所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2003-04-28 17:16

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今天我的刺客过了hell, noway   (1358 bytes , 790reads )
打不中大菠萝,请使用eth ^0^ 珊姗   (30 bytes , 222reads )
不是eth的问题. EastCoast   (131 bytes , 201reads )
我记得格挡率最高的是... 珊姗   (738 bytes , 267reads )
静电场。几下子菠萝血就干了。 辰星   (0 bytes , 239reads )
我也不理解,打izual和mephisto时都不怎么觉得有格挡. EastCoast   (158 bytes , 263reads )
感觉Baal很弱的说 kikicoco   (128 bytes , 217reads )
9494,不过baal还是可以掉不错的东西的. EastCoast   (0 bytes , 249reads )
吸火15%,难道你用dwarf star? 珊姗   (0 bytes , 223reads )
是我的手套 noway   (0 bytes , 204reads )
hoho~~~偶有一个78级Babarian... kikicoco   (76 bytes , 267reads )
到pigbaby server上来打吧 Ultramind   (0 bytes , 184reads )
怎样 join game? noway   (46 bytes , 206reads )
go to pigbaby's ftp download the registry file Ultramind   (66 bytes , 205reads )