请问大家有申报工作交通费为 tax relief 吗?
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2016-04-01 20:51

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 


Employment Expenses

Employment expenses are expenses that are 'wholly and exclusively' incurred in the production of your employment income in Singapore. These expenses may be deducted from your employment income as long as they are allowable expenses.
Allowable Expenses

The expense may be allowed when the following conditions are satisfied:

The expense was incurred while carrying out your official duties;
The expense was not reimbursed by your employer; and
The expense was not capital or private in nature.

Examples of Allowable Expenses

Entertainment expenses incurred in entertaining clients
Mosque building fund, zakat , fitrah or any other religious dues authorised by law
Subscriptions paid to professional bodies or society for professional updates, knowledge and networking
Travelling expenses incurred on public transport, such as buses, trains, taxis

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
请问大家有申报工作交通费为 tax relief 吗? CRP1   (1060 bytes , 1337reads )
印象中从家到公司不可以 kcowen   (24 bytes , 29reads )
此楼正解。从家出发的不能报, 塑料玫瑰   (112 bytes , 33reads )
如何记得住哪些是从家出发的呢 我是双鱼座岚   (28 bytes , 29reads )
你忘啦,我很多是uber和grab taxi啊,基本都有电子invoice. :-) 塑料玫瑰   (120 bytes , 34reads )
还能这样?... 给跪了 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 35reads )
autofile 哭死 阿列   (14 bytes , 30reads )
relief是可以自己报的 CRP1   (31 bytes , 45reads )
这个怎么报啊? 阿列   (50 bytes , 31reads )
我都留了票据的,所以,我有报。 塑料玫瑰   (0 bytes , 37reads )
这个怎么报啊 transferport? 阿列   (12 bytes , 32reads )
对啊,我见客户的transport,taxi的我留了票据的。 塑料玫瑰   (22 bytes , 38reads )
DS表示weekday上班的transferport都可以几百了 阿列   (4 bytes , 32reads )
如果是像我一样住郊区 塑料玫瑰   (66 bytes , 38reads )
所以吐血! 阿列   (64 bytes , 25reads )
见客户的公司给报就不能加进去了 kcowen   (0 bytes , 30reads )
是的。 塑料玫瑰   (0 bytes , 28reads )
请问交通费的票据是什么呀? CRP1   (45 bytes , 34reads )
MRT能有多少钱啊,我是报taxi fee啊。 塑料玫瑰   (38 bytes , 46reads )
或者考试CFA的钱是不是也算做relief呀 CRP1   (16 bytes , 27reads )
CFA报名费可以relief wmtqx   (0 bytes , 45reads )
请问如何申报CFA报名费啊 圣托里尼的猫   (4 bytes , 28reads )
就是教育那一项里面填就可以 wmtqx   (0 bytes , 32reads )