if you check the pb
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2009-02-18 23:59

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
the valuation is quite reasonable, h-shares (latest pb)

china construction bank 1.4pb (bank of America exercised their call options at 1.2pb)
boc & citic bank 0.95pb
icbc 1.5pb
bank of communications 1.2pb
cmb 1.58pb

just ask a question: the chinese banks have the same toxic assets as citi/rbs/hsbc/etc have?

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周评-2月14日 忘记历史就是背叛 纵横博弈   (1573 bytes , 1193reads )
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talking about market cap here? hersvim   (0 bytes , 293reads )
Sorry that I misunderstood your point 香陵居士   (183 bytes , 313reads )
if you check the pb hersvim   (311 bytes , 329reads )
Sorry may I know what is pb? 香陵居士   (160 bytes , 326reads )
so what's your point? hersvim   (0 bytes , 315reads )
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china mobile's no.1 market cap already shows hersvim   (32 bytes , 315reads )
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