong east 取, kenny0001   (200 bytes , 130reads )
还可以跟单吗 夕微   (226 bytes , 140reads )
跟单 foolish24   (583 bytes , 192reads )
跟单!!! 兔毛君   (159 bytes , 94reads )
跟单 june_edith   (233 bytes , 148reads )
赶紧跟单,希望来得及~~~ rabbitwy   (856 bytes , 108reads )
如果可能,帮忙下一个这个哈,辛苦啦~ vincent09   (288 bytes , 106reads )
如果还可以,我就也跟一个 加菲菲的猫猫   (294 bytes , 91reads )
======需要加单的回复这里=========先满足已经下单需要加单[…] 雾里看花   (28 bytes , 114reads )
团长 我的单你帮我下了吗? @Tyra   (0 bytes , 126reads )
那我愉快的再写一次嘿嘿~~ 柒柒会傲娇   (168 bytes , 114reads )
= =|||||||我跟错楼了能忽略它么 柒柒会傲娇   (17 bytes , 106reads )
诶没错!!!!= =||||||| 柒柒会傲娇   (92 bytes , 105reads )
啊!我昨晚还在想我能不能加个东西TT 柒柒会傲娇   (192 bytes , 111reads )
我可能还可以再下2-3个订单,再多就不行了,被黑了以后都不能下单了。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 125reads )
团长 还可以跟单吗?还可以帮我下: @Tyra   (500 bytes , 164reads )
还能跟的话,我要跟个眼霜 淘气的泡泡   (169 bytes , 99reads )
团长忽略我.....我以为是甜蝈蝈的团,骚离,那边取货方便些~ 淘气的泡泡   (0 bytes , 110reads )
忘了说,有15%折扣才要,谢谢! 淘气的泡泡   (0 bytes , 113reads )
====查单处=============================[…] 雾里看花   (218 bytes , 170reads )
谢谢花团长!什么时候转帐呀?先转还是等运费一起转? 碧杏   (0 bytes , 128reads )
目前跟单的都下单了,已经运出来5个订单。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 106reads )
团长,我要加的那个没有加上是吗?5555555~~~~~~ 希望的光芒   (0 bytes , 114reads )
团长,我下了一个牛油果眼霜,等待下单,辛苦了,谢谢~ choubaobei   (0 bytes , 122reads )
大壮壮等待下单! 大壮壮   (10 bytes , 117reads )
忘了说,要求取消订单的都没有下单。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 109reads )
花姐,还能跟吗?想要一个1oz的牛油果眼霜,才看到消息 Wensa   (57 bytes , 130reads )
下单成小的了,,你如果不要我就转出去啊。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 116reads )
要!留给我吧 Wensa   (0 bytes , 138reads )
团长,还能跟单吗? 淘气的泡泡   (0 bytes , 117reads )
=====暂时先截团了,太多下不了。一般kields要求每样不超过6个。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 179reads )
之前的都下到了么? addie   (40 bytes , 150reads )
请问团长你用美卡买的?我也开了个小团,根本下不了啊,坡卡。 甜蝈蝈   (26 bytes , 327reads )
今天在keihl's的机场店看了下,不比美国贵 随白色飞翔   (79 bytes , 115reads )
跟单 leehomleon   (716 bytes , 180reads )
运费怎么计算 littlewine   (72 bytes , 131reads )
跟单 pig_119   (250 bytes , 149reads )
跟单 choubaobei   (1519 bytes , 157reads )
跟单,JE取 大壮壮   (582 bytes , 135reads )
跟单 crystallove   (679 bytes , 169reads )
跟单~没有15%off就不要~ aimee0412   (245 bytes , 161reads )
同问,团长下单没?? xxu   (59 bytes , 104reads )
不好意思 团长没下单的话我不要了 我跟别的团取货比较方便 疯狂小肚兜   (0 bytes , 134reads )
坡卡过不了,求助中。@雾里看花 团长怎么破的? 甜蝈蝈   (0 bytes , 116reads )
@甜蝈蝈 这几天华新上不来,我是用的美卡。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 138reads )
下单时候有这么一句话, 甜蝈蝈   (274 bytes , 571reads )
跟单:没有15%就不要。谢谢 addie   (701 bytes , 148reads )
跟单 aliali   (177 bytes , 130reads )
跟单 vincent09   (287 bytes , 166reads )
不好意思,如果还没有下单的话,就先不要了~ vincent09   (79 bytes , 141reads )
同跟~ yydoraemon   (232 bytes , 148reads )
跟单,谢谢 babyrat   (430 bytes , 138reads )
kiehls 跟单,谢谢 michellexs   (253 bytes , 131reads )
跟单,JE取货,谢谢团长! 燕妮   (183 bytes , 129reads )
跟单~没有15%off就不要咯~ xxu   (374 bytes , 130reads )
跟单 蒂芙   (206 bytes , 124reads )
跟单 柒柒会傲娇   (344 bytes , 192reads )
跟单 小W童鞋   (202 bytes , 147reads )
跟单 疯狂小肚兜   (456 bytes , 176reads )
跟单 nana0417   (466 bytes , 191reads )
单子 rainbowstone   (196 bytes , 153reads )
跟单 苏小米   (415 bytes , 153reads )
跟单 一二三四五六七   (729 bytes , 178reads )
跟单 just77   (602 bytes , 165reads )
跟单,谢谢! 碧杏   (234 bytes , 134reads )
跟单 turquoise   (709 bytes , 205reads )
跟单,谢谢! 希望的光芒   (431 bytes , 164reads )
团长看过来!!!加多一个!谢谢! 希望的光芒   (316 bytes , 184reads )
先占个位置 aliali   (10 bytes , 147reads )
跟单~~ wbssxx   (642 bytes , 196reads )
跟单 helloalice   (399 bytes , 182reads )
mm不在bv分了么? cucumber   (0 bytes , 141reads )
妹子我换工作了,不去BV了。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 125reads )
如果可以在bv分拿的话 跟一个小牛油果眼霜可以么~ cucumber   (0 bytes , 144reads )
跟单 xiaoyun819   (219 bytes , 145reads )
这个也断货。。。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 120reads )
跟单 草香心轻   (187 bytes , 145reads )
你的断货了。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 117reads )
跟单, 谢谢 26039290   (508 bytes , 163reads )