所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2015-12-02 15:42

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
1936: BOC opened a branch in Singapore to handle remittances to China of overseas Chinese. It also opened an agency in New York.
1946: BOC reopened its branches and agencies in Hong Kong, Singapore, Haiphong, Rangoon, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, and Jakarta. It moved the Hanoi agency to Saigon. At the suggestion of the Allied Forces Headquarters, it liquidated the branch in Osaka and opened a sub-branch in Tokyo.
1950: After victory of Communist forces in the civil war, some branches (ex. Hong Kong, Singapore, London, Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Calcutta, Bombay, Chittagong, Karachi, and Jakarta) of Bank of China joined the bank headquartered in Beijing, while others (ex. New York, Tokyo, Havana, Bangkok, and one other, possibly Panama) opted to remain with the Bank of China headquartered in Taipei. In 1971, this bank took the name International Commercial Bank of China.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
也来说说BOC的smartsaver3.55% umbrellalin   (616 bytes , 6523reads )
真的BILL支持的太少了 榣山遗韵   (108 bytes , 59reads )
我每次设定定期还款 trim   (39 bytes , 49reads )
你给你的三张信用卡还钱就好啦 199   (29 bytes , 40reads )
只支持少数的银行credit card 好像citi不可以 三叶草青青   (0 bytes , 74reads )
对的 199   (76 bytes , 66reads )
M1有呀 不是有个mobile one的选项? 三叶草青青   (0 bytes , 57reads )
好奇你说它那个每月3次账单的要求可以这样吗 榣山遗韵   (70 bytes , 42reads )
柜台小哥跟热线小哥说的都不一样 Samantha00   (135 bytes , 43reads )
你说它要求的三笔账单支付可以这样安排吗 榣山遗韵   (70 bytes , 52reads )
它们家居然bill payee没有citi bank credit card这个选项 三叶草青青   (4 bytes , 59reads )
网银"Password: Click to Install SaftControll" PENDULUM   (182 bytes , 354reads )
用的是ie么目测不是ie不能正常登陆 三叶草青青   (0 bytes , 83reads )
mac上safari也是可以的 199   (5 bytes , 43reads )
发现chrome现在也可以用了 三叶草青青   (0 bytes , 38reads )
这个看起来不错啊 Todder   (0 bytes , 40reads )
分期和保险可以算 umbrellalin   (105 bytes , 123reads )
GIRO 算500消费里吗? Samantha00   (0 bytes , 43reads )
算啊 umbrellalin   (16 bytes , 46reads )
谢谢回复 Samantha00   (65 bytes , 36reads )
我问柜员,讲保险不算500消费 平淡日子里的刺   (42 bytes , 62reads )
所有卡都可以 umbrellalin   (110 bytes , 65reads )
借记卡可以 trim   (3 bytes , 47reads )
黄色和白色两张借记卡,哪张好用啊? umbrellalin   (46 bytes , 53reads )
也是想申请借记卡 小宝妈   (48 bytes , 39reads )
开账户就送啊 umbrellalin   (4 bytes , 38reads )
借记卡好像没要求 三叶草青青   (19 bytes , 38reads )
不知道 trim   (10 bytes , 47reads )
信用卡美下来,为了那点利率,用了他家借记卡 拉尔夫的玫瑰灰   (110 bytes , 74reads )
他们家真的是业务不熟悉 CRP1   (42 bytes , 76reads )
请问请问三个账单支付可以付信用卡账单吗? 风舞神牛   (0 bytes , 172reads )
柜台告诉我是可以的 CRP1   (32 bytes , 61reads )
支付信用卡应该没问题的 umbrellalin   (46 bytes , 67reads )
基本都是11月开的户吧 CRP1   (12 bytes , 55reads )
打算去申请一个 vitesse   (23 bytes , 51reads )
用了半个月,说下感受 trim   (451 bytes , 170reads )
fast秒到 On   (28 bytes , 44reads )
3.55%的利息已经拿到。 trim   (127 bytes , 97reads )
请问你转入的薪水 jiatong32   (30 bytes , 60reads )
GIRO方式 trim   (13 bytes , 54reads )
不错我也今天办了 榣山遗韵   (6 bytes , 41reads )
你好 请问那张flashpay卡是通过短信通知的 还是信件呢? QQ^_^   (69 bytes , 43reads )
短信通知的 trim   (10 bytes , 47reads )
利息会分项标明吗? nianyu   (47 bytes , 43reads )
分项目给的 trim   (137 bytes , 51reads )
谢谢回复 nianyu   (0 bytes , 36reads )
层主拿哪张信用卡呀?shop? Samantha00   (0 bytes , 36reads )
我申请了shop 和family 卡 trim   (40 bytes , 96reads )
shop卡拿到rebate了吗? Samantha00   (0 bytes , 57reads )
送100真没听说 umbrellalin   (46 bytes , 51reads )
你如果有转薪水过去, zmwang   (23 bytes , 39reads )
哦应该没份。 umbrellalin   (32 bytes , 46reads )
基本相同感受 国大大叔   (208 bytes , 78reads )
我的申请表交上去一个月多点就收到通知了 艾嘎嘎   (77 bytes , 61reads )
我的卡拿到还不到一个月 trim   (99 bytes , 93reads )
只想说一下 On   (81 bytes , 71reads )
听起来各种受限制 umbrellalin   (84 bytes , 73reads )
citi不可以 CRP1   (18 bytes , 71reads )
citiybank都不可以啊 umbrellalin   (71 bytes , 77reads )
开了帐户两天网银里面都没显示我的存款和信用卡 梅子饭团   (20 bytes , 111reads )
信用卡需要去银行柜台手动链接 trim   (57 bytes , 73reads )
他们在新加坡都好久啦 199   (881 bytes , 100reads )
同意 woaiiori   (86 bytes , 84reads )
可以用借记卡啊 umbrellalin   (56 bytes , 75reads )