所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2020-12-26 20:15  更多评分:

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The 2020 United States presidential election was the 59th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.[a] The Democratic ticket of former vice president Joe Biden and incumbent U.S. senator from California Kamala Harris defeated the Republican ticket of incumbent president Donald Trump and vice president Mike Pence.[6]




 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
看到有些大神提到很多(?)人用工资养股票,我免费做个公益吧 sgchoon   (257 bytes , 10403reads )
有没有再买新加坡股票的朋友。 香雅兰   (50 bytes , 44reads )
请问楼主,苹果Fubotv可以进入嘛? 呀呀呸   (32 bytes , 39reads )
麻烦点评一下微软 sg1345   (4 bytes , 39reads )
微软 sg1345   (25 bytes , 40reads )
基金有推荐吗 wwwjjjyyy   (0 bytes , 47reads )
MRNA? origin_ice   (16 bytes , 46reads )
药股 sgchoon   (129 bytes , 37reads )
请问 熊熊和河马   (183 bytes , 29reads )
对不起要问你几个问题 sgchoon   (1210 bytes , 38reads )
中芯国际怎么样呢 vanessa921   (52 bytes , 60reads )
00981 sgchoon   (493 bytes , 33reads )
那什么算是有趋势的股票呢? vanessa921   (5 bytes , 61reads )
请问一下VMware,谢谢! xian0047   (0 bytes , 44reads )
均线密集 sgchoon   (76 bytes , 35reads )
非常感谢! xian0047   (0 bytes , 52reads )
请问美股阿里巴巴现在跌到265是买入的好时机吗? 7swords   (76 bytes , 40reads )
不建议抄底巴巴 sgchoon   (118 bytes , 37reads )
明白,谢谢 7swords   (0 bytes , 34reads )
你和一楠我们该信谁呢? 大力出奇迹   (0 bytes , 25reads )
九月上海机场 现在? 小土   (0 bytes , 34reads )
没有趋势没有方向 sgchoon   (177 bytes , 31reads )
疫苗股 Jojo2020   (38 bytes , 45reads )
这个公司基本面如何 sgchoon   (66 bytes , 36reads )
马上要批准了 jy12   (10 bytes , 31reads )
没想跑 Jojo2020   (44 bytes , 33reads )
lululemon如何? elliotxin   (26 bytes , 38reads )
Lulu基本面如何? sgchoon   (259 bytes , 39reads )
一针见血 医药法规   (20 bytes , 30reads )
ZOOM ? Nancy_Fancy   (26 bytes , 35reads )
Zm跟tsla不一样 sgchoon   (305 bytes , 34reads )
请问lz美股指数怎么看?泡沫这么大何时会破?先谢过 阳光826   (50 bytes , 41reads )
牛市不要轻易做空 sgchoon   (76 bytes , 32reads )
可以问下基金吗 赤道企鹅   (144 bytes , 41reads )
基金我不懂 sgchoon   (391 bytes , 27reads )
金玉良言 医药法规   (10 bytes , 29reads )
借花献佛 医药法规   (242 bytes , 26reads )
这两只都是月付coupon的吧 医药法规   (168 bytes , 34reads )
这样的话我继续持有吗? 赤道企鹅   (56 bytes , 49reads )
如何? 医药法规   (37 bytes , 33reads )
是否持有是你自己的决定 医药法规   (189 bytes , 33reads )
的确 小土   (28 bytes , 32reads )
请问BLCT 值得长期持有么? 蔚蓝星球   (31 bytes , 30reads )
不了解这个公司基本面 sgchoon   (313 bytes , 44reads )
呃~~~ yayayayayaya   (58 bytes , 35reads )
wayfair 忘忧草tran   (10 bytes , 37reads )
W sgchoon   (202 bytes , 29reads )
港股可以问吗 小p友   (11 bytes , 52reads )
PINS 怎样看 roamer   (0 bytes , 42reads )
LZ 分析一下大势吧   (62 bytes , 39reads )
问一下 新小战士   (11 bytes , 35reads )
楼主建个美股群吧, 这样有什么信息可以共享交流。 奔向小康   (0 bytes , 45reads )
问个本地的 hisoka1412   (33 bytes , 35reads )
再加一个本地的 它山之石   (4 bytes , 35reads )
FDX 天陨星   (62 bytes , 43reads )
只是想和大神说,你确定这件事不需要license吗? 大叔一名   (0 bytes , 38reads )
多谢提醒 sgchoon   (182 bytes , 43reads )
赞大神 flyjc   (16 bytes , 37reads )
是不是家里嘿咻也要license啊 shaokunlun   (28 bytes , 34reads )
特斯拉 Smile007   (0 bytes , 33reads )
同se sgchoon   (118 bytes , 34reads )
SEa yunxuan   (6 bytes , 34reads )
se持股待涨 sgchoon   (140 bytes , 38reads )
RRC 山脉资源 七月的风   (26 bytes , 30reads )
代码RES昨天成绩额204.7万 sgchoon   (88 bytes , 34reads )
代码rrc 七月的风   (40 bytes , 41reads )
rrc持股即可 sgchoon   (142 bytes , 35reads )
谢楼主 七月的风   (4 bytes , 35reads )
股票代码res的? sgchoon   (65 bytes , 39reads )
就问一家 AMD 先谢过 nicolas   (0 bytes , 40reads )
amd sgchoon   (215 bytes , 47reads )
能不能荐股啊 走走   (61 bytes , 33reads )
我不是特别建议这种懒人投资的思维方式 sgchoon   (116 bytes , 38reads )
Google 三好   (0 bytes , 24reads )
.. 坡县JPM王子   (53 bytes , 37reads )
jmia中短期根本不要去看 sgchoon   (395 bytes , 32reads )
一个月一只 sgchoon   (18 bytes , 39reads )
.. 坡县JPM王子   (12 bytes , 31reads )
本来金九银十,今年乱了 笑天   (38 bytes , 31reads )
哈哈,不是说 嘎哈嘎哈嘎哈   (34 bytes , 30reads )
先谢过 yayayayayaya   (65 bytes , 49reads )
你应该业内 sgchoon   (478 bytes , 38reads )
赞分享贡献精神 笑天   (215 bytes , 36reads )
寄几举例 笑天   (184 bytes , 33reads )
抛砖引玉 随白色飞翔   (13 bytes , 46reads )
竟然没有tesla? vitesse   (22 bytes , 39reads )
aapl sgchoon   (165 bytes , 67reads )
aapl第二 sgchoon   (40 bytes , 38reads )