所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2009-02-13 17:08

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Dear Council Members,

This is to update you with regards to the theft incident which occurred at the Gym room on 2nd December 2008, whereby two pairs of dumbells (7kg and 8kg) were stolen from the gym room. The police had investigated and identified the culprit responsible for the theft case. The details of the culprit are as follows:

Name: Dr. Chin 。。。
Subsidiary Proprietor of Blk 。。。

As of now, the police have submitted the case to the AG chambers for their decision on whether to press charge against the culprit.

The culprit, had however appealed to the Management Office for leniency and to drop the case against him, claiming that he "can't remember what happened that time". He has since surrendered the stolen dumbells to the police.

This matter had been brought up and discussed in the SCP sub-committee meeting on 12th February 2009. The committee recommended that it is in the best interest of the MCST to "go by the book" and let the police handle the case. The culprit may appeal to the police / magistrate for leniency.

May I have the Council's concurrence on the committee's recommendation, please.



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