又是 DBS 搞的。。。
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2010-09-23 10:38

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MARKET TALK: Hiap Seng Engineering +16.9%; Undervalued - DBS

Hiap Seng Engineering (510.SG) +16.9% at S$0.76 in active trade, highest level since November 2007, prompting query from SGX on price action. Singapore-based plant builder yet to reply but traders attribute gains to bullish note from DBS Vickers, which has Buy call with S$0.94 target. House says Hiap Seng's huge P/E discount of 28%-50% to peers not warranted, especially given its steady earnings growth, healthy balance sheet, high dividend payout. Adds order flow momentum expected to pick up; "we remain positive on demand for gas compressor packages from the Middle East. We believe active negotiations taking place are likely to translate into firm orders in the months ahead." Current orderbook at S$166 million. Orderbook quotes suggest minimal upside beyond early high of S$0.80.

停损是贏家的法宝, 保本是永远不败的秘诀!! 永远不要把自己置于危险境地, 永远不要承担过度的风险!!
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hiap seng 怎么啦?排队情况严重不对。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 1220reads )
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又是 DBS 搞的。。。 168   (853 bytes , 451reads )
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