所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2021-02-22 08:20

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与其频传绯闻的 oem 造车企业现代押注的可是 毫米波雷达,这项技术可以说是兼具lidar 和radar 的优点

Hyundai CRADLE, Hyundai Motor Co.’s corporate venturing and open innovation business, announced that it is investing in Metawave Corp. to build intelligent radars for autonomous vehicles.

Metawave is revolutionizing radar sensing by leveraging adaptive metamaterials (conventional materials using engineered structures with unique electromagnetic properties not found in nature) and artificial intelligence (AI) to create smart radars, according to Hyundai. The automaker noted that it is “closely evaluating new technologies, such as Metawave’s high-performance radar capable of 3-D imaging, for future autonomous platforms.”

“Next-generation radar technology can use advanced algorithms for object detection and classification,” said John Suh, vice president of Hyundai CRADLE. “A new radar system that can increase resolution and accuracy with an AI engine will be a disruptive technology.”

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