好吧, 个人看法不同,市场非理性,算AM是跟板块吧
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2017-10-16 15:08

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

P71 2 C如下:


(c) Going concern

This report has been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates the continuity of normal business activity

and the realisation of assets and settlement of liabilities in the normal course of business.

The company has incurred a loss after tax for the year of $4,803,859 (2016: $4,082,094) and experienced net cash

outflows from operating activities of $1,905,843 (2016: $842,668). As at 30 June 2017 and 28 September 2017, the

Company had cash and restricted cash totalling to $6,616,793 and $9,082,430 respectively. The increase in the cash

and restricted cash balance reflects the additional instalment payment of $4,375,000 received under the lithium

concentrate offtake agreement with Burwill Holdings Ltd dated April 2017.

The Company’s cash flow forecast reflect that the Company will need to raise additional funds during the quarter

ending 31 December 2017 to enable it to meet its committed and planned capital expenditure in the Bald Hill

project and for on-going working capital requirements. The Directors are currently reviewing a range of financing

options which may include further issue of new equity or obtaining new borrowings. The Directors have reviewed

the company’s financial position and are satisfied that based on the ongoing discussions with relevant parties, they

will be successful in securing additional funds through debt or equity issues and thus it is appropriate to prepare the

financial statements on a going concern basis.

Should the company not achieve the matters set out above, there is a significant uncertainty whether the company

will continue as a going concern and therefore whether it will realise its assets and extinguish its liabilities in the

normal course of business and at the amounts stated in the financial report.

The financial report does not contain any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded

assets or to the amounts or classification of recorde


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今日买入联盟矿产90万股 沃西山人   (7 bytes , 12748reads )
0.455 沃西山人   (2 bytes , 106reads )
所以今天四点以后发生了什么 japgolly   (16 bytes , 75reads )
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看花豹的博客呀 一泓清泉18   (8 bytes , 351reads )
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有消息啊,公告 silverzealot   (70 bytes , 78reads )
现在都没人卖了,都在吸货 不才   (16 bytes , 119reads )
这个逻辑我怎么搞不明呢 西东南北风   (51 bytes , 70reads )
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原来这就是土豪山人哈哈 moonwell   (0 bytes , 56reads )
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好消息来了 mkx   (190 bytes , 91reads )
算是好消息,建议是弄清楚一下 华生之友   (224 bytes , 80reads )
我只要知道是为了抬股价就好了 mkx   (26 bytes , 76reads )
助纣为虐 华生之友   (4 bytes , 66reads )
最烦的就是你这种人 mkx   (64 bytes , 69reads )
用辩论术语 华生之友   (25 bytes , 49reads )
请正面回答问题 mkx   (24 bytes , 59reads )
话说你都卖光了,还拉抬个什么?什么逻辑 华生之友   (46 bytes , 70reads )
Long or short 分分钟都可以改变 mkx   (0 bytes , 52reads )
同意啊 华生之友   (35 bytes , 53reads )
明白了,原来你是因为没买到低位才在这里BB mkx   (0 bytes , 48reads )
我根本不会买啊, 说过的 华生之友   (45 bytes , 52reads )
我什么心态? mkx   (8 bytes , 50reads )
看得出 浮躁 华生之友   (57 bytes , 62reads )
我们不是不听你的观点,而且你的观点大家都知道。。。。 mkx   (22 bytes , 54reads )
恭喜山人 GoogleEarth   (10 bytes , 68reads )
多谢! 沃西山人   (10 bytes , 70reads )
410了,一个7m的大单就突破了。。。。 mkx   (0 bytes , 55reads )
直捣5毛,不回头:) mkx   (0 bytes , 57reads )
今天直捣就太牛气了 xuanlin84   (29 bytes , 59reads )
7日奇迹 mkx   (14 bytes , 67reads )
对赌战今日才开始 xuanlin84   (114 bytes , 71reads )
那些唱空的人啊, mkx   (18 bytes , 67reads )
卖空的人还是有的 xuanlin84   (119 bytes , 72reads )
感谢分享 cy1024   (0 bytes , 63reads )
今早taw跌5% mkx   (0 bytes , 56reads )
梭哈!山人的退休金就靠它了。 昌昊   (26 bytes , 131reads )
还有集永成 沃西山人   (26 bytes , 103reads )
山人还有别的重仓吗? xuanlin84   (15 bytes , 60reads )
没有了 沃西山人   (42 bytes , 79reads )
大部分的地产股今年都有一定涨幅 xuanlin84   (85 bytes , 53reads )
wing tai怎么样? 李香兰   (37 bytes , 62reads )
负债少,财务健全,需要投到项目才有利好消息 xuanlin84   (56 bytes , 61reads )
我比较保守 李香兰   (262 bytes , 57reads )
我也是八月份才入市 xuanlin84   (148 bytes , 55reads )
buy on hope,小心遇到我哦 韭菜切割机   (0 bytes , 78reads )
哈哈 xuanlin84   (159 bytes , 54reads )
哪里看到的消息, 怪不得涨的那么快, 正考虑放手 股市小帆   (0 bytes , 76reads )
早报有 trim   (376 bytes , 56reads )
谢了 股市小帆   (0 bytes , 76reads )
这一只股投了一套市中心组屋的钱进去了 股票套牢   (20 bytes , 99reads )
哪里有这么便宜的组屋? mkx   (22 bytes , 65reads )
现在肯定是前二十大股东没跑了 leonet   (0 bytes , 81reads )
如果名单里其他人没有增加, 沃西山人   (54 bytes , 82reads )
你怎么算出来的? tomorrow11   (18 bytes , 102reads )
第20名是180万股 mkx   (0 bytes , 70reads )
请问有地方可以查的吗? tomorrow11   (6 bytes , 95reads )
年报啊 mkx   (0 bytes , 69reads )
佩服山人。 leonet   (16 bytes , 71reads )
恭喜山人 紧跟恬淡   (8 bytes , 69reads )
明灯哇 trim   (45 bytes , 67reads )
395了,恭喜 mkx   (0 bytes , 70reads )
多谢! 沃西山人   (20 bytes , 99reads )
很佩服山人的手笔和勇气 华生之友   (393 bytes , 93reads )
目前的情况,融资太容易了吧 mkx   (45 bytes , 80reads )
没错,融资是不难 华生之友   (62 bytes , 83reads )
我是价值投资者, 沃西山人   (490 bytes , 88reads )
希望你是对的 华生之友   (108 bytes , 82reads )
我看你每天都挺空的 紧跟恬淡   (0 bytes , 68reads )
没错,无所事事 华生之友   (56 bytes , 65reads )
你说的这三只股 沃西山人   (18 bytes , 86reads )
涨跌都不是一天内完成的 mkx   (118 bytes , 85reads )
每次,明白人和高手可以这样 华生之友   (127 bytes , 86reads )
所以凭借技术赚钱的人不多啊 mkx   (16 bytes , 76reads )
你这个引述不完整 好人买好股   (298 bytes , 100reads )
报告原文(年报Page71): 沃西山人   (276 bytes , 74reads )
谢谢,这个是在另一个section 华生之友   (139 bytes , 58reads )
如果继续融资 华生之友   (116 bytes , 69reads )
哪里疯长了,你看看澳洲其他矿股都涨成啥样了。。。。 mkx   (18 bytes , 78reads )
2周翻倍啊 华生之友   (98 bytes , 66reads )
与宝威签订的包销合同基本上已经保障了未来两年的盈利 xuanlin84   (371 bytes , 62reads )
也许吧 华生之友   (142 bytes , 56reads )
报告是哪份报告 xuanlin84   (72 bytes , 64reads )
财务报表 华生之友   (514 bytes , 53reads )
没人质疑财务报表 xuanlin84   (278 bytes , 60reads )
对赌的目的也是为了 华生之友   (105 bytes , 62reads )
炒股永远炒的是预期 好人买好股   (48 bytes , 66reads )
那么,就是靠美好的愿望 华生之友   (119 bytes , 56reads )
传销也是个美好的预期啊 华生之友   (87 bytes , 50reads )
请你不要再在山人的任何帖子里面瞎BB 帅得惊动了议员   (197 bytes , 146reads )
和为贵 沃西山人   (34 bytes , 66reads )
呵呵,这样也可以 华生之友   (101 bytes , 70reads )
你有多远,滚多远 帅得惊动了议员   (103 bytes , 105reads )
每个人都有言论自由 hairylemon   (96 bytes , 86reads )
哎呦 董二千   (34 bytes , 71reads )
我太服了 华生之友   (23 bytes , 68reads )
这个 华生之友,让人讨厌至极 帅得惊动了议员   (158 bytes , 179reads )
真的,讨厌至极 笑天   (43 bytes , 45reads )
回头看,还是蛮有意思的嘛 笑天   (26 bytes , 41reads )
顶铁 笑天   (6 bytes , 38reads )
股市上是没有绝对的事件, 在量产之前, 什么都可能发生, 需要听听不同意见 股市小帆   (0 bytes , 82reads )
哈哈哈, 就喜欢惊动党中央的帅 华生之友   (70 bytes , 65reads )
只能说翻倍来的太晚,之前的问题延缓了股价的上涨 mkx   (62 bytes , 77reads )
我并没有理论 华生之友   (71 bytes , 59reads )
好吧, 个人看法不同,市场非理性,算AM是跟板块吧 华生之友   (2561 bytes , 60reads )
所以说阿,你们这类啊 mkx   (16 bytes , 70reads )
第63页有指向第71页 沃西山人   (8 bytes , 62reads )
是的,按我的理解和阅读 华生之友   (53 bytes , 60reads )
请问你的后半句引文出处? 华生之友   (9 bytes , 53reads )
这样的文字,应该不会出现在审计报告中 华生之友   (4 bytes , 63reads )
报告原文(年报Page71): 沃西山人   (276 bytes , 61reads )
这个不是我引的 华生之友   (94 bytes , 67reads )
审计报告 华生之友   (92 bytes , 63reads )
同买 tomorrow11   (0 bytes , 100reads )
沙发~ 目测楼主的行为是重大利好。。。卖出时望也来发帖啊。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 75reads )
山人财力雄厚,佩服 不才   (18 bytes , 99reads )
我无法猜 沃西山人   (10 bytes , 71reads )
赌局是5毛啊 华生之友   (20 bytes , 76reads )