No need to worry at all
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2010-07-29 12:45  评分:

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Once matched, vPost will ship the package back to SG no matter you pay or not.

Don't worry about this. All you have to do is to make sure the "Processed Date" of the last package does not exceed 2 weeks from the first package. After all packages arrive at vPost, make payment all at once. This is called consolidation.

You will notice that when you make payment, those earlier packages that have been shipped back will not allow you to choose "buy insurance or not" because they have been shipped back already before you pay.

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急问vpost Consolidate packages nakoru   (153 bytes , 931reads )
谢谢大家的回答 偶心里有底了:) nakoru   (0 bytes , 271reads )
No need to worry at all 草莓果乐   (529 bytes , 395reads )
i called vpost, and got the answer same as what u said, thanks a lot.. nakoru   (2 bytes , 342reads )
说一说我上次的类似经历 flydolphin   (631 bytes , 511reads )
MM, this is what happened 草莓果乐   (452 bytes , 304reads )
汗 看了你的case 心里更没底了 nakoru   (171 bytes , 298reads )
是不是已经付vpost的钱了? linda1113   (82 bytes , 279reads )
还没有付钱 它自己运回来了 内详 nakoru   (258 bytes , 328reads )
以前一直是付了钱才给你寄回来的 xiaoxiao10   (503 bytes , 519reads )
据说那些一直没付款的超过30天vpost就销毁了。。。 nakoru   (0 bytes , 297reads )
可能,如果是这样,就不用理它,等所有包裹到了再付钱。 flydolphin   (43 bytes , 314reads )