所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2013-03-23 15:12

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 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
3月买一送一新帖子,跟这边吧 五月天   (0 bytes , 1818reads )
请问哪个lecthin 100 粒的, 大概啥时到? 小华华   (0 bytes , 101reads )
MM 货到了吗? 兔子的瓶子   (94 bytes , 116reads )
没到呢,刚从美国寄出,会跟3个25差不多时间到, 五月天   (0 bytes , 99reads )
===账单出来了,转账请跟帖=== 五月天   (411 bytes , 181reads )
卵磷脂 已转账 cationly   (88 bytes , 235reads )
已转。 小华华   (0 bytes , 133reads )
已转 空中楼阁   (119 bytes , 127reads )
MM, 应该转帐了,可是俺实在有点愚,居然没看懂应该转多少钱,MM告诉我好么? michellexs   (24 bytes , 102reads )
4瓶钙,一共46.64新币 五月天   (0 bytes , 113reads )
已经转了,多谢MM。 马上转移分脏贴了~~ michellexs   (0 bytes , 106reads )
ref10771939332 S$803.08 涵峰   (29 bytes , 127reads )
DBS ibanking 已转120.5 请查收 beng_dou   (0 bytes , 125reads )
已转账(GNC triflex 240EA) cationly   (108 bytes , 175reads )
已经转账 兔子的瓶子   (81 bytes , 114reads )
已转$191.70 apsv   (16 bytes , 165reads )
已经转账,谢谢团长 lucaswei   (141 bytes , 111reads )
已转账,请查收。 谢谢团长 aimee0412   (75 bytes , 117reads )
72.55已转 汤圆花生汤   (0 bytes , 120reads )
已转账 jennyzhou9   (57 bytes , 139reads )
已转 ratealababa   (34 bytes , 143reads )
团长,我还有一个first clean 的 _冰璐_   (57 bytes , 188reads )
这个在运回来的路上,到了出帐单啊 五月天   (124 bytes , 123reads )
谢谢团长这么上心^_^ _冰璐_   (99 bytes , 200reads )
===以下转账都收到了,谢谢=== 五月天   (0 bytes , 99reads )
已转帐52.8,POSB SAVINGS, REF.10754463384 ,谢谢团长 mamiya   (0 bytes , 105reads )
团长请查收,已转订金,谢谢 conniie   (35 bytes , 103reads )
已转 to posb ref 10751450431 夏泽   (0 bytes , 114reads )
已转账 glalicenus   (102 bytes , 124reads )
已转,请查收。 blueviolet   (20 bytes , 169reads )
已转ocbc lemoncon   (75 bytes , 107reads )
已转账213.74 vincent09   (60 bytes , 118reads )
已转 84.2 to posb. Ref no.:10749407644 ladybirdbeetle   (0 bytes , 114reads )
已转28.51到POSB,ref: 10749237717 P莹莹   (0 bytes , 114reads )
已转,谢谢。 怪哉   (76 bytes , 110reads )
===可能数据库出问题,之前买一送一的帖子找不到了,跟单的都看这边新帖子吧=== 五月天   (0 bytes , 103reads )
团长,我之前跟的怎么没了? aimee0412   (0 bytes , 116reads )
团长. ruiming   (194 bytes , 119reads )
晕死,被搞晕了,没说清楚,是GNC官网买一送一团 五月天   (0 bytes , 147reads )
===查单处=== 五月天   (94 bytes , 155reads )
=========跟单区(id,item, qty, link, price, contact)============= 五月天   (0 bytes , 124reads )
=====截团====== 五月天   (0 bytes , 106reads )
谁昨天跟了两瓶triflex sports的和跟了drugstore一个cleaning system的吱一声 五月天   (8 bytes , 102reads )
团长,这个cleaning system是ReNew Life First Cleanse, Vegetable Capsules 60 ea吗 _冰璐_   (130 bytes , 234reads )
对的,就是这个,那就是你的了 五月天   (0 bytes , 126reads )
哈哈,谢谢团长 _冰璐_   (0 bytes , 206reads )
跟单,多谢~~ michellexs   (179 bytes , 117reads )
跟单 夏泽   (222 bytes , 137reads )
跟单 lucaswei   (187 bytes , 108reads )
跟单 apsv   (580 bytes , 118reads )
djjoyy 跟单 GNC Women's Collagen 2瓶 djjoyy   (159 bytes , 175reads )
djjoyy transfer $38.87 djjoyy   (133 bytes , 127reads )
跟单! vincent09   (362 bytes , 143reads )
卵磷脂180粒的没货下不了,要不要换90粒的 五月天   (0 bytes , 135reads )
跟单_GNC_五月天_22Mar2013 怪哉   (444 bytes , 144reads )
跟单, 谢谢团长! babyrat   (223 bytes , 143reads )
这个不是买一送一的,运费也不好估计,之前没买过,所以没下啊 五月天   (0 bytes , 124reads )
跟两样,但都是buy one get one @50% shuang_r   (397 bytes , 142reads )
mm这个如果你不急的话我帮你金卡周下好吗?因为还能再打8折 五月天   (0 bytes , 113reads )
没问题,我不着急。谢谢团长! shuang_r   (0 bytes , 124reads )
再多买两个 浮云翩翩   (177 bytes , 123reads )
@sgg08226,@mamiya,你们能重新贴一下你们的跟单吗? 五月天   (24 bytes , 109reads )
跟单 mamiya   (369 bytes , 150reads )