3 块算是站稳了。。。不知道下一步到几块啊??
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-09-24 16:11

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

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看图说话STX PO:风景这边独好 恬淡虚无   (358 bytes , 2591reads )
Which one is STX PO 急功进利   (199 bytes , 378reads )
你把她所有的女儿都找到了,可惜找不到丈母娘。。。呵呵 hahaha   (0 bytes , 194reads )
stx po 始终没有突破历史最高点4.24。。。 hahaha   (50 bytes , 266reads )
韩国昨天出炉的国家经济良好,应该有一波新的 halley   (0 bytes , 232reads )
韩国的已经将近涨停板了,韩国资金会涌入新加坡?? 和前天一样? hahaha   (53 bytes , 296reads )
今天可能不会 恬淡虚无   (30 bytes , 265reads )
如果小新下午再像昨天一样跳水,STX PO又有危险了。。。。 hahaha   (19 bytes , 210reads )
今天能站稳380就是胜利。。明天会更好! hahaha   (0 bytes , 237reads )
收在3.7,危险。。。危险 hahaha   (0 bytes , 233reads )
守住350 恬淡虚无   (60 bytes , 343reads )
冲高回落 恬淡虚无   (30 bytes , 281reads )
stx韩国创新高 恬淡虚无   (34 bytes , 299reads )
怎么回事, 下午跌回去了? sgCSM   (22 bytes , 280reads )
因为大盘在跌啊! hahaha   (0 bytes , 227reads )
加油,冲冲冲!!! hahaha   (0 bytes , 238reads )
haoxiang今天有消息说stx po要回购一些股票 hahaha   (18 bytes , 316reads )
今天终于开始休息喘气了,最近两天可以趁低捡一些了 hahaha   (71 bytes , 311reads )
开始第四波涨势???还是只是大跌后的反弹? hahaha   (0 bytes , 222reads )
这头牛已经化身为俊马,绝尘而去袅...突破4元 临江仙   (0 bytes , 235reads )
这种涨法,哪天是个头啊?果然是另外一个COSCO hahaha   (0 bytes , 242reads )
此涨绵绵无绝期 紧跟恬淡   (0 bytes , 312reads )
乖乖,STX Pan Ocean (028670.KS) 在韩国今天到现在又飙了8.5%,,, hahaha   (40 bytes , 324reads )
更高更快更强 恬淡虚无   (88 bytes , 352reads )
Gone with the wind! fishhead   (0 bytes , 273reads )
恬淡兄,我还是跟的不紧啊! 紧跟恬淡   (60 bytes , 330reads )
再接再厉 恬淡虚无   (12 bytes , 341reads )
行,那就听你的!!!只好安慰一下自己! 紧跟恬淡   (0 bytes , 290reads )
3.42!!! chong chong chong ghorse   (0 bytes , 317reads )
3.56!!!! ghorse   (0 bytes , 289reads )
STX PO 今天在韩国涨了将近15%!! hahaha   (0 bytes , 249reads )
没有无缘无故的涨 涨挺板   (41 bytes , 458reads )
哦,是因为这个原因啊 hahaha   (0 bytes , 278reads )
今天开始又一轮涨势??? hahaha   (25 bytes , 277reads )
今天一开市在韩国就涨了15%。。。 hahaha   (26 bytes , 314reads )
在新开市不涨反跌.需要休息一下.韩国引领本地还需等待时日 欢乐股市   (0 bytes , 287reads )
高歌猛进 恬淡虚无   (57 bytes , 323reads )
挖哈哈哈哈!!! hahaha   (2 bytes , 291reads )
028670.KS 是STX PO韩国交易所的code.. hahaha   (4 bytes , 342reads )
sold @ $3.4 Bullion   (47 bytes , 370reads )
请问今天韩国开市了ma? hahaha   (19 bytes , 315reads )
涨了12分了. hahaha   (7 bytes , 322reads )
强势不减 恬淡虚无   (108 bytes , 426reads )
图形上没啥问题 Bullion   (14 bytes , 305reads )
早上没时间看,挂了张单,可惜没买到.....希望还有机会 紧跟恬淡   (0 bytes , 279reads )
3 块算是站稳了。。。不知道下一步到几块啊?? hahaha   (8 bytes , 328reads )
旗开得胜 恬淡虚无   (328 bytes , 445reads )
第二波 恬淡虚无   (121 bytes , 466reads )
顶老兄.318出货了. 紧跟恬淡   (48 bytes , 316reads )
吼一声! fishhead   (13 bytes , 349reads )
STX Pan Ocean opens up 3 pct in Seoul debut fishhead   (152 bytes , 467reads )
能长到多少阿? Bullion   (14 bytes , 321reads )
持股!持股!持股! 恬淡虚无   (40 bytes , 443reads )
老大就是老大。。。突破3块了。。。 hahaha   (14 bytes , 303reads )
30% Further Up? 恬淡虚无   (179 bytes , 465reads )
暂时继续持有 Bullion   (23 bytes , 347reads )
昨天的早报有提到这支股票,它说好像有故意拉高价钱以在韩国本土筹得更多资金 hahaha   (66 bytes , 378reads )
今天停盘? Bullion   (21 bytes , 350reads )
是啊 曾经   (22 bytes , 329reads )
昨天就停了. some news FYI AXL   (354 bytes , 442reads )
谢谢分享 Bullion   (20 bytes , 327reads )
STX korea listing info AXL   (599 bytes , 556reads )
are the shares fungible? 邓可   (0 bytes , 359reads )
dun think so. BTW CLSA raise STX SP target price to 3.5 AXL   (0 bytes , 325reads )
can take out from one exchange and deposit into another?? 邓可   (111 bytes , 370reads )
what u mean by deposit into the other? AXL   (0 bytes , 296reads )
withdraw from one exchange and deposit into another one 邓可   (283 bytes , 322reads )
not sure leh...but deposit in other exchange for what ah? 生小股票? ^_^ AXL   (0 bytes , 356reads )
so can trade in another exchange 邓可   (0 bytes , 311reads )
未来的发展 恬淡虚无   (231 bytes , 491reads )
呵呵 AXL   (51 bytes , 372reads )
请问你在哪里找到这个信息的? 曾经   (74 bytes , 337reads )
我的某个broker发给我的啦 AXL   (170 bytes , 416reads )
呵呵 曾经   (26 bytes , 375reads )
我也是无锡的 邓可   (0 bytes , 304reads )
老乡真多啊 哈哈 AXL   (0 bytes , 360reads )
今天午盘可以试着捡回来一些???老大的建议是??? hahaha   (16 bytes , 334reads )
胜利大逃亡 恬淡虚无   (78 bytes , 561reads )
good trade AXL   (56 bytes , 372reads )
下船? 没到岸啊? fishhead   (0 bytes , 291reads )
next monday STX pricing in Korea exchange. AXL   (0 bytes , 320reads )
你怎么知道的? 曾经   (37 bytes , 351reads )
this is the catalyst for stock px AXL   (150 bytes , 374reads )
走的好!拜一趁低再捡回来 hahaha   (48 bytes , 345reads )
3.00!!! ghorse   (0 bytes , 263reads )
3.00! 顶 TA   (0 bytes , 255reads )
健康的调整 恬淡虚无   (126 bytes , 526reads )
300目标到位,佩服佩服 乌龙茶999   (0 bytes , 305reads )
捡回来一些 恬淡虚无   (90 bytes , 386reads )
俺也来恭喜 o_o   (20 bytes , 285reads )
恭喜老大,已经长了7分了 hahaha   (23 bytes , 323reads )
同喜同喜 恬淡虚无   (56 bytes , 331reads )
老大是不是3.04出的啊???嗬嗬 hahaha   (14 bytes , 255reads )
哈哈,准备在下午再捡回一些。。。 hahaha   (24 bytes , 338reads )
再续辉煌 恬淡虚无   (305 bytes , 513reads )
一览众山小。。。。 hahaha   (0 bytes , 310reads )
amazing!! 花豹   (30 bytes , 415reads )
truly amazing AXL   (0 bytes , 299reads )
坚持持有 Bullion   (0 bytes , 290reads )
坚决做多 恬淡虚无   (172 bytes , 486reads )
谢谢推荐 Bullion   (13 bytes , 373reads )
不鸣则以 恬淡虚无   (623 bytes , 517reads )
顶! 谢谢这种连载分析! 受益非浅! 熊霸天下   (0 bytes , 346reads )
不鸣则已 恬淡虚无   (10 bytes , 371reads )
+6.38%,突破200! 恬淡虚无   (36 bytes , 442reads )
这个业绩好.庄强,可能成为下个COSCO 欢乐股市   (0 bytes , 291reads )
不信春风唤不回 恬淡虚无   (742 bytes , 492reads )
顶。谢谢老大的分析 多空翻   (0 bytes , 310reads )
再接再厉 恬淡虚无   (110 bytes , 405reads )
涛声依旧 恬淡虚无   (215 bytes , 425reads )
一如既往的顶!  fishhead   (0 bytes , 330reads )
探戈跳得不错, 再顶一下! fishhead   (0 bytes , 296reads )
高处不胜寒? 恬淡虚无   (121 bytes , 484reads )
这股真是猛啊 千虑   (18 bytes , 350reads )
这么热的天气, 高处好乘凉啊! fishhead   (0 bytes , 271reads )
顶一下, cheong! fishhead   (0 bytes , 421reads )
只好自己顶一下, 希望一举突破2.1!!! fishhead   (0 bytes , 305reads )
楼主每次推荐的都是好股!!! 休息一下   (53 bytes , 554reads )