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SPH CEO Ng Yat Chung's 'umbrage' reaction 'unfortunate': K Shanmugam
Sat, 8 May 2021, 5:51 pm
SPH CEO Ng Yat Chung at a press conference on 6 May 2021 announcing SPH Media's restructuring. (SCREENCAP: Weixiang Lim/Facebook via The Straits Times/YouTube)
SPH CEO Ng Yat Chung at a press conference on 6 May 2021 announcing SPH Media's restructuring. (SCREENCAP: Weixiang Lim/Facebook via The Straits Times/YouTube)
SINGAPORE – The "take umbrage" reaction of Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) chief executive officer Ng Yat Chung when SPH's editorial integrity was questioned recently at a press conference it called for was "very unfortunate", said Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam.

Speaking on the sidelines of a community event on Saturday (8 May), Shanmugam said to local media that "Mr Ng’s reaction and the way he answered the question... was very unfortunate," according to a report by Today.

"His outburst can be described in stronger terms. But I want to be careful and understated, because SPH is a listed company (with) shareholders, management, and I need to be careful," he added.

Ng's comments have since gone viral, with multiple businesses taking advantage of the furore to promote their products and services.

At the press conference on Thursday, SPH announced that it will be moving its media business into a not-for-profit entity, which will eventually be restructured into a company limited by guarantee. This will allow it to receive funding from private and public sources, including extra financial support from the government.

The move to restructure SPH's media business comes as its core segment's revenue and profit continued to plunge amid falling advertisement revenue.

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