所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2013-07-10 14:39

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我当黄金是保险,我有10%资产在里面,如果跌了50%,我损失资产的5%。我觉得可以接受,那我就不理会了。每个人的comfortable level不一样,你自己研究下再做决定吧。

"If you're going to own a currency, it's not sensible not to own gold. Now it depends on the amount of gold. But if you don't own, I don't know 10%, if you don't have that and that depends on the world, then there's no sensible reason other than you don't know history and you don't know the economics of it. " - Ray Dalio

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/ray-dalio-on-gold-2012-9#ixzz2YcdTtA6a

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