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Master of Information Systems Management:
Business Intelligence & Data Analytics
MISM Business Intelligence &
Data Analytics (BIDA)
The Master of Information Systems Management (MISM) degree with a Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (BIDA) concentration is developing an elite set of graduates cross-trained in business process analysis and skilled in predictive modeling, GIS mapping, analytical reporting, segmentation analysis, and data visualization.
Organizations across the world are struggling to develop the know-how to aggregate, analyze, and most importantly monetize the growing surge of available data. Current discussions with banking, healthcare, retail, and government entities point to a severe shortage of individuals that have the combined business, analytics, IT, and communications skills required to be leaders in this field. The School of Information Systems and Management at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College is perfectly positioned to educate these leaders and provide them with a unique ability to analyze data and effectively communicate the gathered business intelligence
MISM-BIDA Core Courses
• Data Mining
• Data Warehousing
• Analytics and Business Intelligence
• Analytics Game
• Data Analytics Capstone Project
“Today’s firms have plenty of data sources and data warehouses. What they lack are business leaders who can understand and use these data to improve business decisions. The Business Intelligence and Data Analytics program is designed to train future leaders who can fill that role.”
MISM-BIDA Analytic Electives
• Business Process Modeling
• Statistical Graphics and Visualization
• Event and Pattern Detection
• Text Analytics
• Large-Scale Data Analysis
• Causal Inference
Michael D. Smith
Professor of Information Technology and Marketing
MISM-BIDA Business Electives
• IT Business Leadership
• Analysis of Social Media
• OR Techniques for Consultants
• Interactive Marketing
• Data Analysis in Health Fields

Financial Aid
All students applying to the MISM program are eligible to be considered for merit-based scholarships. Over 40 percent of incoming students receive a scholarship from the MISM program. Detailed information on student expenses and financial aid options is available at http://www.heinz.cmu.edu/school-of-information-systems-and-management/information-systems-management-mism/costs-financial-aid/index.aspx.
For more information, visit the MISM website ,www.heinz.cmu.edu/bida or contact the
admissions office at: 412-268-2164 or hnzadmit@andrew.cmu.edu
Application Deadline
January 10 - The application form must be submitted via the online application system by the deadline. Supporting materials sent by mail (if any) must be postmarked by the deadline. Our admissions committee cannot begin reviewing your application until we have received all of your application materials. If space remains in the class after the deadline we will continue to accept applications. Scholarship opportunities after the deadline are limited.
Revised 11/8/11

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查了一下。顺便学习。 micomama   (31 bytes , 217reads )