十大即时战略(RTS) Number ONE (from gamespy)
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2004-02-16 20:37

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1. Total Annihilation
Cavedog Entertainment, 1997

In any given Internet popularity contest, StarCraft would win hands down. But a full year before StarCraft, the first "modern" RTS was unleashed to the world, and it was years ahead of its time. The name of the game was Total Annihilation, and to this day no game has duplicated its contribution to the genre. Six years, and other games are still playing catch-up!

Technology: Total Annihilation was the first true-3D real-time strategy game, with 3D terrain and 3D rendered units walking, flying, sailing, or even roaming underwater. Hundreds of units could be seen on the screen at once, a remarkable feat for its day. As computers grew faster, TA was able to scale with them, allowing players to crank up their resolution and crank up the unit limits with virtually no top end. Years after its release, the game was still cutting edge.

Gameplay: TA took a "Magic: The Gathering" approach to units and gameplay balance, allowing for (literally) hundreds of units without throwing off the game. That is to say, each unit was balanced on its own: accuracy, speed, range, cost, armor, damage, time to build etc. were all factored in, so no one unit could dominate a strategy. As a result, players had dozens of tactics to choose from thanks to the unit mix. (Some might complain that TA had too many units, but this game was known for gratuitous excess.)

Interface Innovation: While most games shackled players with unit limits and queue limits and a very basic AI, Total Annihilation was years ahead of its time. With just a few clicks you could start executing very complex strategies. You could queue up hundreds of units, order a constructor to build hundreds of different buildings, or order a factory to build planes that would automatically patrol a route as they rolled off the assembly line. In fact, those planes would automatically break off of a patrol to attack an enemy, then circle around to land at a repair station, then zip back into their patrol route -- automatically! The interface allowed gamers to build up obscene armies and bases with such ease that the player was free to concentrate on actual tactics and strategy. In the years since few games have even come close to this level of control.

Leveraging the Internet: We call Total Annihilation the first "modern" RTS because it really took advantage of the online environment, way back in '97, to enhance the game. Each week, the developers released a new unit onto the Internet. That's right! The game subtly changed, week to week, keeping the game completely fresh and opening up (or closing off) strategies all the time. The mapping and modification scene was also encouraged. Even today the massive TA community is still cranking out new units and total conversions.

Pure Style: Total Annihilation is the perfect name for the game. It was TOTAL. Nothing about this game is half-ass: it's like a videogame apocalypse. You don't just order an attack -- you send in a WAVE of hundreds of units, a wall of steel death that will fill the screen with awesome-looking explosions for minutes on end. You can build a nuclear missile capable of destroying a screen full of units, but it's worthless to build just one: Typically, you send them over in batches of a dozen or more. Obscene? YES. That's Total Annihilation! Every game was non-stop action, carnage, and brutality at a level never seen before or since.

If you look back and try to identify the key games that stood out the most in the ten-year history of the genre, it's clear that for its time Total Annihilation was an incredible leap. Unfortunately, its contributions have rarely been duplicated. Perhaps its unfettered gameplay and incredible developer support were just too difficult for other developers to pull off. Rumors stir that TA designer Chris Taylor is cooking up a sequel of sorts... keep your fingers crossed!

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
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十大即时战略(RTS) Number ONE (from gamespy) SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (4127 bytes , 807reads )
失望……效果不是RTS的精髓来的…… 帅温柔   (0 bytes , 293reads )
很就没送分了, 借这个机会发放些方片 SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (0 bytes , 227reads )
对不起,在bbs我是个新人,方片是什么意思? 商人   (0 bytes , 278reads )
wo yao!!! guo_er   (0 bytes , 256reads )
哈哈 太高兴了 感动死了 wwwuuu   (436 bytes , 348reads )
嗯,第一次有人怀疑sc的可玩性。。。ft mfgg   (0 bytes , 273reads )
我没有怀疑CS的可玩性阿,我只是觉得横扫的可玩性更高一点 wwwuuu   (9 bytes , 353reads )
我也玩了很久。。。 西蜀霸王   (55 bytes , 330reads )
哈哈,98年的时候是把core任务打了一遍 cosmic1   (145 bytes , 321reads )
唉,第一名居然听都没有听说过 侠气与醉狂   (35 bytes , 631reads )
中文名叫横扫千军!前一阵子刚温习一遍...^O^ cosmic1   (81 bytes , 322reads )
又想到不该想到的回忆了 Morte   (732 bytes , 358reads )
我找了很久都没找到的游戏,请问在那里可以下载? 商人   (0 bytes , 228reads )
给个链接,应该能下载的,前不久刚从那下的TA cosmic1   (64 bytes , 289reads )
上传到FTP上吧 侠气与醉狂   (17 bytes , 236reads )
我在ntu阿,不知道哪个ftp你们可以下载到? cosmic1   (8 bytes , 574reads )
下了,谢谢! 侠气与醉狂   (60 bytes , 267reads )
嗬嗬,爆炸效果还是挺好的... cosmic1   (0 bytes , 245reads )
是, 特别是远程导弹和 commander... T_T 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 289reads )
汗,4,5年没玩过了。。。T_T 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 230reads )
有没有兴趣联网打一把啊?还没有试过河别人打那! ︿︿ cosmic1   (0 bytes , 272reads )
上面那个不行的话可能这个可以... cosmic1   (133 bytes , 320reads )