所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2013-01-10 01:03

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karma komba1

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LUSH 开团(2013年一月) 草莓   (606 bytes , 8883reads )
===========前两单刚到家,所有团员看下========= 草莓   (640 bytes , 214reads )
好好好激动! Cathykl   (25 bytes , 161reads )
看着都好想要啊~~花花绿绿的~~~ 无尾熊太太   (0 bytes , 136reads )
特地登陆顶!团长太V5了! helloalice   (0 bytes , 156reads )
壮观啊!!!辛苦草莓了!!!!! 夜未央   (136 bytes , 106reads )
哇!好壮观!团长辛苦了! blueviolet   (44 bytes , 138reads )
辛苦团长了,等第三单的账单中~ 眉毛弯弯   (82 bytes , 142reads )
团购力量强大啊,团长RP的见证啊, wr2002   (96 bytes , 127reads )
团长这个分赃时带上我吧 quaqui   (51 bytes , 114reads )
我等最后的全倒了再认领一些吧。。。 xiaohuituzhi   (86 bytes , 122reads )
拜团长!! 脑补各种挖各种刨 SigmaC   (30 bytes , 159reads )
哈哈。一起去吧 tu1pig   (0 bytes , 127reads )
搞个聚会? 我买点瓜子饮料哈哈哈 草莓   (0 bytes , 148reads )
酱不是让你更忙了。。 tu1pig   (24 bytes , 130reads )
辛苦啦,咋一眼可以开Lush门市部了。。。 junezz99   (68 bytes , 164reads )
@草莓,上次那自虐膏,那个袋子都是LUSH香皂的味道。 tu1pig   (95 bytes , 133reads )
突然想到自取的福利。。。 junezz99   (52 bytes , 167reads )
嗯。小草莓应该非常可爱滴。。 tu1pig   (0 bytes , 137reads )
必须是Godiva 哈哈哈 草莓   (0 bytes , 132reads )
我怎么没买这个最香的! junezz99   (68 bytes , 149reads )
强大草莓!!! 辛苦了... 兰冰   (168 bytes , 141reads )
谢谢兰冰妹妹体谅哇 草莓   (34 bytes , 120reads )
LUSH 添香夜读书, 呵呵... 兰冰   (17 bytes , 151reads )
嘿嘿,俺Lush添香夜记账,喵。。 草莓   (0 bytes , 125reads )
========第三单刚下了,正式截团!!!! 草莓   (188 bytes , 148reads )
强大的草莓。等货。。顺便再等认领:D loviece   (81 bytes , 149reads )
辛苦了, 草莓美妈. 是LUSH让你变得更美丽的啊, 还得继续给它打广告呢. FishYu   (102 bytes , 148reads )
谢谢FishYu的鼓励和谅解,上次乌龙把东西给你错了 草莓   (175 bytes , 168reads )
跪了。。。两百公斤。。。 cathleen家姐   (0 bytes , 151reads )
草莓的记忆力真是一流啊. 那么多人, 怎么能都记得呢? FishYu   (81 bytes , 176reads )
妹纸你被俺蒙蔽了,俺只是记这些有的没的记性好 草莓   (20 bytes , 146reads )
半年都不买了 那我赶紧认领一个Angel on bare skin 吧。。。另外, xiaohuituzhi   (172 bytes , 124reads )
灰兔妹妹你灵异了,居然真有这种东西。哈哈 草莓   (22 bytes , 178reads )
呵呵 我也是打算买面膜纸的时候看到的哈... xiaohuituzhi   (96 bytes , 161reads )
嘿嘿口水中,挑货去鸟 草莓   (0 bytes , 104reads )
团长辛苦了!汗一个50公斤 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 124reads )
介个,那个BF团好像90多公斤。。 草莓   (0 bytes , 118reads )
谢谢草莓姐~~辛苦啦辛苦啦=) 米妃妃   (0 bytes , 144reads )
团长辛苦了! babyfat258   (0 bytes , 120reads )
草莓草莓,有多的angle on bare skin和herblism么?都是洗脸的 无尾熊太太   (0 bytes , 327reads )
mm 我只跟了两个new, 带上我了吗?需要转帐吗?谢谢! 我爱丫丫   (0 bytes , 125reads )
行。我贴@你再给我就行 草莓   (0 bytes , 152reads )
钱已转 水溪云涧   (18 bytes , 141reads )
世仁姐。木有看到我的账单也。。 cathleen家姐   (0 bytes , 143reads )
你好mm!跟您以前的团买的new和american cream, ipopo   (42 bytes , 192reads )
麻烦楼主短一下联系方式,谢谢! ipopo   (0 bytes , 129reads )
短了 草莓   (0 bytes , 125reads )
草莓姐我的帐单还没出来对不?找不到呀。。。 junezz99   (0 bytes , 143reads )
===目前下了两单,到minomino. 已经发货 草莓   (285 bytes , 171reads )
团长 辛苦了!!!撒花~!!!!!!! 夜未央   (0 bytes , 151reads )
####纠结,下了两单,还有5个人木带上 草莓   (83 bytes , 173reads )
团长,在下面跟了一单,弱问还能跟上不呀?(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… louisa   (0 bytes , 167reads )
团长想要个小的清洁面膜 sunn_cici   (0 bytes , 181reads )
嗯,125mL的? 草莓   (0 bytes , 142reads )
是的 sunn_cici   (0 bytes , 117reads )
团长有我么?木有也没关系。下次也可以。 sunn_cici   (0 bytes , 164reads )
有, 草莓   (0 bytes , 147reads )
跟单 ben_ben   (102 bytes , 122reads )
我这个也是跟风啊 copy前面MM的 忘了留电话了 babyfat258   (12 bytes , 135reads )
######团长来鸟#### 草莓   (215 bytes , 184reads )
辛苦团长了,如果需要先付订金什么的请告诉我,新人麻烦了 dorisfong   (0 bytes , 148reads )
跟单. 有点多,辛苦您了! 兰冰   (1063 bytes , 122reads )
跟单 turquoise   (134 bytes , 140reads )
水溪云涧   (262 bytes , 139reads )
第一次跟团,不太明白流程 melody730   (221 bytes , 214reads )
新年拔草,从头开始, LOL... wr2002   (0 bytes , 152reads )
=======聊天玩耍/围观/种草/拔草/歪楼=== 草莓   (0 bytes , 172reads )
问问大家都在哪里买皂拖的? 眉毛弯弯   (68 bytes , 115reads )
买盒枇杷糖,吃完了装Lush 草莓   (0 bytes , 118reads )
。。。是那种金属盒子的? 眉毛弯弯   (16 bytes , 133reads )
不用晾干直接放。我家一直这样 草莓   (0 bytes , 134reads )
那明天买枇杷糖去~ 眉毛弯弯   (18 bytes , 165reads )
天天要洗的油性发质是不是最适合用BIG 眉毛弯弯   (29 bytes , 130reads )
求种草 ziyixiaoxian   (137 bytes , 152reads )
求推荐去头屑头皮按摩膏~很多帖子推荐的recon官网上找不到T T 兔纸   (0 bytes , 150reads )
童鞋们加油加油凑哇,^_^ louisa   (0 bytes , 174reads )
草莓姐,我回帖要的两个500g的AC跟上了么 vanessa921   (22 bytes , 121reads )
跟上了 草莓   (0 bytes , 166reads )
多谢草莓姐啦 vanessa921   (0 bytes , 109reads )
求种草洗脸产品~~~~ tingting2012   (40 bytes , 122reads )
@tingting2012 种草来了 草莓   (71 bytes , 150reads )
太感谢啦 tingting2012   (67 bytes , 104reads )
base formula 草莓   (62 bytes , 146reads )
这个我说下,@无尾熊太太 种的草 草莓   (246 bytes , 172reads )
求推荐好的lotion啊.. xiaohuituzhi   (75 bytes , 131reads )
我是混合偏干,用angel很好用,干净但是不会干 无尾熊太太   (0 bytes , 123reads )
我也想挤来着,试过,就是挤不出来 :( tingting2012   (185 bytes , 156reads )
不是走在路上看到镜子用手挤那种 草莓   (109 bytes , 173reads )
草莓姐,我来交作业了 xmubread   (1353 bytes , 216reads )
遵守规则。。 tu1pig   (53 bytes , 150reads )
@fannylu 你又引诱我了哇 草莓   (38 bytes , 149reads )
之前几次草莓的lush团,每次都错过了~~~这一回终于赶上了~~!!!!开心开心~!!! 夜未央   (0 bytes , 167reads )
我错了,夜未央是个年轻靓丽的小妹妹!!! 草莓   (59 bytes , 184reads )
哈哈哈哈哈~~好开心草莓姐姐还记得我哈~!!!而且听完描述真开心呀真开心~!!!! 夜未央   (0 bytes , 143reads )
对滴,而且我记得你离先驱比较近? 草莓   (20 bytes , 173reads )
我也住在pioneer mrt附近,mm拿货顺便帮我带?下次我帮你带:) akuan2001   (0 bytes , 131reads )
说我吗说我吗???没有问题~!!!呵呵~~ 夜未央   (0 bytes , 95reads )
全对全对!!草莓姐姐的记性简直~!!我现在嘴巴都张成O型了~!! 夜未央   (47 bytes , 152reads )
不是啊。俺是典型家庭妇女 草莓   (92 bytes , 132reads )
哈哈哈,上次你抱着小公主回家了俺大闺女还问我 草莓   (50 bytes , 180reads )
团长请问工作日630 蜜兹田田   (0 bytes , 152reads )
团长请问工作日630pm-7pm之间能否预约在betok地铁拿? 蜜兹田田   (0 bytes , 143reads )
妹子俺有拖油瓶啊。这个时间正在家当保姆呢。 草莓   (64 bytes , 179reads )
嗯嗯明白 蜜兹田田   (92 bytes , 170reads )
行的啊,多谢妹子理解啊 草莓   (88 bytes , 158reads )
求种草,求推荐最热最受欢迎口碑最好的呀。。。 junezz99   (0 bytes , 182reads )
哈哈,你回帖神速啊 草莓   (325 bytes , 223reads )
为虾米是我种草?! Cathykl   (1420 bytes , 237reads )
种草文什么的,请自己copy paste去型版喵!!! 小妖霖霖   (60 bytes , 122reads )
版大快来看啊! Cathykl   (24 bytes , 150reads )
吓死我了,刚早上看妖版说欢迎举报代购 草莓   (59 bytes , 141reads )
小傻瓜,妖版不是让你复制去那边领花嘛 草莓   (163 bytes , 140reads )
哈哈哈哈,草莓姐你真是一代萌团长啊。。。 Cathykl   (103 bytes , 169reads )
发生啥事了啊啊啊 草莓   (0 bytes , 114reads )
想问美美 blueviolet   (28 bytes , 146reads )
这个因人而异吧 Cathykl   (268 bytes , 140reads )
谢谢。我也试试吧。 blueviolet   (128 bytes , 109reads )
对滴~ Cathykl   (181 bytes , 169reads )
明白了。谢谢! blueviolet   (48 bytes , 123reads )
还有几句忘记唠了 Cathykl   (160 bytes , 146reads )
这妹子抢SF一流的。。 cathleen家姐   (0 bytes , 178reads )
家姐你来了。那你几天到底睡了午觉没有 草莓   (0 bytes , 201reads )
木有~~我正在做功课!!沐浴乳。。。 cathleen家姐   (0 bytes , 143reads )
伤心,手机回复不给力 junezz99   (164 bytes , 136reads )
老头子用过Its raining man... 草莓   (262 bytes , 173reads )
抢SF的妹子推荐俺吃冰激凌,透心凉!! cathleen家姐   (166 bytes , 145reads )
你应该搞点降火药,降压药。。 草莓   (0 bytes , 183reads )
@Cathykl @怪哉 @stella小苏 @tu1pig @wr2002 @所有被种草的人。。 草莓   (0 bytes , 150reads )
======账单区,世仁姐催债专用,转好回帖==== 草莓   (0 bytes , 183reads )
团长,是不是第三单的账单还没有贴啊? 眉毛弯弯   (15 bytes , 154reads )
对滴 草莓   (0 bytes , 148reads )
为什么也没我的帐单呀? 怪哉   (0 bytes , 170reads )
因为俺忙着下单和客服唠嗑,还木有贴完。。 草莓   (0 bytes , 134reads )
为啥没找到我的账单~ miadarling   (22 bytes , 141reads )
大家自己看树形,目前已经下单两单到minomino, 所有人的单子我慢慢贴 草莓   (465 bytes , 149reads )
Mark 下,明天继续,勿催啊 草莓   (0 bytes , 124reads )
等待ing。。。 junezz99   (0 bytes , 144reads )
@开水白面包 草莓   (29 bytes , 131reads )
已转,谢美团 开水白面包   (26 bytes , 117reads )
@Wensa 草莓   (51 bytes , 133reads )
已转71.25,ref: 10494847688 谢谢草莓! Wensa   (0 bytes , 151reads )
@bonbons 草莓   (86 bytes , 131reads )
@蓝月山谷 草莓   (49 bytes , 145reads )
已转账48.68 ,谢谢美团!Transaction Reference 10480902848 蓝月山谷   (0 bytes , 197reads )
谢谢MM,今晚回家就转:) 蓝月山谷   (0 bytes , 171reads )
@Minomino 草莓   (9 bytes , 140reads )
@fxlc 草莓   (49 bytes , 136reads )
已转 fxlc   (28 bytes , 131reads )
@babyfat258 草莓   (29 bytes , 119reads )
已转帐$19.98 Ref: 4702 谢谢美团 babyfat258   (0 bytes , 121reads )
不好意思才看到,谢谢团长,今晚转给你。 babyfat258   (14 bytes , 132reads )
@舜华 草莓   (43 bytes , 148reads )
已转全款 舜华   (59 bytes , 117reads )
@dorisfong 草莓   (116 bytes , 139reads )
请查收 dorisfong   (151 bytes , 232reads )
@blueviolet 草莓   (46 bytes , 116reads )
已转 blueviolet   (157 bytes , 132reads )
收到 blueviolet   (32 bytes , 180reads )
@turquoise 草莓   (23 bytes , 112reads )
@aikhoo88 草莓   (29 bytes , 120reads )
已转 $19.98 to POSB ref:10477829878 aikhoo88   (0 bytes , 143reads )
@fayeice 草莓   (9 bytes , 129reads )
ocbc 刚转9.99, 谢谢团长。 fayeice   (25 bytes , 151reads )
@fionna2012 草莓   (28 bytes , 104reads )
在出差 回头转给你啊! fionna2012   (4 bytes , 123reads )
@recently 草莓   (86 bytes , 141reads )
团长,已转 recently   (0 bytes , 151reads )
@littlefox188 草莓   (37 bytes , 132reads )
已转31.7, from ocbc, 谢谢 littlefox188   (0 bytes , 145reads )
@望紫 草莓   (18 bytes , 152reads )
除了jungle我后来又加了个dr。。。的洗发皂 想等一块转账的 望紫   (53 bytes , 160reads )
有。我还没贴呢:(我现在贴你的,在那个新的转账贴里。 草莓   (0 bytes , 126reads )
@vincent09 草莓   (84 bytes , 130reads )
已转帐!抱歉,转晚啦! vincent09   (188 bytes , 148reads )
@thinkapple 草莓   (84 bytes , 127reads )
已转,谢谢团长。 thinkapple   (4 bytes , 147reads )
@xiaohuituzhi 草莓   (13 bytes , 100reads )
已经转帐 和BF的定金一起一共29•9,谢谢 xiaohuituzhi   (0 bytes , 133reads )
是29.9 xiaohuituzhi   (0 bytes , 153reads )
@水溪云涧 草莓   (77 bytes , 135reads )
@蒂芙 草莓   (43 bytes , 154reads )
已转 蒂芙   (0 bytes , 180reads )
@蜜兹田田 草莓   (119 bytes , 134reads )
已转SGD102.22块。ref:10479268338 蜜兹田田   (16 bytes , 120reads )
@925lf 草莓   (34 bytes , 93reads )
已转:Transaction Reference: 10477462650 925lf   (59 bytes , 126reads )
@lilylily2012 草莓   (85 bytes , 125reads )
@akuan2001 草莓   (19 bytes , 98reads )
已经转帐$30.68,:refer n o: 9056 akuan2001   (0 bytes , 163reads )
@Stella小苏 草莓   (24 bytes , 129reads )
已转from OCBC Stella小苏   (28 bytes , 143reads )
为啥你转帐这么快? Cathykl   (0 bytes , 145reads )
不快啊还没到pending呢~ Stella小苏   (21 bytes , 129reads )
@三宝妈妈 草莓   (35 bytes , 113reads )
已转$39.96, ref: 10477570422 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 116reads )
@asyzzy 草莓   (96 bytes , 98reads )
已转 Transaction Reference 10480197153 谢谢 asyzzy   (0 bytes , 155reads )
@鱼儿瞅瞅 草莓   (33 bytes , 127reads )
团长这么晚没睡,辛苦! 鱼儿瞅瞅   (35 bytes , 146reads )
哈哈,现在才有点自己时间啊 草莓   (0 bytes , 129reads )
@wr2002 草莓   (211 bytes , 103reads )
已转帐,请查收 wr2002   (107 bytes , 158reads )
@02 草莓   (93 bytes , 132reads )
已转61.44,ref#10479468055 02   (18 bytes , 125reads )
@SigmaC 草莓   (82 bytes , 103reads )
已转$85.74 Transaction Ref No.10479010217 SigmaC   (0 bytes , 158reads )
@Cathykl 草莓   (212 bytes , 122reads )
cathykl已转 Cathykl   (110 bytes , 169reads )
单价比网站上显示的低是因为税? Cathykl   (64 bytes , 157reads )
对滴,运出英国外就不收英国境内税 草莓   (50 bytes , 117reads )
@夜未央 草莓   (132 bytes , 111reads )
已转116。10,谢谢团长,团长辛苦啦!! 夜未央   (0 bytes , 137reads )
收到!!这两天就转!!!团长辛苦啦!! 夜未央   (0 bytes , 121reads )
@凌晨de旋律89 草莓   (70 bytes , 114reads )
已转 凌晨de旋律89   (19 bytes , 173reads )
@vanessa921 的单 草莓   (64 bytes , 125reads )
已转 多谢草莓团长啦 vanessa921   (0 bytes , 132reads )
=====跟单区,不要聊天哇=== 草莓   (40 bytes , 239reads )
草莓姐,我可以跟几个lush new不?嘻嘻,我是你的新团员。 weareone   (82 bytes , 111reads )
电话pm你 weareone   (0 bytes , 147reads )
跟单~~厚厚 麻烦草莓姐了 有点杂 米妃妃   (837 bytes , 103reads )
诶 有个数量错了 忽略上个 看这个好了~~~不好意思滴说 米妃妃   (835 bytes , 131reads )
最终单...囧 不好意思 一直在加东西 请看这条吧...我错了我错了 米妃妃   (835 bytes , 150reads )
跟单 柒柒会傲娇   (225 bytes , 147reads )
还可以跟单吗? 眉毛弯弯   (145 bytes , 146reads )
弱弱的问一句,团长大人这个我这个单会跟第三个单下吗? 眉毛弯弯   (105 bytes , 132reads )
可以。我朋友要买点东西,所以还是凑第3单吧 草莓   (61 bytes , 149reads )
嘿嘿,谢谢团长,要转帐时麻烦通知啊 眉毛弯弯   (23 bytes , 132reads )
之前转账木有看到俺滴~ miawang   (64 bytes , 144reads )
好的,这个团每个人分别算好帐会贴上来 草莓   (0 bytes , 155reads )
恩恩!~辛苦团长大人鸟~ miawang   (0 bytes , 161reads )
跟草莓,跟跟跟 lotus   (96 bytes , 136reads )
跟单,谢谢 蕊儿   (206 bytes , 177reads )
跟单 我爱丫丫   (100 bytes , 162reads )
跟单,谢谢草莓~ 兔纸   (120 bytes , 156reads )
加单··· 兔纸   (111 bytes , 116reads )
跟单~ miawang   (376 bytes , 154reads )
团长,我再加一块啊 望紫   (111 bytes , 135reads )
草莓姐,我再跟点吧 xmubread   (197 bytes , 128reads )
忘了再次留电话 xmubread   (78 bytes , 149reads )
我再加个honey i wash the kids吧 xiaohuituzhi   (0 bytes , 149reads )
来晚了,求带上,大谢~ louisa   (450 bytes , 152reads )
跟一单吧,试试别的洗发皂,@stella小苏 xmubread   (221 bytes , 140reads )
再加一个。。。我汗,不断被种草,如何是好啊 tu1pig   (101 bytes , 119reads )
跟单 miadarling   (188 bytes , 139reads )
跟单跟单,必须跟草莓姐的单 南瓜同学   (120 bytes , 152reads )
再加个Veganese 谢谢啊 babyfat258   (104 bytes , 149reads )
跟单, 谢谢~ sancylee   (144 bytes , 131reads )
再跟一个bath soap和butter~ sancylee   (184 bytes , 155reads )
我也跟个发膜. FishYu   (45 bytes , 156reads )
跟单,成功把无尾熊先生也种草了~~ 无尾熊太太   (514 bytes , 114reads )
跟单。。。(被成功种草) loviece   (403 bytes , 171reads )
还木有截单的话就跟个new:) MinoMino   (89 bytes , 167reads )
跟单 蓝月山谷   (3905 bytes , 180reads )
跟单 babyfat258   (291 bytes , 117reads )
新人跟团 dorisfong   (829 bytes , 117reads )
球鞋带啊求携带 helloalice   (323 bytes , 160reads )
跟单,回复错了,应该放这儿.谢谢 兰冰   (1061 bytes , 140reads )
能再加一个不? 如果来得及的话. 兰冰   (164 bytes , 194reads )
还想要一个https://www.lush.co.uk/product[…] 兰冰   (35 bytes , 179reads )
团长,可以周末在city hall取吗?谢谢! ziyixiaoxian   (103 bytes , 132reads )
草莓姐姐谢谢今天的小海马哈!很可爱! ziyixiaoxian   (48 bytes , 156reads )
跟单 blueviolet   (338 bytes , 156reads )
团长,可以在联邦站取吗?谢谢。 blueviolet   (0 bytes , 131reads )
加单 melody730   (460 bytes , 215reads )
改单 fxlc   (435 bytes , 123reads )
跟单 cathleen家姐   (101 bytes , 143reads )
karma komba非常好非常好,非常好。。。省略很多非常好,我也是来找这个帖子屯这个的 南瓜同学   (0 bytes , 140reads )
再加个karma komba 。一共三块karma komba cathleen家姐   (0 bytes , 164reads )
跟单 tingting2012   (229 bytes , 128reads )
补单 tingting2012   (251 bytes , 149reads )
conditioner要 500g, 链接改不过来 tingting2012   (0 bytes , 119reads )
跟,谢谢,美团 开水白面包   (226 bytes , 184reads )
跟单,谢谢团长 舜华   (299 bytes , 145reads )
再来 tu1pig   (47 bytes , 125reads )
跟单,谢团长 bonbons   (431 bytes , 129reads )
跟单 fxlc   (231 bytes , 117reads )
草莓草莓,我想改单 fxlc   (425 bytes , 144reads )
跟单,谢谢团长! Wensa   (389 bytes , 157reads )
跟单 Desaye   (463 bytes , 170reads )
跟单_Jan 1 lush 怪哉   (518 bytes , 144reads )
补单:加3个小红帽。谢了! 怪哉   (65 bytes , 195reads )
跟单 aikhoo88   (225 bytes , 135reads )
补单啊~~补一个Veganese ,500g的。~被大家种草了! 夜未央   (203 bytes , 126reads )
跟一块new, 电话团长有的。 新年快乐啊o_O fayeice   (0 bytes , 111reads )
fionna2012 单 fionna2012   (143 bytes , 143reads )
团长,我的单 recently   (335 bytes , 200reads )
跟单~谢谢美团~ littlefox188   (178 bytes , 139reads )
跟单,谢谢团长 望紫   (99 bytes , 133reads )
第一次尝试,谢谢团长啦! vincent09   (516 bytes , 176reads )
还可以跟吗?如果可以,想再补几个 vincent09   (350 bytes , 154reads )
跟单~ thinkapple   (470 bytes , 162reads )
跟个小红帽吧 xiaohuituzhi   (46 bytes , 138reads )
跟单 SiHong   (312 bytes , 160reads )
跟单 xjtuwang   (432 bytes , 143reads )
再加一个~ duoduoqiao   (86 bytes , 178reads )
团长,我想把这个单换成以下链接 duoduoqiao   (86 bytes , 134reads )
跟单~ duoduoqiao   (468 bytes , 131reads )
跟单 refreshing   (172 bytes , 171reads )
跟单,被种草了 蒂芙   (102 bytes , 129reads )
再加一个 蒂芙   (82 bytes , 141reads )
我的单 蜜兹田田   (550 bytes , 119reads )
跟单跟单跟单 fannylu   (407 bytes , 194reads )
跟单 KARMA KOMBA and seanik 各一个 925lf   (253 bytes , 181reads )
之前好像回复错了,应该点选回复此楼。。。不好意思 melody730   (246 bytes , 218reads )
继续来点,似乎囤全了呀... junezz99   (274 bytes , 141reads )
纯粹跟风 lilylily2012   (302 bytes , 135reads )
补单:不截团就不停长草,呵呵 lilylily2012   (92 bytes , 152reads )
草莓MM lilylily2012   (46 bytes , 134reads )
跟单 akuan2001   (116 bytes , 126reads )
我来鸟。。。 tu1pig   (428 bytes , 152reads )
跟单~打算试试发膜~ Stella小苏   (140 bytes , 126reads )
@草莓 姐,我想改单... Stella小苏   (175 bytes , 135reads )
前面一位妹子帮俺把草种上了。 三宝妈妈   (176 bytes , 142reads )
再加2个小红帽,又要麻烦草莓和fionna mm了。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 125reads )
不麻烦,我们是互助小组嘛!! fionna2012   (99 bytes , 147reads )
是的呀是的呀。 三宝妈妈   (213 bytes , 156reads )
嫉妒,想把三宝妈哄骗搬来东边 草莓   (142 bytes , 166reads )
mm,辛苦你下单了。 三宝妈妈   (155 bytes , 126reads )
也不知道那6个是不是都是保镖,反正一群人。 三宝妈妈   (128 bytes , 140reads )
6个,,, 草莓   (171 bytes , 110reads )
嗯,前后跟了6个保镖,还有他老婆,是挺大群人的。 三宝妈妈   (230 bytes , 129reads )
总理还是很帅滴吼吼我能认出他 草莓   (146 bytes , 110reads )
吼吼,一提败家我眼睛都亮了 草莓   (377 bytes , 151reads )
我也想把你给骗来油池哈, 三宝妈妈   (87 bytes , 122reads )
哪位妹子能帮我带不? 三宝妈妈   (22 bytes , 124reads )
三宝妈你下吧 fionna2012   (34 bytes , 135reads )
谢谢mm哈。。。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 127reads )
新年第一单!happy new year! asyzzy   (542 bytes , 140reads )
团长还能再补点东西嘛? asyzzy   (52 bytes , 168reads )
哦忘了写电话哈 asyzzy   (17 bytes , 153reads )
2个new & 1个Soak and Float 多谢团长 happy new year 鱼儿瞅瞅   (0 bytes , 136reads )
新年到,睡不着,我来加单吧... junezz99   (442 bytes , 179reads )
超感激Junezz99帮我带啊!流泪中... 02   (0 bytes , 141reads )
wr2002 的单: wr2002   (99 bytes , 141reads )
再加1个veganese 250g,多谢! wr2002   (0 bytes , 153reads )
最后的order 是赠团长的,麻烦你n多次,辛苦了。。。 wr2002   (0 bytes , 110reads )
美团,我纯属跟风哈 02   (495 bytes , 144reads )
哈哈哈,终于开团了,这几天潜的辛苦 SigmaC   (299 bytes , 138reads )
跟单了 Cathykl   (254 bytes , 161reads )
加一个面霜 Cathykl   (110 bytes , 141reads )
下单啦!!谢谢团长!!! 夜未央   (532 bytes , 141reads )
@凌晨de旋律89 草莓   (83 bytes , 155reads )
对的对的,才看到,谢谢团长!!还需要我留链接吗? 凌晨de旋律89   (487 bytes , 130reads )
@vanessa921 的单 草莓   (20 bytes , 183reads )
对的对的~ 么么 vanessa921   (0 bytes , 127reads )
好滴记下了 草莓   (0 bytes , 127reads )
草莓姐,我总共有2个godiva,一个karma,还有两个500g的AC[…] vanessa921   (47 bytes , 113reads )
草莓团长,我再加两个AC 500g的 vanessa921   (39 bytes , 110reads )