you can use "-t 0" as indicated in my post above.
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2004-06-16 10:58

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BTW, this "shutdown" command is available only on WinXP (or Win2k/NT with Resource Kit). So as you are on a VB project, you might actually consider calling the Win32 API instead, which is examplified in the shutdown commands for Win2k/NT as indicated in that post.

Flying @way 吳穎暉
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
Is there any DOS command to reboot computer ? flu   (0 bytes , 717reads )
What's your OS? Flying   (498 bytes , 491reads )
Type help in cmd window MrDJay   (34 bytes , 275reads )
actually i am doing vb6.0 proj. any suggestion to reboot? flu   (977 bytes , 305reads )
you can use "-t 0" as indicated in my post above. Flying   (264 bytes , 288reads )
thank you! i see, i just want to find an easier method flu   (0 bytes , 275reads )
For VB programming, using the API is actually easier. Flying   (52 bytes , 234reads )
i use ExitWindowsEx , doesnot work? :( flu   (0 bytes , 253reads )
how does your code look like? Flying   (254 bytes , 297reads )
my code: flu   (541 bytes , 258reads )
cool...but kelvin   (130 bytes , 274reads )
The shutdown request may fail. Flying   (189 bytes , 282reads )
Check out the sample code there: Flying   (332 bytes , 276reads )
-_-! flu   (0 bytes , 260reads )
HELP command is not as powerful as man in the *nix world. Flying   (117 bytes , 230reads )