紧急寻求Governess! family是wall street金融巨头,机会!机会!
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-08-15 01:05

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由于以前在NUS一个导师的先生是singtel做了15年的资深director,在工作上一直都有联系,前几天突然发了封邮件说要帮一个very important 的family找一个governess,美国来的。开始还以为是一般的美国人,结果今天把详细资料发给我,一看那个就是美国金融巨头Jim Rogers ,因为和singtel有生意,到新加坡来,有个4岁的女儿需要照顾和教中文。

总的一句话,大家肯定都看过devil wears prada, the pursuit of happyness,这是个很好的机会,很很好的机会,特别是对想进入金融业的朋友,就看怎么利用,而且我现在还在争取得到更详细的信息,不是说随便找人就行的。

就像devil wears prada里面女主角开始干的:“几百万女孩都梦想这个职位”因为只要能把握住机会,能够跟很多花了几十年才能见到的人交流,不用我说,大家都知道,如果有这样的帮助,那对自己的career可以说是。。。。

只限女性,本人是男的,所以想去也不行。。。而且有条很重要的就是能够说good bei jing mardrain,身边的朋友确实不多,所以才上来发帖请求帮助。


邮件原文如下,大家还可以到wikipedia上面查到他,从wall street出来的超级牛人。

Hi **

I just met a very important person, an American family. He has decided to come to Singapore to stay because he believes in Asia.

He has a 4 year old daugther and wants to look for a governess to stay in their home. This person must love kids, be matured, speak very good Beijin Mandarin, well read / educated, ideally, already working in Singapore.

Do you know anyone who fits the bill?



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Rogers (可以查这个人)

You might have heard of george soros? Jim Rogers set up the Quantum fund with him.

Please note the following:

1) this is NOT tuition
2) Person is to stay at home (24 hr / day)(正在争取改时间)
3) Main task is to look after child plus tutor child
4) must know basic caregiving to young children
5) must speak and write good beijing mandrin
6) knows about china history etc
7) willing to work in the domestic sector (this is not a high power corporate job)(轻松,不是传统意义上的女管家,偏向于一边教,一边玩,一边和小孩交流)

Pls send resume to me.

best not to forward this email. only speak to potential candidates. only to people you trust are of good character.

should be already residing in singapore.

If do not have any appropriate candidate, it is ok.



总的一句话,是个很好很好的机会。如果有意者请立即联系我,然后我马上出来见你,因为family 马上就要来新加坡了。

电话:81809268 邮件:zhaokaicq@hotmail.com 本人姓赵

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