所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2004-11-27 11:48

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 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
目前有人用gmail成功发送过中文信件吗? 庸人   (126 bytes , 485reads )
俺都写在word里attach发出去 那个谁   (0 bytes , 124reads )
我print screen发image MrDJay   (0 bytes , 153reads )
html就可以了啊 simon   (0 bytes , 114reads )
print screen fast and sweet~ MrDJay   (0 bytes , 128reads )
Have problem @@@###   (40 bytes , 174reads )
见鬼啦,第一次试验成功! 庸人   (41 bytes , 160reads )
以前好象讨论过这个问题 SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (91 bytes , 149reads )
有时候国内发来的中文不能看 林林   (0 bytes , 196reads )
让他们在IE里选unicode试试 SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (0 bytes , 174reads )
一点问题都没有, 刚测试过 SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (144 bytes , 197reads )
if send email by scripts to Gmail? any success stories? simon   (0 bytes , 137reads )
should work just fine SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (151 bytes , 154reads )
测试了,果然是有问题~ 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 128reads )
no problem at all o_o   (0 bytes , 128reads )