there are very few stocks that can match such performance
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2011-09-30 20:28

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Qingmei’s IPO price was 31 cts. Its record high & low were 36.5 cts and 15.5 cts respectively. With FY10 earnings of 39.1 cts(RMB) per share and dividend payout of 11.72 cts(RMB); and FY11 earnings of 43.1 cts(RMB) per share and dividend payout of 12.92 cts(RMB), there are very few stocks that can match such performance. At the current price of around 19.5 cts (close to its bottom), there is very low downside risk but high potential upside capital gain -(provided the bull market returns and rotational interest comes into the penny stocks). I added more to my holdings recently at the current price level and bad market sentiments.

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