所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2013-02-15 22:50

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

I'm sorry to hear about the damaged items in your order. Unfortunately, we're not responsible for loss or damage to your order once we deliver it to the U.S. address you provided us. However, your package forwarding service may be able to help you. Please contact them directly to report this problem with your shipment.

If you use a package forwarding service to forward your order outside of the United States, then we consider their U.S. address to be the destination for your order. Our responsibility for loss or damage to your order ends once it reaches that address safely.

Damage to shipments during transit within the U.S. is rare, but it can happen. Therefore, if your service provider reports that they received a damaged package please let us know right away; we may need them to send back the damaged items so they can be replaced. We also recommend reviewing any insurance options or repackaging services they may offer for international shipments.




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 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
drugstore 2月全场8折,到2月15日 明日天使   (468 bytes , 1561reads )
===========分赃区============================ 明日天使   (0 bytes , 105reads )
2。第2单也到了,分赃见内 明日天使   (91 bytes , 84reads )
1。第一单到了,第2单还没到 明日天使   (82 bytes , 101reads )
==========================账单区,完成转账请跟贴========================== 明日天使   (424 bytes , 177reads )
已转全款 舜华   (109 bytes , 105reads )
团长,已转31.95去 posb, refer: 10626647576,请查收,谢谢。 豆芽妈   (0 bytes , 168reads )
==以下收到,谢谢 == 明日天使   (0 bytes , 91reads )
已转账 今天都在外面所以晚了,不好意思啊 summermelody   (54 bytes , 136reads )
这团和makeup7折团的一起转了 value512   (114 bytes , 132reads )
==以下收到,谢谢=== 明日天使   (0 bytes , 102reads )
已转,谢谢。ref: 10622678273. refreshing   (0 bytes , 93reads )
==以下收到,谢谢==== 明日天使   (0 bytes , 114reads )
团长,同drugestore七折团一起转36.88到ocbc账户啦,Ref. no. 2013022301460070,谢啦 考拉running   (0 bytes , 130reads )
已转$39.56,谢谢团长 单眼皮女生   (0 bytes , 124reads )
已转,谢谢。 blueviolet   (58 bytes , 109reads )
ok! 明日天使   (0 bytes , 128reads )
已转48.12至posb,ref:10620891142 ,多谢团长 小连翘   (0 bytes , 104reads )
已转,谢谢美团!details见内 随风飘散   (113 bytes , 174reads )
跟单 舜华   (431 bytes , 183reads )
======================团长公告区====================== 明日天使   (0 bytes , 103reads )
2。截团了。跟上没跟上的都看进来,重要公告 明日天使   (1399 bytes , 150reads )
1。下了第一单,查单见内,其他的周五晚上下 明日天使   (110 bytes , 121reads )
=========跟单区(id, item, link, price, qty, contact)============= 明日天使   (63 bytes , 153reads )
跟单_drugstore_baby_15Feb2013 怪哉   (260 bytes , 131reads )
========截团了======== 明日天使   (0 bytes , 138reads )
还没下的话跟 picaqiu   (529 bytes , 114reads )
满额了,带不下了,你的没下,不好意思。。。 明日天使   (0 bytes , 123reads )
ok, thanks anyway picaqiu   (0 bytes , 204reads )
我再加一单 有8折才要 value512   (1126 bytes , 161reads )
满额了,带不下了,这个没下,不好意思。 明日天使   (0 bytes , 142reads )
跟单。谢谢团长 iamhualin   (848 bytes , 174reads )
满额了,带不下了,你的没下,不好意思 明日天使   (0 bytes , 123reads )
:( iamhualin   (0 bytes , 115reads )
了解了。谢谢啊。只好下次了。 iamhualin   (0 bytes , 107reads )
电话: 91389165. 没有折不要。哈哈 iamhualin   (0 bytes , 136reads )
跟错了! 加单,谢谢。 blueviolet   (453 bytes , 102reads )
再跟一个, 八折才要,谢谢 refreshing   (177 bytes , 125reads )
这个必须走ground, 所以我没下 明日天使   (0 bytes , 92reads )
跟单,谢谢团长 考拉running   (182 bytes , 123reads )
跟单 谢谢团长~ 望紫   (427 bytes , 152reads )
跟一单,有没有八折都要,谢谢! 小连翘   (783 bytes , 143reads )
天使mm,我来了,刚才竟然跟到五月天的团去了,赶快跟回队伍了 summermelody   (957 bytes , 173reads )
下单,多谢团长! dearestbaby   (715 bytes , 195reads )
跟单,有没有折扣都要 豆芽妈   (202 bytes , 141reads )
跟单, 有8折才要 Annette   (175 bytes , 155reads )
小声说下,那个Argan oil买4个送一个,还有8折叠加,若能一起share很划算 Annette   (51 bytes , 148reads )
哈哈,你得种草说这个干啥的,才有人一起啊,我先不下你这个 明日天使   (16 bytes , 93reads )
额我木有买过呢,从网上心得攻略上分析应该算是一款万用油吧. Annette   (103 bytes , 137reads )
跟单,有八折才要 南瓜同学   (216 bytes , 153reads )
天使姐,这单取消,不好意思我去跟五月天团长的,还有东西在她那里~ 南瓜同学   (0 bytes , 146reads )
跟单 有8折才要 value512   (770 bytes , 141reads )
跟单,多谢美团!有没有八折都要! 随风飘散   (642 bytes , 195reads )
跟单,谢谢! blueviolet   (991 bytes , 150reads )
第2个不能运,没下 明日天使   (0 bytes , 108reads )
加单。谢谢。 blueviolet   (525 bytes , 105reads )
第2个没有第2样半价,没下 明日天使   (0 bytes , 171reads )
不要紧。谢谢团长! blueviolet   (0 bytes , 122reads )
补上Id: blueviolet blueviolet   (0 bytes , 165reads )
跟单,有没有8折都要 单眼皮女生   (612 bytes , 189reads )
跟单,有八折才要,谢谢 refreshing   (596 bytes , 164reads )
==============闲聊区======================== 明日天使   (0 bytes , 119reads )
为啥 五月天的帖子和天使mm你的如出一辙 哈哈是谁在copy谁啊 summermelody   (0 bytes , 153reads )