所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2012-10-15 10:35

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Broker 给的信息:
Dear All,

My company is currently having a book building exercise for Dynasty Reit IPO, company background is as per below:
Company Background

Dynasty REIT is a Singapore real estate investment trust (“REIT”) established with the investment strategy of principally investing, directly or indirectly, in income-producing real estate located in the PRC which is used primarily for commercial purposes, as well as real estate-related assets.

Based on the book building price range of S$0.82 to S$0.92 per unit, the estimated yield for Dynasty REIT is 6.8% to 7.1% (FY2012 Annualised) and 7.0% to 7.3% (FY2013)

As at the Listing Date, Dynasty REIT’s initial portfolio of properties comprises three commercial properties in the PRC strategically located in primary commercial centres in Nanjing, Dalian and Shanghai in the PRC (the “IPO Portfolio”), with an aggregate gross floor area1 (“GFA”) of 350,475.8 sq m. The IPO Portfolio consists of (i) Nanjing International Finance Center (南京國際 金融中心) (“Nanjing IFC”), (ii) Dalian Tianxing Roosevelt Center (大連天興羅斯福國際中心)
(“Dalian TRC”) and (iii) Shanghai International Capital Plaza (上海盛邦國際大廈) (“Shanghai ICP”)

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
集资1亿多万 阁室亚洲本地公开售股(Z) 今起至11日供公众认购 shaokunlun   (2577 bytes , 1906reads )
Courts 1.03 +0.03 shaokunlun   (30 bytes , 110reads )
HAC每股36分售新股(Z) shaokunlun   (1515 bytes , 168reads )
又是私下配售 shaokunlun   (30 bytes , 139reads )
今年首个IPO 宝特控股将发售配售股(Z) shaokunlun   (1318 bytes , 223reads )
私下配售,不公开发行吧? 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 131reads )
公开售股 shaokunlun   (9 bytes , 139reads )
文中说的是配售,木有说公开发行啊。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 113reads )
又有IPO了 shaokunlun   (101 bytes , 173reads )
courts 回到77c ipo价了。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 162reads )
原来2q eps 7.7c,1h 10.9c,interim dividend 6.3c。这些数字看上去相当好啊。 牛魔王   (62 bytes , 201reads )
下面的ipo中,gaylin应该可以申请。 牛魔王   (36 bytes , 232reads )
望了这个gay是做神马的。但觉得他要冲,就买了。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 128reads )
gay冲了。前高42.5,后面木有阻力,一望无际。 牛魔王   (25 bytes , 182reads )
刚刚去申请,却说closed。怎么这个鸟股10am close。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 159reads )
courts is having great singapore sales. 茶几   (58 bytes , 315reads )
再补一句。这贴里的这几个IPO,没一个是好东西。 茶几   (0 bytes , 237reads )
茶几兄莫要生气 shaokunlun   (84 bytes , 193reads )
集资3850万元 艺林控股公开售股 (Z) shaokunlun   (1866 bytes , 230reads )
Stag shaokunlun   (47 bytes , 197reads )
0.825卖出,0.785 cover回。 茶几   (80 bytes , 326reads )
印度联通保健信托IPO定价0.90元(Z) shaokunlun   (1337 bytes , 338reads )
瓦靠。。。破发。。三哥的卢比果然不靠谱!! delay   (0 bytes , 188reads )
吾靠,82c鸟。这股的yield这么高,是不是神马价位可以搞一点? 牛魔王   (28 bytes , 181reads )
看来今天有破八的气势。。。 delay   (0 bytes , 145reads )
卢比不靠谱,神马yield都是浮云。。牛王别自投罗网阿。。。 delay   (0 bytes , 182reads )
觉得还不至于这么糟糕。值得眼盘一哈。 牛魔王   (22 bytes , 153reads )
这个适合收贮吃利息 shaokunlun   (10 bytes , 180reads )
就怕卢比不争气, 把你的利息给吃了... delay   (0 bytes , 183reads )
卢比走势 - 貌似止跌回升了 shaokunlun   (113 bytes , 174reads )
India trade deficit at its highest in 16 months 牛魔王   (2277 bytes , 195reads )
印象中三哥的外汇储备一直在增加。在贸易持续出赤字的情况下这又是如何实现的呢? 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 186reads )
不要忘记有数百万印度IT工作者在海外工作 shaokunlun   (61 bytes , 184reads )
看来三哥的经济学家实在是了不起。 牛魔王   (54 bytes , 168reads )
我尚未看他的招股书。但直觉这股不好。当年的indiabull是怎么回事情? 牛魔王   (33 bytes , 197reads )
稍微瞄了一眼,应该可以申请。 牛魔王   (19 bytes , 197reads )
盛世产业信托和印尼煤矿专家将在我国上市(Z) shaokunlun   (2166 bytes , 205reads )
IPO明天截止 天然煤矿集团有印尼市场做后盾(Z) shaokunlun   (2842 bytes , 256reads )
几点注意的地方 shaokunlun   (129 bytes , 171reads )
同求牛王提点盛世产业信托是否值得申请。 liveinsg   (29 bytes , 197reads )
suspend lor!! liveinsg   (374 bytes , 227reads )
木有招股书。只从他的yield看,觉得是个鸡肋,意义不大。 牛魔王   (363 bytes , 172reads )
opera上面找不到招股书。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 171reads )
招股书 shaokunlun   (181 bytes , 158reads )
还木有开始公众申请啊?你是要拿placement? 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 187reads )
是的哦 liveinsg   (1243 bytes , 270reads )
这个也呼吁牛王瞄一眼 lioncity_sg   (0 bytes , 173reads )
UOB Kay Hian?是不是意味着不能用DBS的ATM或InternetBanking申购? 凯文   (0 bytes , 289reads )
有几点要注意的 shaokunlun   (179 bytes , 223reads )
我只看到股东献售数远远超过新股数。 茶几   (46 bytes , 294reads )
仁者见仁,智者见智 shaokunlun   (515 bytes , 204reads )
那你就去申呗,你看有人拦着你了么。 茶几   (0 bytes , 246reads )
此股曾经在新加坡摘过牌,反响很不好。 茶几   (37 bytes , 276reads )
突然花现标题 - 集资1亿多万 lioncity_sg   (10 bytes , 212reads )
i dont like courts 树冷   (188 bytes , 253reads )
呼吁IPO达人牛王出来提点一番。 lioncity_sg   (0 bytes , 186reads )