所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2008-06-18 14:14

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The black and white bulls and cows that are the pinup cattle for the dairy industry, are a precious commodity in Heilongjiang, China. These Holsteins - as the breed is called - are the world's most productive dairy cows, each able to produce up to 10 tonnes of raw milk yearly.


For FY2008,bull semen brought in 379 million renminbi, or 69.3% of revenue; while embryos generated sales of 63.1 million renminbi, making up some 11.6% of total revenue.
China Milk also sells raw milk, which contributed some 19.1% of revenue in FY2008.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao famously said, "i have a dream, to provide every Chinese, especially children, sufficient milk each day."


爸爸说:"出来混,迟早是要还的。" 我说:"过了明天就没事了。” 妈妈说:"过了三点,就都知道了。" 我又说:"老妈,我都说过好几次了,新加坡是五点收盘。" 妈妈反驳道:"我说的是炒汇,眼光放远点。" 我:"哦......"
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