所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2015-03-25 14:35

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The interest rate on Ordinary Account (OA) monies is adjusted quarterly. OA monies earn either the legislated minimum interest of 2.5% per annum, or the 3-month average of major local banks’ interest rates, whichever is higher.

The OA interest rate will be maintained at 2.5% per annum from 1 January 2015 to 31 March 2015, as the computed rate of 0.21% is lower than the legislated minimum interest rate.

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新元银行3个月同业拆息率(3 Month Sibor)突破1%,2009年以来最高 NewOriental   (2464 bytes , 2064reads )
昨天收到银行信件调整利率,吓到了 lxwvictor   (120 bytes , 144reads )
才1.2%而已,现在市场上都已经是2+%了 风舞神牛   (0 bytes , 117reads )
想怎么做都行,但要注意流动性 大叔一名   (200 bytes , 111reads )
大叔想的周到啊。你提出的 concern 我当然想到了。 NewOriental   (199 bytes , 124reads )
土豪就是任性 大叔一名   (200 bytes , 105reads )
谢谢分享观点。如你所说,我的非新币资产,并非股票资产。 NewOriental   (64 bytes , 102reads )
我猜届时会有很多人把人民币搬过来这边买公寓 寒武   (64 bytes , 94reads )
我们讲述自己的观点的时候能不能严谨一点 心动不如行动   (100 bytes , 121reads )
假设 Sibor 继续升高,导致住房贷款 mortgage 利率超过 CPF OA 2.5% 的利率 NewOriental   (335 bytes , 196reads )
贷款利息涨了不少 一米阳光   (37 bytes , 99reads )
那就得无奈的忍受万恶资本主义的剥削了。 NewOriental   (110 bytes , 98reads )
到利息升到2.5了,CPF利息还是2.5吗?看看这段关于CPF利息的。 bigfacecat   (407 bytes , 173reads )
这个问题问的好。 NewOriental   (332 bytes , 129reads )
房贷利率升到2.5%以上,我的考虑是: 沃西山人   (296 bytes , 143reads )
兄弟的计划,于我心甚有戚戚焉。 NewOriental   (0 bytes , 93reads )