heh good try,,, but maybe need to revise your entry point....
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2010-01-28 22:27

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
did you really check where STI was exactly at 12:00 noon yesterday....? at that time STI was 2760,,,, even higher than today's closing price......

You can only make money if you bought yesterday in the last hour when many stocks are penic,,, and held overnight position last night,, or you turn long within 30 min after today's opening(since today's first hour STI already run +40 points...)...... otherwise there were not too much meat left on the table......

Anyway,,, pick some penic stocks after 6 successive falling day could give u a higher probability to win on the 7th day,, but it is still a counter-trend trade,, the timing of your entry is really very critical...

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