建议看一下hyflux 的事情
Olivia LIm 还没有被宣判
还有最近交通部S 被165 的事情。。
听起来越完美的。。。 一般就。。
比如结构产品。。,。 少买点玩一下
本地池子小 。就是一个 流动性问题。。 池子小容易触礁
You own debt obligation over the SPv that holds the equities by a few world large PE fund such as KKR etc
There is no mentioning of sector , vintage breakdown
There is leverage on SPv level but no Moe than 50% 数字我可能记错了 你要查一下
In the event of default It follows the credit order
The valuation goes up following the rate cut ( need to check which rate US or SGD) what is the reporting like to retail investor
Do check out the stock itself … it was below 1 and now slightly over