所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2011-01-20 15:20

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 


(c) Colour dyeing
In the case of nylon zipper chains, the completed zipper chain itself will be sent to undergo
colour dyeing processes, whereas only the raw fabric tape will be sent for colour dyeing for
plastic and metal zipper chains. Colour dyeing is carried out in accordance with the colour
swatches and specifications provided by our customers in order to achieve the desired
effect. Such processes are outsourced to third party dyeing factories

(c) Electro-plating / Spray painting
Further processing works comprise either electro-plating or spray painting. Spray painting
provides a non-metallic coating for the zipper sliders and is usually carried out in-house as
we have the necessary spray painting facilities. Electro-plating, on the other hand, is the
process where a metallic coating is applied onto the zipper slider for purposes of providing
decorative finishes. As we do not have the necessary electro-plating machinery, we usually
outsource electro-plating works to third parties. Upon completion of electro-plating
procedures, the electro-plated zipper sliders will be sent back to our factories in Jinjiang

(1) Jinjiang Fu Long is not related to our Group and is our supplier of color dyeing services

Jinjiang Fu Long is a company established in the PRC and is principally involved in the business of colour dyeing. Mr Hong Qing Liang was the legal representative of Jinjiang Fu Long from 2003 to 2005. From 2005 onwards, Mr Hong Qing Liang relinquished his position as the legal
representative of Jinjiang Fu Long and the position was transferred to an independent third party.
Fook Hing Holdings (HK) Company Limited was the 100% shareholder of Jinjiang Fu Long from
1998 till April 2006. Mr Hong Qing Ling (1), who is the brother of our Chief Executive Officer
and Director, Mr Hong Qing Liang, and nephew of our Non-Executive Chairman, Mr Hung Wo
Chiu, is the 100% shareholder of Fook Hing Holdings (HK) Company Limited. The shares which
Fook Hing Holdings (HK) Company Limited had in Jinjiang Fu Long were subsequently transferred
to Hong Kong Fook Hing Industrial Company (which was wholly owned by Mr Hung Wo Chiu) from
April 2006 to October 2006. On 8 October 2006, the shareholdings held by Hong Kong Fook Hing
Industrial Company were sold to an independent third party, which is not related to our Directors and Controlling Shareholders, and their associates. Accordingly, Jinjiang Fu Long is no longer considered an interested person in relation to our Group.


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Fuxing刚刚一口将18分的2845K扫到完。。。 zhaijj   (24 bytes , 1858reads )
该股跌回来.185,可以买点么?还有山人的sinotel.350了,可以进么? 新手报到   (62 bytes , 251reads )
0.180 可以进(个人意见) 开胃菜   (1 bytes , 299reads )
...如果只是sinotel的话。。。 茶几   (278 bytes , 801reads )
sinotel是只处在下跌趋势的股票。。。 zhaijj   (73 bytes , 475reads )
能出现比山人入手价格还低3%的价位 巴菲特   (63 bytes , 428reads )
涨到0.2了。。。买盘还是很大。。。该卖吗? 小前儿可虎了   (0 bytes , 317reads )
我手中已经没有了,再跌一点俺再买回。。。 zhaijj   (34 bytes , 358reads )
不该卖。你看看周线! 树冷   (0 bytes , 277reads )
树冷兄,福兴12月买了三家公司 丑角   (436 bytes , 384reads )
丑角兄观察好厉害,看了那个报道吓了我一跳 新生   (3326 bytes , 427reads )
难道当年低价卖出去,现在高价买回,还说为了发展? 丑角   (17 bytes , 349reads )
这个我猜得内部人士才能知道,网上找不到相关信息。 新生   (92 bytes , 287reads )
新生的想法好阳光阿 丑角   (77 bytes , 303reads )
如果哪位兄弟姐妹去参加fuxing的AGM的话,恳请帮忙问问管理层福兴和这三家的关系, 新生   (120 bytes , 340reads )
惭愧,做投资想法太阳光了不好 新生   (154 bytes , 344reads )
这个问我就问错人了。 树冷   (189 bytes , 282reads )
还请树兄明示,目标价能到多少呢? Elsa   (0 bytes , 261reads )
不知道目标。但现在是个cup边缘,突破刚开始。给个机会嘛。 树冷   (0 bytes , 237reads )
该不该卖那要看个人的满意度。。。 zhaijj   (70 bytes , 327reads )
4700手又被一口扫完。。。 zhaijj   (14 bytes , 316reads )
闭市$0.195。。。 zhaijj   (28 bytes , 300reads )
请教翟兄目标价,谢谢! picaqiu   (0 bytes , 274reads )
庄家要炒到哪俺不知道。。。 zhaijj   (36 bytes , 347reads )
想发个图看看FUXING这只股的走势,可发不了。。。 zhaijj   (36 bytes , 343reads )
2011手$0.185又被扫完。。。 zhaijj   (36 bytes , 303reads )
我关注的HISAKA应该动了吧。。。 zhaijj   (34 bytes , 646reads )
买盘不见了。。。 zhaijj   (34 bytes , 328reads )
这只我有.... lioncity_sg   (26 bytes , 308reads )
HISAKA今天很给力呀。。。 zhaijj   (36 bytes , 346reads )
请教一下翟老大现在怎么看HISAKA? 香陵居士   (40 bytes , 267reads )
hisaka今天是CD的最后一天。。。 zhaijj   (142 bytes , 324reads )
XD之后不跌反升,看来后市非常好…… 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 306reads )
恭喜大哥,哈哈,47了 290   (0 bytes , 305reads )
$0.185又将2929K扫完。。。 zhaijj   (10 bytes , 425reads )